Dragon's Dogma 2 (DD2)

Trophy Guide and List of Achievements


There are 55 trophies and achievements that can be unlocked in Dragon's Dogma 2. Read on to see a trophy guide, as well as all trophies and achievement unlock conditions!

List of All Trophies and Achievements

Trophies Amount
Platinum TrophyPlatinum 1
Gold TrophyGold 2
Silver TrophySilver 4
Bronze TrophyBronze 42
Hidden 6
Total: 55

Platinum Trophies

Platinum Trophy.png The True Arisen
G: 150
Earn all other Dragon's Dogma 2 achievements.

The Platinum Trophy for Dragon's Dogma 2 is The True Arisen and it is rewarded upon completion of all other trophies.

Gold Trophies

Gold Trophy.png Full Marks
G: 90
Find a solution to every conundrum posed by the goddess of riddles.
Gold Trophy.png Master of the Maisters
G: 90
Acquire every maister's teaching.

There are 2 Gold Trophies for Dragon's Dogma 2.

Silver Trophies

Silver Trophy.png Closure
G: 30
Experience the end of the cycle.
Silver Trophy.png An Eye for an Eye
G: 30
Petrify a medusa.
Silver Trophy.png Getting a Head
G: 30
Acquire a preserved medusa head.
Silver Trophy.png Reaper's Scorn
G: 30
Accomplished a miracle for several people all at once.

Dragon's Dogma 2 has 4 Silver Trophies.

Bronze Trophies

Bronze Trophy.png Gigantus, I Hardly Knew Ye
G: 15
Defeat the gigantus in a short span of time.
Bronze Trophy.png Off with Its Head!
G: 15
Decapitate a medusa.
Bronze Trophy.png The Collector
G: 15
Collect 80 Seeker's Tokens.
Bronze Trophy.png Cyclops Abridged
G: 15
Cross a cyclopean bridge.
Bronze Trophy.png Before Dawn Breaks
G: 15
Defeat the headless horseman.
Bronze Trophy.png Versatile
G: 10
Change your vocation.
Bronze Trophy.png Arisen
G: 10
Regain your memories of receiving the Arisen's charge.
Bronze Trophy.png First Taste of Freedom
G: 10
Escape the bonds of slavery.
Bronze Trophy.png Seat of the Proxy
G: 10
Arrive in Vernworth.
Bronze Trophy.png Across the Border
G: 10
Pass through the gate at the border.
Bronze Trophy.png Peace
G: 10
Become Sovran of Vernworth.
Bronze Trophy.png Duo Destinies
G: 10
Change your vocation to Mystic Spearhand.
Bronze Trophy.png Trickster of the Trade
G: 10
Change your vocation to Trickster.
Bronze Trophy.png Arrows and Incantations
G: 10
Change your vocation to Magick Archer.
Bronze Trophy.png Jack of All Trades, Master of...All Trades
G: 10
Change your vocation to Warfarer.
Bronze Trophy.png An In-Tents Adventure
G: 10
Go camping.
Bronze Trophy.png A House? In This Economy?
G: 10
Purchase a dwelling of your own.
Bronze Trophy.png One Speed Only
G: 10
Board an oxcart.
Bronze Trophy.png The Savior
G: 10
Use a Wakestone to restore the dead to life.
Bronze Trophy.png Just a Stone's Throw Away
G: 10
Use a Ferrystone.
Bronze Trophy.png A Badge of Honor
G: 10
Acquire a pawn badge.
Bronze Trophy.png The Specialist
G: 10
Reach the maximum rank in a vocation.
Bronze Trophy.png A Pawn of Many Talents
G: 10
Teach your pawn a specialization.
Bronze Trophy.png Wish upon the Rift
G: 10
Set a pawn quest.
Bronze Trophy.png Myrmecoleon Delights
G: 10
Employ the services of the rose chateau.
Bronze Trophy.png The Philanthropist
G: 10
Earn the affections of 50 people.
Bronze Trophy.png Affinity and Beyond
G: 10
Raised a person's affinity to the maximum.
Bronze Trophy.png Dragon Forged
G: 10
Strengthen a weapon in wyrmfire.
Bronze Trophy.png This'll Cure What Ails Ye
G: 10
Soak in the hot spring.
Bronze Trophy.png Harpy Joyride
G: 10
Summon a harpy, grab hold, and take flight.
Bronze Trophy.png Quit Playing Dead
G: 10
Revive two pawns simultaneously.
Bronze Trophy.png Dragon's Dogma
G: 10
Obtain Dragon's Dogma
Bronze Trophy.png The Barbecue-Maister
G: 10
Grill every type of meat during the night and day.
Bronze Trophy.png Nobles' Night Out
G: 10
Attend a palace masquerade in formal raiment.
Bronze Trophy.png Thought I'd Lost You
G: 10
Restore the dead to life at a morgue or charnel house.
Bronze Trophy.png The Tourist
G: 10
Discover 50 locations.
Bronze Trophy.png The Regriffining
G: 10
Take flight on griffin wing a second time.
Bronze Trophy.png Back Where It All Began
G: 10
Return to Agamen Volcanic Island.
Bronze Trophy.png Plenty Arisen to Go Round
G: 10
Witness a brawl break out in your dwelling among your admirers.
Bronze Trophy.png Roost of the Dragon
G: 10
Reach Dragonsbreath Tower.
Bronze Trophy.png Hope You Brought a Lantern
G: 10
Reach Drabnir's Grotto.
Bronze Trophy.png To the Victor Go the Spoils
G: 10
Reclaim your items from the scavenger who stole them from you.

There are 44 Bronze Trophies in Dragon's Dogma 2, a lot of which have to involve with just clearing the main story.

Story Walkthrough and Main Quest List

Hidden Trophies and Achievements

Silver Trophy.png The Guardian
G: 30
Lead the people to safety in the unmoored world.
Silver Trophy.png The Hero
G: 30
Overcome all the trials of the unmoored world.
Bronze Trophy.png I'm In
G: 15
Use illicit means to pass through the gate at the border.
Bronze Trophy.png Dragon's Dogma 2
G: 10
Witness the unmoored world.
Bronze Trophy.png I, Talos
G: 10
Help the gigantus walk again.
Bronze Trophy.png Are We There Yet?
G: 10
Board the phantom oxcart.

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