Dragon's Dogma 2 (DD2)

All Post Game Content


Players can unlock post game content like the Unmoored World, New Game Plus, and post game-exclusive equipment after completing the story in Dragon's Dogma 2 (DD2). See all the post game content and how to get 100% completion!

All Post Game Content

Post Game Unlocks
Unmoored World New Game Plus
Post Game-Exclusive Equipment

Unmoored World


The Arisen's goal in the Unmoored World is to defeat all the dragons before the world is engulfed by the red clouds to get the true ending. This world is an altered and decaying version of the original world inhabited by stronger enemies and erodes over time.

The Unmoored World is unlocked by talking to the Pathfinder during the credit roll of the normal ending. This will send you back in time as you ride to the battlefield, and you need to stab The Dragon's heart (Use on Self) with the Empowered Godsbane Blade.

Endings Guide: How to Get the True Ending

New Game Plus


New Game Plus lets you start another playthrough with some of your progression carrying over like weapons, armor, and items.

New Game Plus is unlocked at the earliest by getting either the bad or normal ending. Going for the true ending will send you straight to the Unmoored World, and you'll need to complete it to be able to start New Game Plus.

New Game Plus Changes and What Is Retained

Post Game-Exclusive Equipment

Dragonforged Equipment
Weapons Armor

Dragonforged Weapons

Weapon Type Vocation WLC
DragonDragon's Aegis Shield 40
DragonDragon's Bite Greatsword 110
DragonDragon's Dogma Sword 110
DragonDragon's Nous Staff 110
DragonDragon's Rancor Bow 110
DragonDragon's Vein Dagger 110
DragonDragon's Wit Archistaff 110
Dragonswail Litany IconDragonswail Litany Censer 110
Grianmhar IconGrianmhar Magickal Bow 110
Lindworm Fang IconLindworm Fang Duospear 110

Dragonforged Armor

Armor Type Vocation WLC
Ancient Galea IconAncient Galea Head Armor 20
Blazing Soul IconBlazing Soul Head Armor 20
Cavalier Hat IconCavalier Hat Head Armor 20
ClericCleric's Hood Head Armor 20
Cliff Leapers IconCliff Leapers Leg Armor 30
Deadly Nightshade IconDeadly Nightshade Head Armor 20
Dragon KnightDragon Knight's Helm Head Armor 20
DuelistDuelist's Coat Body Armor 70
Dvarapala IconDvarapala Body Armor 70
Eagle-Eye Cuisses IconEagle-Eye Cuisses Leg Armor 30
ExecutionerExecutioner's Greaves Leg Armor 30
Heroic Coat IconHeroic Coat Body Armor 70
Living Altar IconLiving Altar Head Armor 20
Mettlesome Cuisses IconMettlesome Cuisses Leg Armor 30
Resonance Armor IconResonance Armor Body Armor 70
Runic Gaiters IconRunic Gaiters Leg Armor 30
Sacral Robe IconSacral Robe Body Armor 70
ScholarScholar's Breeches Leg Armor 30
Shrouded Helm IconShrouded Helm Head Armor 20
Silhouette of Sorcery IconSilhouette of Sorcery Body Armor 70
Spirit Coat IconSpirit Coat Body Armor 70
StriderStrider's Greaves Leg Armor 30
Stygian Omen IconStygian Omen Body Armor 70
SubjugatorSubjugator's Sallet Head Armor 20
Totemic Shroud IconTotemic Shroud Body Armor 70
Vashara Scaleskin IconVashara Scaleskin Body Armor 70

The Dragonforged Store in the Bay Wayside Shrine sells post game-exclusive weapons and armor in exchange for WLC (Wyrmslife Crystals). These equipment are much more fitting to use when taking on enemies in the Unmoored World.

Dragonforged Store Location

How to Get 100% Completion

100% Completion Guide

No Checklist-Type Post Game

Dragon's Dogma 2 does not have a checklist-type post game like gathering collectibles to get 100 percent completion. Instead, it leaves players with the option to start New Game Plus to make different choices this time around and stray from the beaten path.

When starting New Game Plus, try finishing the other side quests and missable content you may have missed out on during your initial playthrough.

All Quests List and Quest Guides

Earn All Trophies and Achievements


You can also attempt to collect all trophies and achievements in the game, and doing so may allow you to discover hidden content and areas that you haven't experienced previously.

Trophy Guide and List of Achievements

Collect Golden Trove Beetles


Collect the Golden Trove Beetles scattered all over the map to increase your max carrying capacity. These should be helpful for exploration and can also be used on your Main Pawn.

All Golden Trove Beetle Locations

Collect Seeker Tokens


Another item that you could find and collect are Seeker Tokens which you can exchange for different items and equipment in the Guild Hall. Seeker Tokens are usually hard to find so eep an eye out for them during exploration!

All Seeker's Token Locations

Perfect Your Build


If you haven't already, perfect your build by getting all the best in slot weapons, armor, weapon skills, and augments for your chosen Vocation and take on tougher enemies, especially in the Unmoored World.

Best Vocation Builds
Fighter Archer
Thief Mage

Max Out All Vocations

You can also try to max out all Vocations, especially if you're looking to play as a Warfarer and have the best augments for your build.

Should You Level All Vocations?

Fully Explore the Map


Open up the entirety of the map by exploring all areas and regions. Try finding all Portcrystals and oxcarts to help you travel across distances quickly.

Full Interactive Map and Map Locations

Dragon's Dogma 2 Related Guides


Walkthrough and Progression Guide

Walkthrough Guides
What to Do First What to Do Before Coronation
Endings Guide Post Game Content
Unmoored World Walkthrough -


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