Dragon's Dogma 2 (DD2)

Glymercole Uses

Glymercole is a type of valuable farmed in the Digger's Ruins in Dragon's Dogma 2 (DD2). Learn how to get Glymercole and know what to do with it!

Glymercole Uses

Sell for Gold


Glymercoles are farmable in Digger's Ruins but they do not have any use story-wise . Despite its item type being valuable, Glymercoles can safely be sold to any merchant in exchange for Gold.

The ruins usually fill up with Glymercoles and other farmable valuables per in-game day, therefore collecting and selling these items are one of the best ways to farm Gold.

How to Get Gold Fast: Money Farming Guide

Gift to NPC


Glymercoles can also be given to any NPC that favors these kinds of items to increase their affection towards you.

You can give it to Vendors instead of selling it to them. As your affinity level increases with them, you'll unlock discounts at their shops.

How to Give Gifts

How to Get Glymercole

Collect Glymercole in Digger's Ruins

Glymercole can be found in Digger's Ruins, southwest of Bakbattahl.

Glymercoles are non-glowing lumps of coal abundantly scattered throughout the ruins and made to look like Glimmercoals.

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