Dragon's Dogma 2 (DD2)

How to Get Hawker Specialization

Give a Pawn the Hawker Specialization using the Hawker's Tome obtained by increasing affinity with a Merchant in Dragon's Dogma 2 (DD2). Learn how to get the Hawker Specialization and what the Hawker Specialization does here!

How to Get Hawker Specialization

How to Get Hawker Specialization

Increase Affinity with a Merchant


To increase your affinity with a backpack merchant, you can regularly buy items from the merchant. You can also opt to give gifts regularly to the same merchant (usually 3x Bunch of Flowers) to greatly increase affinity.

One of the earliest merchants you can gain the Hawker's Tome from is Montgomery at the Borderwatch Outpost. Make sure to check if there are certain types of gifts favored by a merchant through the Likes section within the NPC Logbook.

Once you reach a certain level of affinity with a merchant, you will be given a Hawker's Specialization Tome.

How to Give Gifts

Specialization Tomes Can Only Be Used Once

Specialization Tomes are a one-time use only item, so be sure to think twice before giving it to your pawn.

Hire a Pawn with the Hawker Specialization


Another way to get the Hawker Specilization is by hiring pawns from the Riftstone that have this specialization. Make sure you have enough Rift Crystals (RC) to hire them!

All Riftstone Locations

What is the Hawker Specialization?

Allows Pawns to Sell Excess Items

Pawns with the Hawker Specialization will usually offer to sell items from the Arisen's inventory when the carry weight is heavy or above out at campsite. Enough items will be sold to clear the Arisen's heavyweight status.

This is beneficial if you are out to make money from farming items and if you need to frequently remove weight from your inventory.

How to Increase Weight Limit

How to Select Which Items to Sell

You cannot specify what items will be sold through the Hawker mechanic. However, you can choose which items to save by putting them in a Pawn's inventory.

If one of your Pawns with a Hawker Specialization offers to sell your items, it is best to keep any essentials such as Curatives or Ferrystones on your Main Pawn to avoid any accidental sales.

List of All Items

Hawker's Tome Overview

Hawker's Tome Item Stats
Dragons Dogma 2 - Hawker A tome that grants a pawn the Hawker specialization, allowing them to offer to purchase some items from the inventory for a fair sum of gold.
Type Weight Cost Sell
Implements 0.20 kg - -
Item Effect
Overwrite Main Pawn specialization

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