Dragon's Dogma 2 (DD2)

How to Tell Time of Day


You can tell the time of day by checking the sundial in the pause menu of Dragon's Dogma 2 (DD2). Learn how to tell the time, how to check the in-game time, how to change the time of day, and the difference between day and night!

How to Tell Time

Check the Time in the Pause Menu


The Pause Menu has a spinning dial bordering the map in the center that subtly shows the current time of the day at the very top.

This works essentially like a clock that spins counter-clockwise where the top of the dial shows the current time, the left side is the time of day that just passed, and the right side is the approaching time of day.

One side of this dial shows a sun, which indicates noon, while the opposite indicates midnight.

Use Your Character Like a Sundial

Character Shadow and Passage of Time

Around Noon

Approaching Dusk

Without opening the pause menu, you also can use your character's shadow like in a sundial, for a quick estimate of the time of day as the game does not have a specific clock feature. The position of the Arisen's shadow changes with the passage of time. This could be an indication that the feature will be present in the game.

How to Read the Character's Shadow to Tell Time

Simply head to an open area during the day and point the camera north, then look at the shadow cast by your character.

Direction of Shadow Approximate Time
Left 6 AM
Front 12 PM
Right 6 PM
(Close to night time!)

Pawns Will Point Out If Night is Approaching


Pawns will remind you when nighttime is fast approaching. This feature gives you time to decide if you want to continue exploring while facing more deadlier enemies in the darkness, or take a breather and wait until sunrise.

How to Light Up Dark Places

How to Change Time of Day

How to Change Time of Day

Sleep at Inns


To change or advance the time of day, sleep at one of the inns found in major towns. Talk to the innkeeper and pay 1,000 to 2,000 Gold to sleep there. Afterward, you'll then be asked to skip forward to either the next day or night.

All Inn Locations

Rest at Campsites


Another way to change time is to rest at campsites if you have a Mundane or Grass-Patterned camping kit with you. Once you've set up camp, interact with your tent and you can choose to rest until morning or nightfall.

Campsites can be set up at one of the many campfires across the map.

Camping Kit Guide: How to Make a Camp

Lighter Camping Kit Is Available in Deluxe Edition

You can get the Explorer's Camping Kit early on if you purchase the Deluxe Edition of the game. It is lighter than other camping kits in the game, which could be useful when exploring.

Deluxe Edition Bonuses

Doze Off on Benches with a Red Cushion


Some towns have benches with a red piece of fabric on top on which your character can sit and doze off. Once seated on a bench, press the “Doze Off” prompt to pass the time to morning, midday, dusk, or midnight.

Sleep at Your House


If you own a house, you can sleep at your own bed there to skip the time until the following day or night.

Purchasing a home is expensive, but saves you gold in the long run as sleeping there is completely free compared to routinely spending a few thousand gold at inns.

How to Get Houses and All Houses List

Ring the Oxcart Bell


At Oxcart stations, you can ring the bell to skip time to the following morning. This is also essentially helpful if an Oxcart isn't there, as ringing the bell summons the Oxcart immediately for you to use.

All Oxcart Locations: How to Ride Oxcarts

Day and Night Cycle Explained

Oxcarts Only Operate During the Day


Oxcarts, the primary way of fast traveling to major locations, are only available during the day as the roads grow dangerous at night.

Deadlier Enemies at Night


Aside from the limited visibility at night, stronger and more threatening enemies lurk about in the dark. Unless you're well-prepared or hunting them down in particular, it's recommended to avoid exploring at night, especially at the game's early stages.

List of Monsters

Quests Are Affected by the Passage of Time


Quest objectives and completion are affected by the passage of time, as some quests may “expire” or progress without your involvement. This would, of course, result in unintended consequences.

Some Quests Only Progress on Specific Times of Day

Certain quests require a particular time of day to complete or progress. While most quests can be progressed through at any time, some quest objectives may only appear at night.

List of All Timed Quests

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