Dragon's Dogma 2 (DD2)

What Happens If Your Main Pawn Becomes Forfeit?

Dragons Dogma 2 - What Happens If Your Main Pawn Becomes Forfeit?

If your Main Pawn becomes forfeit in battle, you will have to touch a riftstone for them to rejoin your party in Dragon's Dogma 2 (DD2). Learn what happens when your main pawn dies, how to revive your main pawn, what happens to items they are holding, and more!

What Happens If Your Main Pawn Becomes Forfeit?

They Are Considered Dead

Forfeited Pawns are considered dead and will return to the rift for you to summon again. They will not be helping your party until you arrive at the nearest Riftstone where you can revive them.

Always try to keep your Pawn's health topped up to avoid being in this dreadful situation!

How to Heal Pawns

Touch Any Riftstone to Revive Them

To revive a forfeited main pawn, the Arisen must touch any Riftstone nearest them. They could be in towns, outposts, or some location in the wild. Players must do this as soon as possible because surviving without a pawn is extremely difficult in Dragon's Dogma 2.

All Riftstone Locations

You Cannot Hire Any Other Pawn

When your main pawn is forfeit, you cannot interact or hire any Pawn until your main pawn has rejoined your party. Take note of this when venturing out.

Items Are Retained After Forfeit

Before Death After Death

Inventory before main pawn was killed.

Main pawn is revived from a riftstone.

Thankfully, all the items held by your main Pawn are retained after revival. They won't be returned to your Storage unlike when hired Pawns are dismissed or forfeited.

What Happens to Items of Dismissed Pawns?

What is Forfeit?

Dragon's Dogma's Version of Death

Forfeit is Dragon's Dogma's version of death. Forfeit effects differ between your main and hired Pawns, with the main Pawn having minimal repercussions after dying.

Hired Pawns need to be re-recruited again to make them join your party which can sometimes cost a lot of Rift Crystals if your hired Pawn is particularly powerful. Main Pawns will just respawn again after touching any Riftstone.

Pawns Are Forfeited If They Bleed Out

Dragons Dogma 2 - Main Pawn is Bleeding Out

When any Pawn have their HP reduced to zero, they will enter a bleed out state. The Arisen have a set time (until the meter runs out) to revive the fallen Pawn. If they fail to do so, the Pawn is considered forfeit.

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