Dragon's Dogma 2 (DD2)

Dragon's Dogma 2 Best Vocations and Class Tier List


This is a best Vocations ranking and class tier list for Dragon's Dogma 2 (DD2). Learn what the best classes for the Arisen and Pawns are and find out which class to use with our Vocations tier list!

Best Vocations and Class Tier List

Best Vocations Tier List

S Rank S Tier
A Rank A Tier
B Rank B Tier
C Tier C Tier

Best Vocations are Mystic Spearhand and Thief

The best Dragon's Dogma 2 Vocations are Mystic Spearhand and Thief, as both have skills that virtually make the Arisen invincible.

The Mystic Spearhand Vocation has access to Mirour Vesture, which summons a shield surrounding your character that can protect you from any kind of attack.

The Thief Vocation can get the Biting Wind skill, which is a very mobile attack that also helps you evade attacks easily.

Both of these skills can help your character avoid getting hit by enemies, so you can easily focus on attacking!

How to Unlock All Vocations and Classes

Best Vocations for Pawns

Best Pawn Vocations

S Rank S Tier
A Rank A Tier
B Rank B Tier
C Tier C Tier

Best Pawn Vocations are Mage and Warrior

For Pawns, the best Vocations to get are Mage and Warrior. The Mage Vocation for Pawns will give them access to healing skills, as it is the only Vocation to get one and is essential for keeping you alive during combat.

A Pawn with a Warrior Vocation is a great ally to have in the frontlines, as they can help you deal with enemies even if you're far away and can also act as a tank to take enemy attacks.

Best Pawn Vocations

Get a Thief Pawn to Get Money and Items

If you want to obtain more items or farm money, you can get a Pawn with a Thief Vocation. While in combat, your Pawn can steal items which you can sell to get more money.

Money Farming Guide

Tier List Explanation Per Vocation

Mystic Spearhand

Vocation Tier List
Mystic Spearhand Mystic Spearhand
Player Vocation: S Rank
Pawn Vocation: N/A

The Mystic Spearhand is one of the best Vocations to get due to the skill Mirour Vesture, which nullifies all enemy attacks.

Reactivating Mirour Vesture while it is active will extend its duration, allowing you to keep on attacking without ever getting damaged.

How to Unlock Mystic Spearhand and Best Skills


Vocation Tier List
Thief Thief
Player Vocation: S Rank
Pawn Vocation: A Rank

The Thief Vocation is one of the best Vocations thanks to the Biting Wind skill. This skill will help you automatically dodge enemy attacks, so you can focus on dealing damage.

The Thief Vocation can also steal from your targets, which is helpful if you want to farm items.

Thief Best Skills and Builds


Vocation Tier List
Mage Mage
Player Vocation: A Rank
Pawn Vocation: S Rank

The Mage Vocation fits Pawns better as they can attack and provide support even from behind the lines. Mage is also the only Vocation which has access to healing skills, which is essential for a support Pawn.

In addition to healing, a Mage Pawn can also use Palladium, which protects you from taking damage for up to three instances.

Mage Best Skills and Builds

Magick Archer

Vocation Tier List
Magick Archer Magick Archer
Player Vocation: A Rank
Pawn Vocation: N/A

The Magick Archer Vocation can provide offense and some health recovery. The skill Martyr's Bolt drains the Arisen's HP but can deal tremendous damage, and can even one-shot bosses with the right build.

How to Unlock Magick Archer and Best Skills


Vocation Tier List
Sorcerer Sorcerer
Player Vocation: A Rank
Pawn Vocation: B Rank

The Sorcerer Vocation can use long-range attacks with the spells. It is not as useful as the Mage Vocation as Sorcerers do not have any health-recovering skills, but can be used if you need to deal as much damage as possible. Sorcerers are very squishy though so always have a Mage and Fighter pawns ready to taunt enemies while you're charging spells.

How to Unlock Sorcerer and Best Skills


Vocation Tier List
Warfarer Warfarer
Player Vocation: A Rank
Pawn Vocation: N/A

Warfarer is a flexible Vocation which allows you to use all weapons and skills from other Vocations.

You can change your weapons to fit any combat situation that you may encounter, but you will not be able to use the Maister Skill of each job. This Vocation is also hard to master as you will essentially be required to master every weapon type.

How to Unlock Warfarer and Best Skills


Vocation Tier List
Warrior Warrior
Player Vocation: A Rank
Pawn Vocation: S Rank

Warrior Vocation is a melee-focused Vocation that can deal high damage and tank enemy attacks. A Pawn can get the Warrior Vocation and lead the party in the vanguard while others deal damage from afar.

How to Unlock Warrior and Best Skills


Vocation Tier List
Fighter Fighter
Player Vocation: B Rank
Pawn Vocation: B Rank

The Fighter is a melee and tank Vocation that uses swords and shields. A Fighter Pawn is not as reliable as a Warrior Pawn, which is better for tank roles, but can be used if you fight more defensively.

Fighter Best Skills and Builds


Vocation Tier List
Archer Archer
Player Vocation: C Tier
Pawn Vocation: C Tier

The Archer Vocation excels from attacking way behind the frontlines, but lacks the ability to deal sufficient damage unless you focus on an enemy's weak spot.

Archer also does not have any defensive or evasive skills, and can be easily overwhelmed by enemies.

Archer Best Skills and Builds


Vocation Tier List
Trickster Trickster
Player Vocation: C Tier
Pawn Vocation: N/A

The Trickster Vocation can provide support with illusion skills to confuse enemies and even force them to attack each other, but these are hard to master and may take time before you can fully utilize each skill effectively.

How to Unlock Trickster Vocation

Tier List Criteria

Criteria for Player Vocations

Player Vocation Tier List Criteria
・Vocations that work best for a combat-focused Arisen
・Vocations with skills that can nullify attacks
・Vocations that can easily deal high damage
・Vocations that are easy to use and master

Vocations With Damage-Nullifying Skills

Dragon's Dogma 2 has a feature where your maximum HP decreases as you take damage, so it is vital to not get hit during combat to be fully effective. Vocations which help you be invincible against enemy attacks are ranked the highest due to this.

Criteria for Pawn Vocations

Pawn Vocation Tier List Criteria
・Vocations that work best for a support-focused Pawn
・Vocations with skills that can recover HP
・Vocations that are effective for Pawns in the frontline

Vocations With Support Skills

Pawns as allies play an important role during combat, so Vocations with health recovery are ranked the highest so you can stay alive during fights. Those that can survive in the frontlines work well too, as they can take hits from enemy attacks instead of you.

Best Vocation Poll

Which is the Best Vocation?

Fighter 13
Mage 15
Archer 23
Thief 276
Warrior 22
Sorcerer 46
Magick Archer 110
Mystic Spearhand 177
Trickster 25
Warfarer 19

All Vocation Guides and Builds

List of All Vocations

Starter Vocations
FighterFighter ArcherArcher ThiefThief MageMage
Advanced Vocations
WarriorWarrior SorcererSorcerer
Hybrid Vocations
Magick ArcherMagick Archer Mystic SpearhandMystic Spearhand
TricksterTrickster WarfarerWarfarer

Vocations by Type

All Vocation Types
Starter Advanced Hybrid

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1 Anonymous12 months

This is mostly correct but the warfarer should really be S as well. It can use every theif skill except for the defensive mastery move while wearing any armor in the game. Magic archer is a strong class, but the ultimate move requires you to rest immediately after using it. Mystic spear hand is underwhelming for dps, and the shield move requires too much maintenance.For pawns a soldier is definitely A rank worthy, as a warrior lacks the survivability to tank all aggro during the hardest fights.


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