Dragon's Dogma 2 (DD2)

Monster Culling Walkthrough and Rewards

Monster Culling is a main quest in Dragon's Dogma 2 (DD2). Read our guide for a walkthrough on how to start and complete the Monster Culling quest!

How to Complete Monster Culling

  1. Rid Trevo Mines of Goblins
  2. Rescue the Soldiers in Harve Village
  3. Locate the Soldiers and Their Freight
  4. Report Back to Captain Brant

Rid Trevo Mines of Goblins

To reach Trevo Mines, follow the path detailed above, being careful of goblins and harpies along the way. The entrance to the cave will be surrounded by wooden scaffolding, making it easy to spot.

Trek deeper into the cave while taking down goblins that you encounter. Near the end of the mine is a larger chamber, where multiple enemies attack from different elevations. Clearing this room will make sure that Trevo Mine is rid of goblins.

Rescue The Soldiers in Harve Village

Picking up where you left off from Trevo Mines, Harve Village will be due south. Proceed to Harve Village's coast, where you'll find Dylan, a soldier fretting over the disappearance of his fellow soldiers.

Head down the cavern next to him to enter Stormwind Cave, where you can hunt the Saurian causing the village trouble.

Locate the Soldiers East of Vermund

Northeast of Vermund, a band of soldiers are defending their freight from monsters on the road. Follow the path detailed above, being careful of enemies along the way. You'll know you're nearby as soon as you come across a wide wooden bridge.

Once you arrive at the Eastern Forest, you'll find the soldiers being swamped by goblins and saurians. Have your party take them out. After the enemies have been cleared, speak with the soldiers to secure their safety.

Report Back to Captain Brant

Once all three plagues of monsters have been dealt with, return to the Stardrop Inn during the night and let Captain Brant know of your victory.

How to Start Monster Culling

Speak with Captain Brant

Head to the Stardrop Inn in Vernworth at night and speak with Captain Brant. He will give you several quests to do including Monster Culling.

Note: Captain Brant only visits the inn at night so simply advance the time if he's not there to start the quest.

How to Change Time of Day

Monster Culling Quest Summary

How to Unlock and Rewards

Quest Type Main Quest
Location Vernworth
Unlock Condition Talk to Captain Brant after arriving in Vernworth
Quest Giver Captain Brant
Rewards XP: 3,000
Gold: 7,000

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