Dragon's Dogma 2 (DD2)

List of All Collectibles


This is a guide that lists all of the collectibles in Dragon's Dogma 2 (DD2). Read on and see all of the collectibles, how many do you need to collect, where to find them, and how to use these collectibles!

List of All Collectibles

Seeker's Tokens


There are a total of 240 Seeker's Tokens that can be exchanged for special rewards when brought to guild halls. Seeker's Tokens can sometimes be found lying on the ground in remote locations, so players should be aware of their surroundings during exploration to avoid missing them.

All Seeker's Token Locations

Golden Trove Beetles

Golden Trove Beetle
Golden Trove Beetles are more of implements than they are collectibles but these beetles, which can be found out in the world, can be collected and consumed to increase your carry weight limit.

All Golden Trove Beetle Locations

What Are Collectibles?

Uncommon Items that are Difficult to Find

Collectibles are items that are hard, sometimes tedious, to find and may reward players when they've collected all of the collectibles.

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