Dragon's Dogma 2 (DD2)

Character Creations and Formulas Sharing Board

This is a message board to share your best Character Creation ideas and formulas for Dragon's Dogma 2. Share your best character creations and their slider formulas so other players can be inspired to make unique characters!

Character Creator Guides
Character Creator Guide Character Creations and Formulas

Character Creations and Formulas Sharing Board Rules

DragonShare image/s of your Character Creation as well as the sliders/formula for others to reference.

DragonShare ideas of Character Creations that you want to see!

DragonNo submissions that are offensive toward other users.

DragonNo slander or harassment.

DragonNo posting of images that violate public standards.

DragonNo posting submissions irrelevant to this board.

DragonNo posting of the same contents repeatedly.

DragonNo advertising for other sites or apps.

DragonNo posting for finanical gain (via RMT, etc.)

Note: If you violate any of these conditions, your submission may be deleted and you may be banned from posting.

Best Character Creations

Character Origin
DragonPaul Atreides Dune Saga

Click on a character creation shown above to see its formula in order to make it yourself!

Message Board

Submissions: 4
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4 Anonymous12 monthsReport

yeah he just looks like an old dude. Face isn’t long enough for starters.

3 Anonymous12 monthsReport

Did she just change careers from singer to clown before becoming a pawn? Her face isn’t that pointy either. Scary 😱

2 Alisonabout 1 yearReport

Pretty happy with how this Taylor Swift turned out! You just know I had to make her an Archer!

1 Tomabout 1 yearReport

Gandalf (book version) haha couldn't get the eyes to look like Ian McKellen's

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