Dragon's Dogma 2 (DD2)

Statue Locations and What Statues Do


Statues point you toward places of interest that may contain abundant treasures, new quests, and Seeker's Tokens in Dragon's Dogma 2 (DD2). Read on to learn what statues do, and how to find all statues across the map.

All Statue Locations



Legend for Map Icons
Inn Inn Treasure Chest Treasure Chest Golden Trove Beetle Golden Trove Beetle
Seeker Seeker's Token Riftstone Riftstone Portcrystal Portcrystal
Oxcart Oxcart Mountain iconCaves Statue IconStatues
Click to Jump to a Statue Location!
First Statue Second Statue Third Statue
Fourth Statue Fifth Statue Sixth Statue
Seventh Statue Eighth Statue Ninth Statue
Tenth Statue Eleventh Statue Twelfth Statue
Thirteenth Statue Fourteenth Statue Fifteenth Statue
Sixteenth Statue Seventeenth Statue

We are still currently looking for more statues. If you've found one, share it it the comments!

First Statue Location

To get to this statue, head to the midway point in the long path from Melve to Vernworth. While heading downward on the steep path from Melve, hang a right and enter a small cave in the wall, which leads into Mt. Alles Tunnel. You should exit to rocky ledges that lead you to the statue.

This statue points toward a tall watchtower in the distance with a ballista on top. Here, you can encounter a new quest, and obtain lots of treasure from chests, as well as get a great view of the entire area. From the top of the tower, you can see the other two statues in the distance.

Mt. Alles Tunnel Location and Rewards

Second Statue Location

This statue is located slightly down south from the first one. You can reach this area by traveling northeast from Vernworth. Head to the indicated area where you will find a Riftstone of the Kindhearted. Above it on a ledge is the statue.

You can get up here by using a Mage's Levitate skill, a Thief's Helm Splitter skill, or commanding a Fighter pawn to use Springboard with the "Go!" command.

The statue points toward a cave called the Indigent Badlands, which contains a lot of loot, as well as some ruins at the end with more treasure chests for you to open.

Indigent Bedlands Location and Rewards

Third Statue Location

The third statue is found in the area east of Vernworth, on top of a rocky hill you need to circle around to climb. The statue mentions a settlement in the distance. It seems to point once more toward the tall watchtower with the ballista.

Fourth Statue Location

Located at the edge of a cliff, west of the Nameless Village. This statue is pointing towards the great city of Vernworth.

Do be mindful of your footing when dealing with the enemies in this area, as you may fall off the cliff if you are not careful!

Vernworth Location and Guide

Fifth Statue Location

This statue can be found on a hill northeast of Vernworth. It is pointing towards the Riverside Ruins area, where you can find a ballista atop the tower.

Sixth Statue Location

To the northeast of Melve, you can find a statue on top of a hill. You will have to destroy the pile of rocks underneath it in order to open up a path that will lead you directly here.

This statue is pointing to a Forgotten Riftstone hidden at the base of the hill in front of the statue. This Riftstone is well-hidden along a narrow trail, so there's a slight chance you might miss it.

Melve Quests and Shops

Seventh Statue Location

A statue is located on the fareastern section of the Malachite Forest. You can reach this forest by exiting through the northwest gates of Vernworth, and following the trail north.

The statue is pointing at the Rainshelter Cave. Inside this cave you can find a Favored Canopy inside a chest.

Rainshelter Cave Location and Rewards

Eighth Statue Location

You can find this statue on a cliff northeast of Harve Village. It appears to be pointing towards the Northern Harve Ruins, where you can find a Seeker's Token inside.

Harve Village Quests and Shops

Ninth Statue Location

Located northwest of Harve Village. It will be on a hill with a campfire nearby. This statue seems to be directing you to the Riverside Cavern.

Inside this cave, you will be able to loot a Darkmetal Greaves inside a chest. A Manticore is also present in the area, so make sure to kill it first to loot around safely.

Riverside Cavern Location and Rewards

Tenth Statue Location

This statue is located west of Checkpoint Rest Town. You will have to go through the hidden passageway under the bridge of the Checkpoint Rest Town to get here. It appears to be pointing towards a nearby tree with a Golden Trove Beetle on it.

Checkpoint Rest Town Location

Eleventh Statue Location

To the south of the Misty Marshes, you'll find a statue near the edge of a cliff and some ruins near it. It is pointing towards an abandoned shack across the river, filled with coin pouches and a treasure chest.

Twelfth Statue Location

You can find this statue upon first stepping foot in Battahl, just as soon as you exit Checkpoint Rest Town. Follow the path south until you find the statue near a canyon with several enemies present around it.

This statue is pointing towards a waterfall with a Forgotten Riftstone in front of it, as well as a Drake guarding the area.

Battahl Location

Thirteenth Statue Location

This statue is located further south of the border checkpoint, across the stream. It seems to be pointing towards a canyon that leads you to the Roadside Hollow cave.

As a bonus, there's also a Forgotten Riftstone beside this statue, as well as a treasure chest that you can loot.

Roadside Hollow Location and Rewards

Fourteenth Statue Location

Located on top of a rocky outcrop, east of Enoa' Battahl Forest. There is also a Forgotten Riftstone located at the base of this outcrop.

The statue appears to be pointing towards the Enoa' Battahl Cavern. Inside the cavern, you'll find a Wight waiting for you. Defeating it rewards you with some neat drops such as Black Crystals, as well as some chests in the area that contain gold.

Enoa’Battahl Cavern Location and Rewards

Fifteenth Statue Location

This statue is situated on top of a rock west of Bakbattahl. While there are many rocks in this area, you can tell that you are on the correct one if you see goblin spike barricades surrounding it.

It is pointing towards the Battahl Ropeway Central Station, a transportation hub where you can ride on wooden carts that will take you to different places around Battahl.

Bakbattahl Location

Sixteenth Statue Location

Found on the edge of the cliff, southwest of Bakbattahl. You can get here by exiting Bakbattahl and following the path southwest until you find a statue on a canyon that is pointing seemingly towards the horizon.

The statue points directly to the Dragonsbreath Tower. Trekking along the trail leading up to the tower is a difficult task as there are a lot of Redwolves, Gore Harpies, and Lost Mercenaries around the area.

Seventeenth Statue Location

This statue is situated on top of a hill northeast of Bakbattahl, by the coastline. You can reach this simply by following the path that starts at the northern part of the shore. The statue appears to be directing you to the Bay Wayside Shrine where you will meet the Dragonforged, an NPC who can further enhance your equipment with Wyrmslife Crystals (WLC).

Bay Wayside Shrine Location

What Do Statues Do?

Point You to Places of Interest

Head Towards Direction Statue is Facing
Statues will usually be pointing towards a places of interest, usually to new places with treasure chests, Seeker's Tokens, new quests or opportunities to be had. If you see one of these statues, try following its gaze and see where it leads you!

Provide Hints on What to Expect

Statues Come With Hints
Statues come with readable notes near their feet. These notes act like riddles and give further direction on where to go and what to expect when you get there.

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Map and Locations

All Location Guides

Dragon's Dogma 2 Location Guides
All Inn Locations All Riftstone Locations
All Statue Locations All Treasure Chest Locations
All Oxcart Locations All Caves and Dungeons

Other Map Guides

Other Map Guides
What Do the Exclamation Marks Mean? Borderwatch Outpost Quests and Shops
Melve Quests and Shops Vernworth Location
Harve Village Quests and Shops Checkpoint Rest Town and How to Open Gate
Bay Wayside Shrine Location Sacred Arbor Location
Waterfall Cave Location Bakbattahl Location
How to Clear Drabnir's Grotto How to Get to Agamen Volcanic Island
How to Get to Excavation Site and Agamen Ruins -


8 Anonymous7 months

7 Anonymous7 months

Found one at wyrmsblood forest


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