Dragon's Dogma 2 (DD2)

What to Do with Tiger Eye

Tiger Eye is a valuable item that you can gift or sell to an NPC in Dragon's Dogma 2 (DD2). Learn about what to do with Tiger Eye, how to get it, and how much you can earn from selling it.

What to Do with Tiger Eye

Sell at a Vendor for Gold


DragonTiger Eye A jewel prized for its use as a protective charm. Scarcely seen in elven lands.
Weight: 0.02 kg
Rare Valuables Prices
Tiger Eye
900 G | *2700 G
800 G | *2800 G
800 G | *2400

*Selling price is higher in regions where they are scarce.

You can sell Tiger Eye for 900 G to any Vendor if you are in need of Gold. If you have good amount of Gold on you, you can gift it to an NPC you like the most instead!

Tiger Eye will have an increased selling price if you sell it on elven lands known as the Sacred Arbor, as it is hard to find in that region (as mentioned in its description). Selling it in that region will net you 2700 G instead of 900 G!

Where to Find a Vendor


Find Vendors at armories, smithies, sundries and the like.

Vendors are easy to find inside settlements like Melve or Vernworth. Check out an Inn as their store is usually found near one.

Try not to unsheath your weapon, or the Vendors might get scared and not do business with you!

Gift to an NPC


You can give Tiger Eye as a gift to an NPC to make progress on their romance level. NPCs have different gifts they prefer, and you can check them through the NPC Logbook under the History menu.

All Romance Options

How to Find Tiger Eye

Search the Open World

Obtaining a Tiger Eye can be quite a task as they are rarely found in some hard-to-reach places in the open world. Pawns usually point out where a hidden treasure might be hiding, so listen to them when they try to communicate something with you!

You can also check the map and minimap, as it will update with an icon if they see a point of interest or chests!

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