Dragon's Dogma 2 (DD2)

Thief Best Skills and Builds

Dragons Dogma 2 - Thief Builds Augments and Skills

Thief is a Starter Vocation in Dragon's Dogma 2 (DD2). See the best skills, builds, augments, and equipment to use for the Thief as well as learn how to play the Thief in this guide!

Best Thief Builds

Thief Skills Build

Recommended Thief Loadout
Biting Wind Ensnare
Helm Splitter Shadow Cloak

Here is our recommended loadout for Thieves during your playthrough. Biting Wind will be your bread-and-butter move for dealing insane amounts of damage to enemies. If you're up against flying enemies, use Ensnare to pull them back to the ground.

If you're up against boss monsters, Helm Splitter becomes your go-to move as it deals more damage the larger the enemy is. If you find yourself stuck in a pinch, consider using Shadow Cloak to escape or reposition.

Don't forget to upgrade the skill to their improved versions as you unlock them!

Thief Augment Build

Augment Vocation / Description
Endurance Required Rank: 4
Increases your maximum Stamina.
Voracity Required Rank: 4
Recovers a small amount of Stamina when you deliver the killing blow to a target.
Zeal Required Rank: 6
Reduces the Stamina consumed when performing a weapon skill.
Avidity Required Rank: 9
Enables you to clamber up cliffs and scale foes and other surfaces more quickly.
Exaltation Required Rank: 9
Augments your Stamina recovery speed.
Dragons Dogma 2 - Thief Icon Thief
Required Rank: 9
Augments your Strength.

Thieves must focus on stamina and damage as they need to be mobile at all times. The augments listed above focus on maximizing stamina recovery either naturally or by killing enemies.

In addition, we also added augments that allow thieves to scale cliffs - helpful when exploring!

Best Weapons and Armor (End-Game)

Weapon Details
Weapon STR / MGK Where to Get
Framae Blades IconFramae Blades 290 / 0 Obtain from Volcanic Island Armory for 60000G.
Armor Loadout
Armor Part Where to Get
Lion-LordLion-Lord's Helm Head Purchase at Volcanic Island Armory for 35000 G.
Bestial Boon IconBestial Boon Body Purchase at Volcanic Island Armory for 42800 G.
Arena Breeches IconArena Breeches Leg Purchase at Volcanic Island Armory for 33100 G.
•  Ring of Quickening (Left Hand)
•  Ring of Skullduggery (Right Hand)
•  Admiral's Mantle (Cloak)

The best endgame equipment for the Archer is bought at the Armory in the Volcanic Island Camp. The build would be able to help you kill Dragons to farm Wyrmslife Crystals and purchase all the strongest post-game equipment from Bay Wayside Shrine.

The weapon to aim for is the Framae Blade then purchase the Lion-Lord's Helm, Bestial Boon, and Arena Breeches armor pieces to amp up your defenses.

Considering Thieves need to dish out a lot of damage from behind and use a lot of skills, we suggest purchasing a Ring of Skullduggery and a Ring of Quickening. This balances out the need to maximize behind-the-back damage and manage stamina in fights.

Best Weapon and Armor (Mid Game)

Weapon Details
Weapon STR / MGK Where to Get
Divine Razors IconDivine Razors 237 / 0 Obtain from Awaran's Arms for 45500G.
Armor Loadout
Armor Part Where to Get
Midnight Turban IconMidnight Turban Head Purchase at Bodas's Armory for 26000 G.
VanquisherVanquisher's Armor Body Purchase at Bodas's Armory for 37000 G.
Dapper Chausses IconDapper Chausses Leg Purchase at Bodas's Armory for 28000 G.

The best mid game weapon for the Thief is the Dagger, Divine Razors. You can get the weapon from Awaran's Arms as soon as you arrive in Bakbattahl.

The best mid game armor for the Thief is also bought in Bakbattahl - with Midnight Turban, Vanquisher's Armor, and Dapper Chausses taking the top spots. They can all be bought from Bodas' Armory and will set you back a total of 91,000 gold.

For rings and cloaks, equip those that will improve the Thief's overall Stamina rating especially in the mid-game where more enemy types get quicker and hit harder, making mobility a top priority.

Best Weapon and Armor (Early Game)

Weapon Details
Weapon STR / MGK Where to Get
Spite IconSpite 162 / 0 Obtain from Celeste's Smithy, Awaran's Arms for 27800G.
Armor Loadout
Armor Part Where to Get
Falconian Beak IconFalconian Beak Head Purchase at Celeste's Smithy for 14400 G.
Wildeagle Padded Armor IconWildeagle Padded Armor Body Purchase at Celeste's Smithy for 20800 G.
Beast-Leather Breeches IconBeast-Leather Breeches Leg Purchase at Celeste's Smithy for 14800 G.

The best early game weapon for the Thief is the Dagger, Spite. You can get the weapon the earliest from Celeste's Smithy in Checkpoint Rest Town for 27,800 gold.

Likewise, the best early game armor for the Thief is also bought from Celeste's Smithy - with Falconian Beak, Wildeagle Padded Armor, and Beast-Leather Breeches taking the top spots. Getting all of them will set you back a total of 50,000 gold.

For rings and cloaks, equip those that will improve the Thief's overall Stamina rating as thieves needs it to properly use skills and cling to monsters longer.

Thief Pawn Party Composition

Arisen Main Pawn Hired Pawn Hired Pawn
Dragons Dogma 2 - Thief IconThief Dragons Dogma 2 - Mage IconMage Dragons Dogma 2 - Fighter IconFighter Dragons Dogma 2 - Fighter IconFighter

The best party composition for a Thief has their main pawn as a Mage, and hiring two Fighter pawns. If you need more damage, you can dismiss one Fighter pawn and hire a Warrior instead.

The two Fighters would mostly take over the front line duties, making sure they deal damage and take all enemies' attention away as you blink in-and-out of battle from the sidelines. The Mage will then keep the party healed up and imbue them with beneficial effects when they can!

Best Party Composition

Best Thief Skills

Best Weapon Skills

Skill Name Rating and Explanation
Biting Wind Rating: ★★★★★
• Can be used repeatedly and can deal high damage
• The main skill of a Thief - required for all loadouts
• A moving attack so it's hard to get hit by opponents. In any case, you can also evade easily!
Ensnare Rating: ★★★★★
• Great way to deal with flying enemies
• Has quite a long range so it's very easy to use!
Helm Splitter Rating: ★★★★☆
• Can hit multiple times if the enemy has a large body area.
•  Effective against bosses.
Shadow Cloak Rating: ★★★☆☆
• Makes you less likely to be targeted by monsters
• Useful if you're trying to sneak your way through quests
• Trivializes stealth missions
• Consumes stamina while active so be aware of your stamina bar!
Concussive Step Rating: ★★★☆☆
• A pretty good attack skill but very situational
• Very easy to set up while clinging to a monster

Best Core Skills

Skill Name Rating and Explanation
Scarlet Kisses Rating: ★★★★★
• Deals increased damage using multiple slashes
• Does not consume stamina so it is very easy to use • 
Bump and Lift Rating: ★★★★☆
• Can steal items from enemies
• Great way to farm items to sell. Great for farming gold.
Controlled Fall Rating: ★★★★☆
• Reduces damage when knocked away after an attack.
• Always try to avoid attacks if possible, but having this is a good fallback
• Allows you to quickly regain footing after getting knocked away. Needs proper timing though!

Best Thief Augments

Skill Name Rating and Explanation
Vigor Rating: ★★★★★
• Thieves rely on stamina to cling on foes so this is a must-get.
• This also makes sure you can keep clinging to the large enemy to deal extra damage.
Gratification Rating: ★★★★★
• A great way to sustain your HP pool while killing enemies
• Will most likely activate cause thieves dish out huge damage all the time
• Need to ensure that you take the last hit
Subtlety Rating: ★★★★☆
• Makes sure that you are not targeted by enemies in battle
• Perfect for the thief's run-and-gun gameplay

How to Unlock the Thief Maister Skills

Weapon Skill Description
Blades of the Pyre Skill Effect:
Brings the daggers together to ignite, wreathing them in a blazing inferno so potent that the user cannot escape being burned.
Unlocked via a Maister
Formless Feint Skill Effect:
Accelerates the user's reactions to an ungodly degree, enabling them to evade all manner of attacks from hostile targets. Consumes Stamina while active.
Unlocked via a Maister

Obtained by Looking for Srail

Map Overworld

There are two Vocation Maisters for the Thief vocation. The first Maister is Flaude, who is considered fake. The true Vocation Maister for Thief is Srail. They are both found in the Nameless Village's Manor.

How to Get Thief Maister Approval

# Objectives
1 Accept The Nameless Village Side Quest (Optional)
2 Enter the Manor in the Nameless Village and talk to Flaude.
3 Complete the obstacle segment below the Manor to reach Srail.

All Maister's Teachings Locations and Skills

How to Play the Thief

Avoid Enemy Attacks by Evading

The Thief is the only starter vocation that has an evade button so use it wisely. Thieves have this insane mobility option and abuse it to go in and out of battle constantly.

Follow Up With An Attack When the Enemy is Downed

When an opponent is down, pressing the Twin Fang button would execute a follow-up attack. This deals a huge amount of damage so consider using it every time. Be careful though, you are not invincible during the animation so time it when there are no enemies near you.

Cling To Enemies With Twin Fangs

When fighting large boss enemies, use Twin Fang to cling onto the monster's skin. You can then do damage while clinging, as long as you have enough stamina. Make sure to let go before your stamina is depleted to avoid catching out of breath.

Use Ensnare to Deal with Aerial Enemies

Thieves have a unique ability that ensnares flying enemies using a long rope. Use this against pesky flying enemies like Harpies and Griffons!

All Thief Augments

Augment Details
Subtlety Augment Effect:
Decreases the likelihood of being targeted by foes.
Rank Unlocked: 2
DCP Cost: 300
Gratification Augment Effect:
Slightly restores Health when you deliver the killing blow to a foe.
Rank Unlocked: 4
DCP Cost: 900
Poise Augment Effect:
Reduces the Stamina consumed when struggling in a foe's grip.
Rank Unlocked: 6
DCP Cost: 1800
Vigor Augment Effect:
Reduces the Stamina consumed when clinging to or pinning down foes.
Rank Unlocked: 8
DCP Cost: 3000
Verve Augment Effect:
Augments your Strength.
Rank Unlocked: 9
DCP Cost: 5000

List of Augments

All Thief Skills

Weapon Skills

Weapon Skill Description
Enkindled Blades Skill Effect:
Brings the daggers together to ignite, wreathing them in flame for a short time. Can also be employed while clinging to or pinning down a foe.
Rank Unlocked: 1
DCP Cost: 200
Shadow Cloak Skill Effect:
Enables the user to blend into their surroundings, rendering them more difficult for hostile targets to detect. Less effective when attacking or dashing. Consumes Stamina while active.
Rank Unlocked: 1
DCP Cost: 200
Biting Wind Skill Effect:
Dashes past the target with blades extended. Followed by further slashes when using the same attack on contact.
Rank Unlocked: 1
DCP Cost: 0
Helm Splitter Skill Effect:
Leaps up, then dives through the air while spinning, blades extended. More powerful when from high places. Also employable in mid-air.
Rank Unlocked: 2
DCP Cost: 300
Powder Charge Skill Effect:
Places an explosive on the ground at the users feet that can be detonated from afar at a moment of their choosing. Can also be employed while clinging to or pinning down a foe.
Rank Unlocked: 2
DCP Cost: 300
Concussive Step Skill Effect:
Uses an explosive blast to withdraw from the point of detonation. The blast may cause lightweight targets to flinch. Also employable in mid-air.
Rank Unlocked: 3
DCP Cost: 450
Ensnare Skill Effect:
Casts out cords to snare targets and tug on them. Pulls smaller targets closer, and topples larger targets that have been knocked off balance.
Rank Unlocked: 3
DCP Cost: 450
Ignited Blades Skill Effect:
An advanced form of Enkindled Blades that has a longer-lasting effect. Can also be employed while clinging to or pinning down a foe.
Rank Unlocked: 4
DCP Cost: 1000
Smoke Screen Skill Effect:
Throws a smoke bomb that blinds nearby targets. Useful for creating chaos when counterattacking or withdrawing. Can also be employed while clinging to or pinning down a foe, or in mid-air.
Rank Unlocked: 4
DCP Cost: 700
Cutting Wind Skill Effect:
An advanced form of Biting Wind that has an extended attack range.
Rank Unlocked: 4
DCP Cost: 1000
Shadow Veil Skill Effect:
An advanced form of Shadow Cloak that renders the user even more difficult for hostile targets to detect at a decreased cost to Stamina
Rank Unlocked: 5
DCP Cost: 1300
Skull Splitter Skill Effect:
An advanced form of Helm Splitter that employs a faster spin to deliver a greater number of slashes during the spinning dive.
Rank Unlocked: 5
DCP Cost: 1300
Pilfer Skill Effect:
Allows the user to rob targets that have been knocked off balance and targets not in battle stance of a curative or other item. Can only rob larger targets while they are downed.
Rank Unlocked: 5
DCP Cost: 1100
Gut and Run Skill Effect:
Cruelly stabs and gouges the target before drawing back. A fearsomely powerful skill, employable only while clinging to or pinning down a target. Inflicts greater hard on a foe's weak point.
Rank Unlocked: 6
DCP Cost: 1800
Concussive Leap Skill Effect:
An advanced form of Concussive Step that consumes less Stamina and is more likely to cause targets to flinch.
Rank Unlocked: 6
DCP Cost: 1600
Powder Blast Skill Effect:
An advanced form of Powder Charge that plants a more powerful explosive with a greater effective range. Can also be employed while clinging to or pinning down a foe.
Rank Unlocked: 6
DCP Cost: 1600
Smoke Shroud Skill Effect:
Ad advanced form of Smoke Screen with an extended smoke radius and a longer-lasting effect
Rank Unlocked: 7
DCP Cost: 2000
Easy Kill Skill Effect:
Darts behind the target after parrying their attack, then slits their throat.
Rank Unlocked: 7
DCP Cost: 2500
Implicate Skill Effect:
An advanced form of Ensnare that allows the user to pull targets with greater force.
Rank Unlocked: 7
DCP Cost: 2000
Plunder Skill Effect:
An advanced form of Pilfer that increases the likelihood of stealing a rare item.
Rank Unlocked: 8
DCP Cost: 2500
Draw and Quarter Skill Effect:
An advanced form of Gut and Run that inflicts greater harm when withdrawing.
Rank Unlocked: 8
DCP Cost: 2500
Masterful Kill Skill Effect:
An advanced form of Easy Kill that can be employed in mid-air.
Rank Unlocked: 9
DCP Cost: 3000
Formless Feint Skill Effect:
Accelerates the user's reactions to an ungodly degree, enabling them to evade all manner of attacks from hostile targets. Consumes Stamina while active.
Unlocked via a Maister
Blades of the Pyre Skill Effect:
Brings the daggers together to ignite, wreathing them in a blazing inferno so potent that the user cannot escape being burned.
Unlocked via a Maister

List of All Weapon Skills

Core Skills

Core Skill Description
Carve Skill Effect:
Delivers a flurry of dagger blows.
Rank Unlocked: 1
DCP Cost: 0
Twin Fangs Skill Effect:
Performs a deadly double strike forward, followed by a powerful successive strike if target is knocked off balance. Hold down to cling to larger targets or to pin down smaller flinching targets.
Rank Unlocked: 1
DCP Cost: 0
Swift Step Skill Effect:
Lowers stance and renders movement swift and light. Effective as an evasive maneuver.
Rank Unlocked: 1
DCP Cost: 0
Scarlet Kisses Skill Effect:
Unleashes a flurry of forward slashes.
Rank Unlocked: 1
DCP Cost: 150
Controlled Fall Skill Effect:
Tucks the body into a light roll when hitting the ground after being knocked down, allowing the user to swiftly regain their feet. Reduces damage taken upon impact.
Rank Unlocked: 2
DCP Cost: 250
Bump and Lift Skill Effect:
Robs the target of an item when an attack connects. Activates when using Carve, but has a low success rate.
Rank Unlocked: 3
DCP Cost: 400
Footpad Skill Effect:
Kicks off a wall, allowing the user to launch themselves a great distance.
Rank Unlocked: 4
DCP Cost: 600

List of All Core Skills

All Thief Weapons

Weapon Type Strength / Magick Vocation
Criteria IconCriteria Dagger 45/0
Dragons Dogma 2 - Thief Icon Thief
Obtain from Borderwatch Outpost (830G).
Throatcutters IconThroatcutters Dagger 60/0
Dragons Dogma 2 - Thief Icon Thief
Obtain from Roderick's Smithy, Runne's Apothecary (1360G).
Stilettos IconStilettos Dagger 74/0
Dragons Dogma 2 - Thief Icon Thief
Obtain from Roderick's Smithy (5300G).
Superior Criteria IconSuperior Criteria Dagger 69/0
Dragons Dogma 2 - Thief Icon Thief
Pre-order Bonus
Snagdaggers IconSnagdaggers Dagger 118/0
Dragons Dogma 2 - Thief Icon Thief
Obtain from Roderick's Smithy (14800G).
Spite IconSpite Dagger 162/0
Dragons Dogma 2 - Thief Icon Thief
Obtain from Celeste's Smithy, Awaran's Arms (27800G).
Battahli Biters IconBattahli Biters Dagger 219/0
Dragons Dogma 2 - Thief Icon Thief
Obtain from Awaran's Arms (36200G).
Divine Razors IconDivine Razors Dagger 237/0
Dragons Dogma 2 - Thief Icon Thief
Obtain from Awaran's Arms (45500G).
Signs of Valor IconSigns of Valor Dagger 90/0
Dragons Dogma 2 - Thief Icon Thief
Obtain from Nameless Apothecary (4100G).
Peltflayers IconPeltflayers Dagger 96/0
Dragons Dogma 2 - Thief Icon Thief
Obtain from Chandler's General Store (8750G).
Helmbarte Daggers IconHelmbarte Daggers Dagger 123/0
Dragons Dogma 2 - Thief Icon Thief
Obtain from Celeste's Smithy (9890G).
Bardiche Daggers IconBardiche Daggers Dagger 155/0
Dragons Dogma 2 - Thief Icon Thief
Obtain from Celeste's Smithy, Nameless Apothecary (22300G).
Bolts from the Blue IconBolts from the Blue Dagger 115/200
Dragons Dogma 2 - Thief Icon Thief
Crimson Teeth IconCrimson Teeth Dagger 269/0
Dragons Dogma 2 - Thief Icon Thief
Dowsing Spikes IconDowsing Spikes Dagger 230/0
Dragons Dogma 2 - Thief Icon Thief
Seeker's Token
DragonDragon's Vein Dagger 330/0
Dragons Dogma 2 - Thief Icon Thief
Bay Wayside Shrine (The Dragonforged)
Framae Blades IconFramae Blades Dagger 290/0
Dragons Dogma 2 - Thief Icon Thief
Obtain from Volcanic Island Armory (60000G).
Frosted Edges IconFrosted Edges Dagger 206/350
Dragons Dogma 2 - Thief Icon Thief
HeavenHeaven's Key Dagger 306/400
Dragons Dogma 2 - Thief Icon Thief
Obtain from Roderick's Smithy (68000G).

List of Weapons and Weapon Mechanics

All Thief Armor

Armor Defense Magick Defense Vocations
Dyed-Cloth Mask Icon Dyed-Cloth Mask
0.47 kg
5 3
Dragons Dogma 2 - Thief Icon Thief
Purchase at Borderwatch Outpost for 283 G.
Woodland Boots Icon Woodland Boots
1.20 kg
8 5
Dragons Dogma 2 - Thief Icon Thief
Purchase at Borderwatch Outpost for 415 G.
Scout Scout's Hood
0.62 kg
9 6
Dragons Dogma 2 - Thief Icon Thief
Purchase at Runne's Apothecary for 1012 G.
Hard-Leather Helm Icon Hard-Leather Helm
1.30 kg
14 6
Dragons Dogma 2 - Thief Icon Thief
Purchase at Bjorn's Armory, Runne's Apothecary for 1890 G.
Brigand Brigand's Vest
1.80 kg
14 8
Dragons Dogma 2 - Thief Icon Thief
Purchase at Borderwatch Outpost for 735 G.
Scale Band Icon Scale Band
0.80 kg
14 14
Dragons Dogma 2 - Thief Icon Thief
Obtain from a Chest in Cave of the Forsaken.
Deepwood Jacket Icon Deepwood Jacket
2.02 kg
18 10
Dragons Dogma 2 - Thief Icon Thief
Purchase at Runne's Apothecary for 1030 G.
Decapitator Icon Decapitator
0.80 kg
18 11
Dragons Dogma 2 - Thief Icon Thief
Obtain from a Chest in Battahl.
Traveler Traveler's Gaiters
1.50 kg
20 18
Dragons Dogma 2 - Thief Icon Thief
Purchase at Bjorn's Armory, Chandler's General Store for 2200 G.
Unseen Shadow Icon Unseen Shadow
0.99 kg
22 6
Dragons Dogma 2 - Thief Icon Thief
Purchase at Bjorn's Armory for 4500 G.
Howling Hood Icon Howling Hood
1.17 kg
22 20
Dragons Dogma 2 - Thief Icon Thief
Purchase at Nameless Apothecary for 3900 G.
Combat Breeches Icon Combat Breeches
1.63 kg
24 17
Dragons Dogma 2 - Thief Icon Thief
Purchase at Bjorn's Armory for 3200 G.
Chain Mail Icon Chain Mail
3.34 kg
24 10
Dragons Dogma 2 - Thief Icon Thief
Purchase at Runne's Apothecary, Borderwatch Outpost for 2250 G.
Aerie Aerie's Watch
1.32 kg
25 30
Dragons Dogma 2 - Thief Icon Thief
Purchase at Celeste's Smithy for 8900 G.
Furred Greaves Icon Furred Greaves
1.63 kg
26 22
Dragons Dogma 2 - Thief Icon Thief
Obtain from a Chest in Vermund.
Hunter Hunter's Mail
2.24 kg
27 28
Dragons Dogma 2 - Thief Icon Thief
Purchase at Bjorn's Armory for 3350 G.
Allesian Oxhide Hood Icon Allesian Oxhide Hood
1.30 kg
28 0
Dragons Dogma 2 - Thief Icon Thief
Purchase at Nameless Apothecary for 5900 G.
Gazer Gazer's Hood
1.31 kg
30 30
Dragons Dogma 2 - Thief Icon Thief
Obtain from a Chest in Nameless Village Depths.
Battahli Turban Icon Battahli Turban
1.94 kg
38 70
Dragons Dogma 2 - Thief Icon Thief
Purchase at Bodas's Armory for 12600 G.
Battahli Jacket Icon Battahli Jacket
0.70 kg
38 25
Dragons Dogma 2 - Thief Icon Thief
Purchase at Nameless Apothecary for 5400 G.
Journeyer Journeyer's Sirwal
0.82 kg
38 20
Dragons Dogma 2 - Thief Icon Thief
Purchase at Nameless Apothecary for 3300 G.
Ranger Ranger's Vest
2.17 kg
41 25
Dragons Dogma 2 - Thief Icon Thief
Purchase at Bjorn's Armory for 7900 G.
Sprinter Sprinter's Boots
1.88 kg
42 18
Dragons Dogma 2 - Thief Icon Thief
Purchase at Bjorn's Armory for 7900 G.
Falconian Beak Icon Falconian Beak
2.00 kg
44 18
Dragons Dogma 2 - Thief Icon Thief
Purchase at Celeste's Smithy for 14400 G.
Scarlet Over-Knee Boots Icon Scarlet Over-Knee Boots
2.00 kg
45 450
Dragons Dogma 2 - Thief Icon Thief
Purchase at Celeste's Smithy for 9800 G.
Ranger Ranger's Tights
1.67 kg
45 30
Dragons Dogma 2 - Thief Icon Thief
Obtain from a Chest Northeast of Vermund.
Lionel Hosen Icon Lionel Hosen
1.81 kg
47 15
Dragons Dogma 2 - Thief Icon Thief
Purchase at Nameless Apothecary, Celeste's Smithy for 7200 G.
Bush Raiders Icon Bush Raiders
2.16 kg
50 9
Dragons Dogma 2 - Thief Icon Thief
Purchase at Nameless Apothecary for 7500 G.
Hillfolk Breeches Icon Hillfolk Breeches
2.21 kg
50 20
Dragons Dogma 2 - Thief Icon Thief
Purchase at Celeste's Smithy for 9200 G.
Thief Thief's Gaiters
1.30 kg
50 10
Dragons Dogma 2 - Thief Icon Thief
Obtain from a Chest in Nameless Village.
Outlander Outlander's Garb
2.95 kg
52 50
Dragons Dogma 2 - Thief Icon Thief
Purchase at Celeste's Smithy for 8500 G.
Over-Knee Boots Icon Over-Knee Boots
1.56 kg
52 30
Dragons Dogma 2 - Thief Icon Thief
Purchase at Grisha's Armory for 9900 G.
Ascetic Gaiters Icon Ascetic Gaiters
2.04 kg
55 70
Dragons Dogma 2 - Thief Icon Thief
Purchase at Bodas's Armory for 15200 G.
Half-Plate Armor Icon Half-Plate Armor
2.50 kg
58 20
Dragons Dogma 2 - Thief Icon Thief
Purchase at Nameless Apothecary for 9600 G.
Midnight Turban Icon Midnight Turban
2.26 kg
60 46
Dragons Dogma 2 - Thief Icon Thief
Purchase at Bodas's Armory for 26000 G.
Hood of Nonentity Icon Hood of Nonentity
1.86 kg
65 90
Dragons Dogma 2 - Thief Icon Thief
Purchase at Chest for 30000 G. Obtain from a Chest in Caliginous Depths.
Scaled Jacket Icon Scaled Jacket
2.56 kg
66 22
Dragons Dogma 2 - Thief Icon Thief
Purchase at Bjorn's Armory for 11700 G.
Beast-Leather Breeches Icon Beast-Leather Breeches
2.20 kg
68 25
Dragons Dogma 2 - Thief Icon Thief
Purchase at Celeste's Smithy for 14800 G.
Nightfall Greaves Icon Nightfall Greaves
1.60 kg
70 34
Dragons Dogma 2 - Thief Icon Thief
Purchase at Grisha's Armory for 15800 G.
Wildland Greaves Icon Wildland Greaves
2.53 kg
72 20
Dragons Dogma 2 - Thief Icon Thief
Purchase at Bodas's Armory for 15600 G.
Galewind Helm Icon Galewind Helm
1.80 kg
74 50
Dragons Dogma 2 - Thief Icon Thief
Purchase at Volcanic Island Armory for 34800 G.
Lion-Lord Lion-Lord's Helm
2.45 kg
76 55
Dragons Dogma 2 - Thief Icon Thief
Purchase at Volcanic Island Armory for 35000 G.
Shrouded Helm Icon Shrouded Helm
1.85 kg
80 80
Dragons Dogma 2 - Thief Icon Thief
Purchase at Bay Wayside Shrine (The Dragonforged) for 20 WLC.
Dapper Chausses Icon Dapper Chausses
2.46 kg
83 55
Dragons Dogma 2 - Thief Icon Thief
Purchase at Bodas's Armory for 28000 G.
Braided Boots Icon Braided Boots
1.45 kg
85 75
Dragons Dogma 2 - Thief Icon Thief
Purchase at Zachary's Shop for 16800 G.
Confidant Confidant's Hood
1.62 kg
88 73
Dragons Dogma 2 - Thief Icon Thief
Purchase at Volcanic Island Armory for 33500 G.
Rathe Greaves Icon Rathe Greaves
2.16 kg
88 30
Dragons Dogma 2 - Thief Icon Thief
Purchase at Bodas's Armory for 25200 G.
Hood of Darkness Icon Hood of Darkness
1.40 kg
90 55
Dragons Dogma 2 - Thief Icon Thief
Obtain from a Chest in Vermund.
Wildeagle Padded Armor Icon Wildeagle Padded Armor
4.90 kg
92 63
Dragons Dogma 2 - Thief Icon Thief
Purchase at Celeste's Smithy for 20800 G.
Mercenary Hosen Icon Mercenary Hosen
2.02 kg
95 70
Dragons Dogma 2 - Thief Icon Thief
Purchase at Volcanic Island Armory for 29710 G.
Rampart Breaker Icon Rampart Breaker
2.43 kg
97 70
Dragons Dogma 2 - Thief Icon Thief
Purchase at Nameless Apothecary, Bodas's Armory for 22500 G.
Arena Breeches Icon Arena Breeches
2.70 kg
103 63
Dragons Dogma 2 - Thief Icon Thief
Purchase at Volcanic Island Armory for 33100 G.
Cliff Leapers Icon Cliff Leapers
2.66 kg
115 81
Dragons Dogma 2 - Thief Icon Thief
Purchase at Bay Wayside Shrine (The Dragonforged) for 30 WLC.
Assassin Assassin's Breeches
1.94 kg
120 70
Dragons Dogma 2 - Thief Icon Thief
Obtain from a Chest in Agamen Volcanic Island.
Vanquisher Vanquisher's Armor
5.15 kg
140 84
Dragons Dogma 2 - Thief Icon Thief
Purchase at Bodas's Armory for 37000 G.
Immaculate Blaze Icon Immaculate Blaze
3.85 kg
158 99
Dragons Dogma 2 - Thief Icon Thief
Obtain from a Chest in Digger's Ruins.
Elegant Petticoat
3.02 kg
160 160
Dragons Dogma 2 - Thief Icon Thief
Purchase at Zachary's Shop for 43050 G.
Bestial Boon Icon Bestial Boon
3.60 kg
167 90
Dragons Dogma 2 - Thief Icon Thief
Purchase at Volcanic Island Armory for 42800 G.
Dvarapala Icon Dvarapala
5.44 kg
192 135
Dragons Dogma 2 - Thief Icon Thief
Purchase at Bay Wayside Shrine (The Dragonforged) for 70 WLC.
Enshadowed Battle Garb Icon Enshadowed Battle Garb
3.88 kg
195 130
Dragons Dogma 2 - Thief Icon Thief
Purchase at Bjorn's Armory for 80000 G.

List of Armors and Effects

Thief Basic Information and Rating

Thief Thief Vocation Type
Starter Vocation
Equipable Weapons
Tier Rating
Tier Rating
S Rank A Rank

Best Vocations and Class Tier List

Thief For Mobility and Swift Attacks

The Thief vocation is perfect for players who favor agility in combat, attacking enemies left and right with rapid dagger strikes.

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Best Vocations and Class Tier List

List of All Vocations

Starter Vocations
FighterFighter ArcherArcher ThiefThief MageMage
Advanced Vocations
WarriorWarrior SorcererSorcerer
Hybrid Vocations
Magick ArcherMagick Archer Mystic SpearhandMystic Spearhand
TricksterTrickster WarfarerWarfarer

Vocations by Type

All Vocation Types
Starter Advanced Hybrid

Vocation Guides and Articles

All Vocation Guides and Articles
How to Unlock All Vocations How to Change Vocations
Should You Level All Vocations? -


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