Dragon's Dogma 2 (DD2)

Prey for the Pack Walkthrough and Quest Bug

Prey for the Pack is a time-sensitive side quest in Dragon's Dogma 2 (DD2). Read our guide for a walkthrough about how to rescue the missing Rodge, where to find Jacint, what happens if you fail to save Rodge, and what to do when you encounter the Prey for the Pack bug!

How to Complete Prey for the Pack

  1. Speak with Jacint
  2. What to Do When Jacint is Missing
  3. Speak with Timothy and Alsa
  4. Head to the Putrid Cave's Location
  5. Return to Morris

Speak with Jacint

The only villager you'd need to talk with in order to progress is an older woman named Jacint. She is wearing a green dress with an apron and a white mop cap and roams near Morris' Apothecary.

If you can't find her in the quest's highlighted area, you'll see her standing in front of a house located east of Morris' Shop.

What to Do When Jacint is Missing

The difficulty of finding Jacint comes not only from her absence in the quest's marked area but also from the fact that she moves around. In the morning, Jacint can be found walking from her house, which is located on the far eastern side of the town, to the front of the house above Ibrahim's Scrap Store.

She stays in that spot until the evening, then walks back to her house and stays there until the morning.

Speak with Timothy and Alsa

You can also gather information by talking to Timothy, the guy wearing a sun hat, and Alsa, the girl standing near the well. You can find them both near the entrance of the village.

Timothy will mention that he met Rodge by the cenotaph on the eastern side of town. Alsa, on the other hand, will tell you about how interesting the local flowers are when they glow at night.

Note that this step is not required to progress the quest, but can help you pinpoint the location you are looking for.

Putrid Cave Location

With all the clues gathered, you'll be sent to a location that is still a bit far from where Rodge is. The quest marker will take you to a graveyard, but you'd actually want to head further down the main road and on to a cave east of where you're initially told to go.

You know you're heading the right way if you encounter wolves along the way. Following this will eventually lead you to the Putrid Cave, where Rodge can be found.

Return to Morris

Return back to Checkpoint Rest Town with Rodge following along with you. Make sure that you don't stray from the main road and pay attention to Rodge, as he's not as fast as you and your Pawns, and he may tarry behind if you sprint.

There have been reports of Rodge disappearing as you go, most likely due to being stuck on terrain or other obstacles in the path, such as an Oxcart traveling, so be wary of this. Once you've arrived at the town, carry Rodge and bring him to Morris' Apothecary to complete the quest.

Prey for the Pack Quest Bug

Rodge Disappears While Following You

There have been reports of a bug that causes Rodge to disappear while leading him back to town.

We've yet to encounter this bug ourselves; however, some players pitched in that you'll simply have to go back to the cave, and you'll find Rodge back there again.

If you've encountered this bug and solved it in a different manner, don't hesitate to let us know in the comments!

▼ Jump to the comments! (8)

How to Start Prey for the Pack

Pass Through Morris' Apothecary

Make your way to Morris' Apothecary at near the center of Checkpoint Rest Town. He'll automatically engange you in coversation to start the quest.

Prey for the Pack is Time Sensitive


You have limited time to rescue Rodge, so try to prioritize this quest once you pick it up. If you let too much time pass before finding Rodge, you'll find that he will leave behind a Scrap of Cloth in the Putrid Cave, implying that he met a tragic end.

You can still complete the quest by returning the Scrap of Cloth to Morris, but you'll only receive 8,000 Gold and 4,000 XP.

List of All Timed Quests

Prey for the Pack Location

Map View
World View

Prey for the Pack starts at Morris' Apothecary in Checkpoint Rest Town.

Prey for the Pack Quest Summary

How to Unlock and Rewards

Quest Type Side Quest (Time Sensitive) Dragon
Location Checkpoint Rest Town
Unlock Condition Talk to Morris in his apothecary at the center of Checkpoint Rest Town
Quest Giver Morris
Rewards XP: 4,000
Gold: 11,000
Consequence ・Rodge dies.

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8 Anonymous3 months

Learned about this quest/succeeded it pretty much by accident. I hadn't even been to the Checkpoint Rest town yet, and was wandering and exploring caves and roads on the way when I wandered into the Putrid Cave and killed the wolves. Rodge immediately spoke with me and acted as if I'd already met his grandfather and accepted the quest. I escorted Rodge back and I think I received the full reward. I was worried about him getting stuck so I carried him the entire way, and never had the known bug.

7 Anonymous11 months

This whole quest was buggy: on my way out, I got pulled into the “Tensions on the Highroad” mission. Then my Pawn who knew the way stopped tracking it. Then my other Pawn stepped up, but also stopped tracking. I luckily found Putrid Cave but all that was left was his clothes. This quest was just one huge headache. Not to mention I ended up having to fight a freakin Phantasm too lol.


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