Dragon's Dogma 2 (DD2)

Boltscale Location and How to Get

Boltscale is a material used to upgrade equipment in Dragon's Dogma 2. Learn how to get Boltscale and how to use it.

How to Get Boltscale

Defeat Saurians in Darkhorde Cave

Map Location In-Game Location

Boltscale can be dropped by electric Saurians or the lizards found in Darkhorde Cave. These monsters have notably more spikes and have lightning attacks. There's a nearby campsite nearby that you can use to respawn the enemies.

How to Use Boltscale

Used to Enhance Equipment


Boltscale can be used to enhance equipment at a Vendor who runs an armory or a smithy. Enhancing equipment involves using materials and Gold to strengthen or give effects to your armor or weapons.

How to Enhance Equipment

Finding Vendors

Vendors are commonly found in settlements such as Melve or Vernworth. Their presence also usually indicate the a nearby Inn for withdrawing and depositing items.

Do take care to avoid accidentally unsheathing your weapon as this can scare them away and prevent you from temporarily interacting with them.

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List of Materials

Asp ToxiscaleAsp Toxiscale AstraciteAstracite Beast-SkinBeast-Skin Black CrystalBlack Crystal
Black Freakish ManeBlack Freakish Mane Blackened HornBlackened Horn BoltscaleBoltscale Chopper HornChopper Horn
Copper OreCopper Ore CopperstoneCopperstone Cursed Dullahan BoneCursed Dullahan Bone Dappled OreDappled Ore
DarkscaleDarkscale Dragon ScaleDragon Scale EldriciteEldricite ElectrumElectrum
Currently UnavailableEternum Fell-LordFell-Lord's Bone Foaming SlimeFoaming Slime Freakish ManeFreakish Mane
Fuligin OreFuligin Ore Goblin HornGoblin Horn Gold OreGold Ore Granite Medusa BoneGranite Medusa Bone
Great Griffin ClawGreat Griffin Claw Greenish SlimeGreenish Slime Griffin PinionGriffin Pinion Harpy PinionHarpy Pinion
Currently UnavailableHunk of Rift Crystal Jagged BoneJagged Bone Knacker HornKnacker Horn Leapworm SkinLeapworm Skin
Magick MedalMagick Medal MiasmiteMiasmite Minotaur HornMinotaur Horn Misshapen EyeMisshapen Eye
Monster FangMonster Fang Monster HideMonster Hide Ogre SpurOgre Spur Ogre TalonOgre Talon
Oily SlimeOily Slime Pointed FangPointed Fang Poison PinionPoison Pinion Putrid Gold ToothPutrid Gold Tooth
Rabbit PeltRabbit Pelt Rattler RockscaleRattler Rockscale Redwolf FangRedwolf Fang Rugged BoneRugged Bone
Saurian ScaleSaurian Scale Saurian TailSaurian Tail Scrap IronScrap Iron Silver CrownSilver Crown
Silver OreSilver Ore Sinister FangSinister Fang Slate-Colored HornSlate-Colored Horn Small FangSmall Fang
Southron IronSouthron Iron Currently UnavailableSpider Venom Sac Spurious WingSpurious Wing SunstoneSunstone
Twisted PinionTwisted Pinion Wailing CrystalWailing Crystal WhitecobbleWhitecobble Wyrmslife CrystalWyrmslife Crystal


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