Dragon's Dogma 2 (DD2)

Till Death Do Us Part Walkthrough and Location

Till Death Do Us Part is a side quest in Dragon's Dogma 2 (DD2). Read our guide for a walkthrough on how to start and complete the Till Death Do Us Part side quest!

How to Start Till Death Do Us Part

Talk to Margit After Talking to Oswald


Go to the Noble Quarter and find Oswald near the fountain. He will inform you that Ser Gregor has been dispatched to slay a Dullahan. Talk to Margit afterwards and agree to aid and save Ser Gregor.

Feast of Deception Walkthrough

Till Death Do Us Part Location

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How to Complete Till Death Do Us Part

  1. Go to the Misty Marshes
  2. Follow the Path with the Fire Baskets
  3. Aid Ser Gregor in Surviving a Dulluhan
  4. Return to Margit in Vernworth

Go to the Misty Marshes

Go to the Illdoers' Resting Place in the Misty Marshes, northwest of Vernworth. The area is filled with dense fog, reducing your vision and increases the chance of you getting lost.

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Follow the Path with the Fire Baskets


Follow the path with the fire baskets as guide. This will lead you to the Illdoers' Resting Place, where Ser Gregor is currently fighting a Dulluhan.

Be careful, as there are many Undead, Phantoms, and armed Skeleton along the way. There is a campfire in an abandoned village filled with Undead just before the Illdoers' Resting Place, where you can make camp to restore Health.

Aid Ser Gregor in Surviving a Dulluhan


Hurry to Ser Gregor's aid and help him survive against a Dulluhan. Make sure Ser Gregor holds out against the Dulluhan, if not defeating the beast, so he can live to tell the tale and return to his wife, Margit.

Note: You don't need to defeat the Dulluhan. Just make sure the Ser Gregor survives the battle until the Dulluhan flees the scene.

Return to Margit in Vernworth


After successfully aiding Ser Gregor, return to Margit in her home in Vernworth. She'll be delighted to see Ser Gregor is alive and well, and she will rewards you for it, ending the quest afterwards.

Till Death Do Us Part Quest Summary

How to Unlock and Rewards

Quest Type Side Quest (Time Sensitive) Dragon
Location Vernworth
Unlock Condition Talk to Margit in the Noble Quarter
Quest Giver Margit
Rewards XP: 2,800
Gold: 5,000
Consequence ・Gregor dies.

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