Dragon's Dogma 2 (DD2)

Character Creator Guide


This is a Character Creator guide for Dragon's Dogma 2 (DD2). Read on to see how to create your character, all customization options, the best character creations, how to change appearance, and how to import your characters!

Character Creator Guides
Character Creator Guide Character Creations and Formulas

Character Creator Guide

Character Creator Options Can be Changed After Creation?
Base Body ✔️
Base Head ✔️
Body Adjustments ✔️
Facial Features ✔️
Hairstyles and Facial Hair ✔️
Facial Design and Patterns ✔️
Facial Design and Patterns ✔️

Choose Your Race


You get to choose between two races and two genders for each race: Male Human, Female Human, Male Beastren, and Female Beastren.

Does Race Matter?

Choosing a Base Body


After choosing the race for your character, select a base body from the available options. There are different base bodies to choose from that vary in both height and weight, and the body type you choose may affect certain gameplay elements.

Does Your Character Size Matter?

Choose Your Base Head to Work On


Choose a base head and face to get started. Choosing one will move to the next set of choices where the other choices are influenced by the first one you selected, with some parts and areas resembling the first choice.

You can still pick your initial choice since it's still present among the choices. Continue choosing base heads until you're finished.

Body Adjustments

After selecting your base head, the next step involves body adjustments. You can customize the body, head, upper and lower body, posture, and fur if you chose to be a beastren. This tab also influences your character's height and mass.

Each category offers a ton of sliders for customization, providing players with the freedom to fully customize their character.

Fur (Only Available on Beastrens)

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Fur Body Head
Upper Body Lower Body Posture
Customization Options
Fur ・2 types of Fur.
・Sets the fur's thickness.
Pattern ・7 Pattern Options.
・Determines the fur's pattern.
Pattern Color Presets ・33 Pattern Color Options Available.
Color 1 - 4 ・148 Default Color Options.
・Sets the color of the fur patterns.
Color 1 - 4 Intensity ・Slider with values ranging from 0 to 100.
・Determines the color intensity of the fur's color.


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Fur Body Head
Upper Body Lower Body Posture
Customization Options
Height ・Slider with values ranging from 160 to 215.
・Determines the character's height.
・Greatly affects weight.
Torso Length ・Slider with values ranging from -100 to 100.
・Adjusts the torso's length.
Muscle Style ・40 Muscle Style options available.
Muscle Strength ・Slider with values ranging from 0 to 100.
Traps Size ・Slider with values ranging from -100 to 100.
・Adjusts the muscle size on the back of the neck.
Upper Body Muscle Mass ・Slider with values ranging from -100 to 100.
・Adjusts the amount of muscles in the upper body.
Lower Body Muscle Mass ・Slider with values ranging from -100 to 100.
・Adjusts the amount of muscles in the lower body.
Upper Body Size ・Slider with values ranging from -100 to 100.
・Adjusts the size of the upper body.
・Greatly affects weight.
Lower Body Size ・Slider with values ranging from -100 to 100.
・Adjusts the size of the lower body.
・Greatly affects weight.

Height and mass were important factors to consider back in Dragon's Dogma 1. Height affects the overall walking and jogging speed of the character with taller characters moving faster.

Height also influenced certain game mechanics. Taller characters could keep the lantern from getting extinguished when traversing deep waters than shorter characters. Short characters could fit in monster holes, move between the legs of giant enemies, and have a smaller hitbox, making them less likely to be hit by enemy attacks.

Weight affects the character's stamina consumption and regen rate, and overall encumbrance. Lighter characters are more agile, making their stamina consumption lower and their regen rate faster. Heavier characters can carry more items before becoming encumbered, and can move faster when wearing heavy armor.

Does Your Character Size Matter?


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Fur Body Head
Upper Body Lower Body Posture
Customization Options
Head Size ・Slider with values ranging from -100 to 100.
・Determines the head size.
Head Length ・Slider with values ranging from -100 to 100.
・Adjusts how long the head is.
Head Width ・Slider with values ranging from -100 to 100.
・Adjusts the wideness of the head.
Head Depth ・Slider with values ranging from -100 to 100.
・Adjusts the head's depth.
Neck Length ・Slider with values ranging from -100 to 100.
・Adjusts how long the neck is
Neck Thickness ・Slider with values ranging from -100 to 100.
・Sets the thickness of the neck.

Upper Body

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Fur Body Head
Upper Body Lower Body Posture
Customization Options
Shoulder Width ・Slider with values ranging from -100 to 100.
・Determines the distance between the shoulders.
Shoulder Size ・Slider with values ranging from -100 to 100.
・Adjusts the largeness of the shoulders.
Chest Thickness ・Slider with values ranging from -100 to 100.
・Determines the thickness of the chest area.
Chest Size ・Slider with values ranging from -100 to 100.
・Adjusts the size of the bosoms.
Torso Width ・Slider with values ranging from -100 to 100.
・Adjusts the width of the stomach area.
Torso Depth ・Slider with values ranging from -100 to 100.
・Adjusts the depthness of the stomach area.
Arm Length ・Slider with values ranging from -100 to 100.
・Determines how long or short your arms are.
Arm Size ・Slider with values ranging from -100 to 100.
・Adjusts the thickness of the arms.
Upper ARm Thickness ・Slider with values ranging from -100 to 100.
・Adjusts the thickness of the upper arm, above the elbow.
Forearm Thickness ・Slider with values ranging from -100 to 100.
・Adjusts the thickness of the forearms, below the elbow.

Lower Body

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Fur Body Head
Upper Body Lower Body Posture
Customization Options
Waist Width ・Slider with values ranging from -100 to 100.
・Adjusts the wideness of the waist.
Waist Size ・Slider with values ranging from -100 to 100.
・Adjusts the waist's size.
Rear Size ・Slider with values ranging from -100 to 100.
・Adjusts the thickness of the buttocks.
Leg Size (Overall) ・Slider with values ranging from -100 to 100.
・Adjusts the thickness of the legs.
Thigh Size ・Slider with values ranging from -100 to 100.
・Adjusts the thickness of the thighs, above the knee.
Calf Size ・Slider with values ranging from -100 to 100.
・Adjusts the thickness of the calves, below the knee.


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Fur Body Head
Upper Body Lower Body Posture
Customization Options
Movement Style ・Slider with values ranging from -100 to 100.
・Determines the step length.
Elbow Angle ・Slider with values ranging from -100 to 100.
・Determines the angle of the elbows during movement.
Knee Angle ・Slider with values ranging from -100 to 100.
・Determines if the knees point outward or inward.
Posture ・Slider with values ranging from -100 to 100.
・Determines the posture of the character.

Refining Facial Features

In the head tab, you can adjust and add more variety to your facial features. You have the option to change your base head and customize your eyebrows, eyes, nose, ears, cheeks, mouth, and jaw or chin.


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Head Skin Brow
Eyes Nose Ears
Cheeks Mouth Jaw/Chin
Customization Options
Base Head ・38 base heads available for humans, and only 2 for beastren.

Skin (Only Available on Humans)

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Head Skin Brow
Eyes Nose Ears
Cheeks Mouth Jaw/Chin
Customization Options
Base Skin ・40 skin types available.
Skin Color ・59 skin colors available.
Wrinkles ・Slider with values ranging from 0 to 100.
・Determines how deep the wrinkles on the skin gets.
Skin Sheen ・Slider with values ranging from 0 to 100.
・Determines the shininess of the skin.


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Head Skin Brow
Eyes Nose Ears
Cheeks Mouth Jaw/Chin
Customization Options
Brow Height ・Slider with values ranging from -100 to 100.
・Determines the distance of the eyebrows from the eyes.
Brow Spacing ・Slider with values ranging from -100 to 100.
・Determines the distance of the eyebrows from the each other.
Brow Depth (Overall) ・Slider with values ranging from -100 to 100.
・Determines the depthness of the eyebrows.
Brow Depth (Inner) ・Slider with values ranging from -100 to 100.
・Determines the depthness of the inner eyebrows.
Brow Depth (Outer) ・Slider with values ranging from -100 to 100.
・Determines the depthness of the outer eyebrows.
Brow Angle ・Slider with values ranging from -100 to 100.
・Determines how the eyebrows are angled.
・Human Exclusive
Brow Bend ・Slider with values ranging from -100 to 100.
・Determines how the eyebrows are bent in the middle.


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Head Skin Brow
Eyes Nose Ears
Cheeks Mouth Jaw/Chin
Customization Options
Eye Height ・Slider with values ranging from -100 to 100.
・Determines the eyes' height.
Eye Width ・Slider with values ranging from -100 to 100.
・Determines how close or far the eyes are from each other.
Eye Depth ・Slider with values ranging from -100 to 100.
・Determines how inward or outward the eyes are in the socket.
Eye Size ・Slider with values ranging from -100 to 100.
・Determines eyes' size.
Eye Angle ・Slider with values ranging from -100 to 100.
・Determines how the eyes are angled.
Left Closed ・Checkbox that closes the left eye.
Squit (Left Eye) ・Slider with values ranging from 0 to 100.
・Determines how squinted the left eye is.
Right Closed ・Checkbox that closes the right eye.
Squit (Right Eye) ・Slider with values ranging from 0 to 100.
・Determines how squinted the right eye is.


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Head Skin Brow
Eyes Nose Ears
Cheeks Mouth Jaw/Chin
Customization Options
Nose Length ・Slider with values ranging from -100 to 100.
・Determines how long the nose is.
Bridge Width ・Slider with values ranging from -100 to 100.
・Determines how wide the nose bridge is.
Bridge Height ・Slider with values ranging from -100 to 100.
・Determines the height of the nose bridge.
・Human Exclusive
Bridge Bump (Overall) ・Slider with values ranging from -100 to 100.
・Determines how big the bridge bump is overall.
Bridge Bump (Upper) ・Slider with values ranging from -100 to 100.
・Determines how big the bridge bump is on the upper area.
・Human Exclusive
Bridge Bump (Lower) ・Slider with values ranging from -100 to 100.
・Determines how big the bridge bump is on the lower area.
・Human Exclusive
Nostril Size ・Slider with values ranging from -100 to 100.
・Determines how large the nostrils are.
・Human Exclusive
Nostril Height ・Slider with values ranging from -100 to 100.
・Determines the nostril's height.
Nostril Width ・Slider with values ranging from -100 to 100.
・Determines the nostril's width.
Tip Depth ・Slider with values ranging from -100 to 100.
・Determines the depthness of the nose tip.
Tip Angle ・Slider with values ranging from -100 to 100.
・Determines which way the tip is angled.
Tip Sharpness ・Slider with values ranging from -100 to 100.
・Determines how sharp or blunt the tip of the nose is.


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Head Skin Brow
Eyes Nose Ears
Cheeks Mouth Jaw/Chin
Customization Options
Style ・7 different ear styles.
Size ・Slider with values ranging from -100 to 100.
・Determines how big or small the ears are.
Angle ・Slider with values ranging from -100 to 100.
・Determines which direction the ears are angled.
Openness ・Slider with values ranging from -100 to 100.
・Determines the ears' openness.
Tilt ・Slider with values ranging from -100 to 100.
・Determines if the ears are tipped downwards or upwards.
・Human Exclusive
Tips ・Slider with values ranging from -100 to 100.
・Determines the largeness of the ear tips.
・Human Exclusive
Lobes ・Slider with values ranging from -100 to 100.
・Determines the largeness of the ear lobes.
・Human Exclusive
Lobe Size ・Slider with values ranging from -100 to 100.
・Determines the largeness of the ear lobes.
・Beastren Exclusive
Tip Sharpness ・Slider with values ranging from 0 to 100.
・Determines the sharpness of the ear tips.
・Beastren Exclusive
Ear Tip Bend ・Slider with values ranging from -100 to 100.
・Determines the how bent the ear tips are.
・Beastren Exclusive
Ear Tip Rotation ・Slider with values ranging from -100 to 100.
・Adjusts the ear tips by facing it forward or backward.
・Beastren Exclusive
Ear Twist ・Slider with values ranging from -100 to 100.
・Adjusts the ear tips by twisting it forward or backward.
・Beastren Exclusive


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Head Skin Brow
Eyes Nose Ears
Cheeks Mouth Jaw/Chin
Customization Options
Cheeks/Neck Thickness ・Slider with values ranging from -100 to 100.
・Determines how rounded the cheeks are and how thick the neck is.
Cheek Bulge ・Slider with values ranging from -100 to 100.
・Determines how rounded the cheeks are.
Neck Fat ・Slider with values ranging from -100 to 100.
・Determines how thick the neck is.
Cheek Height ・Slider with values ranging from -100 to 100.
・Determines the cheeks' height.
Cheek Width ・Slider with values ranging from -100 to 100.
・Determines the cheeks' width.
Cheek Depth ・Slider with values ranging from -100 to 100.
・Determines the cheeks' depthness.


Jump to a Section!
Head Skin Brow
Eyes Nose Ears
Cheeks Mouth Jaw/Chin
Customization Options
Mouth Height ・Slider with values ranging from -100 to 100.
・Determines mouth's height.
Mouth Width ・Slider with values ranging from -100 to 100.
・Determines mouth's width.
Mouth Protrusion ・Slider with values ranging from -100 to 100.
・Determines the largeness of the mouth's bulge.
Mouth Corners ・Slider with values ranging from -100 to 100.
・Determines how the corners of the mouth are angled.
Whisker Position ・Slider with values ranging from -100 to 100.
・Determines how the whiskers are positioned.
・Beastren Exclusive
Lip Thickness ・Slider with values ranging from -100 to 100.
・Determines how thick both of the upper and lower lips are.
・Human Exclusive
Lower Lip Position ・Slider with values ranging from -100 to 100.
・Determines how the lower lip is positioned.


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Head Skin Brow
Eyes Nose Ears
Cheeks Mouth Jaw/Chin
Customization Options
Jaw Definition ・Slider with values ranging from -100 to 100.
・Determines structured the jaw bones are.
Jaw Width ・Slider with values ranging from -100 to 100.
・Determines the jaw's width.
Jaw Position ・Slider with values ranging from -100 to 100.
・Determines how the jaw is positioned.
Jaw Protrusion ・Slider with values ranging from -100 to 100.
・Determines the largeness of the bulge below the jaw is.
Chin Height ・Slider with values ranging from -100 to 100.
・Determines the chin's height.
Chin Width ・Slider with values ranging from -100 to 100.
・Determines the chin's width.
Chin Protrusion ・Slider with values ranging from -100 to 100.
・Determines the chin's thickness.
Chin Sharpness ・Slider with values ranging from -100 to 100.
・Determines the chin's sharpness.

Style Your Hair

In the body hair tab, you can customize your hairstyle and facial hair, including the root and tip color, sheen intensity, and position!


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Hairstyle Eyebrows
Facial Hair Body Hair
Customization Options
Hairstyle ・57 different hairstyle options for humans, 56 for beastren.
Root Color ・183 different options for the hair's root color.
Tip Color ・183 different options for the hair's tip color.
Root/Tip Blend ・Slider with values ranging from 0 to 100.
・Determines how blended the root and tip colors are.
Sheen Position ・Slider with values ranging from 0 to 100.
・Determines where the shininess on the hair is positioned.
Sheen ・Slider with values ranging from 0 to 100.
・Determines the hair's shininess.

Eyebrows (Only Available on Humans)

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Hairstyle Eyebrows
Facial Hair Body Hair
Customization Options
Shape ・14 eyebrow shape options.
Color ・178 eyebrow color options.
Thickness ・Slider with values ranging from -100 to 100.
・Determines eyebrow thickness.

Facial Hair

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Hairstyle Eyebrows
Facial Hair Body Hair
Customization Options
Style ・44 different facial hair options for humans, with only 6 for beastren.
Root Color ・183 different options for the hair's root color.
Tip Color ・183 different options for the hair's tip color.
Root/Tip Blend ・Slider with values ranging from 0 to 100.
・Determines how blended the root and tip colors are.
Sheen Position ・Slider with values ranging from 0 to 100.
・Determines where the shininess on the hair is positioned.
Sheen ・Slider with values ranging from 0 to 100.
・Determines the hair's shininess.

Body Hair (Only Available on Humans)

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Hairstyle Eyebrows
Facial Hair Body Hair
Customization Options
Body Hair Style ・4 types of body hair styles.
Body Hair Color ・183 body hair colors available.
Body Hair Density ・Slider with values ranging from 0 to 100.
・Determines the body hair's thickness.

Facial Design and Patterns

You can choose to add design patterns to your face, change the color of your character's eyes and nose, add eyelashes, adjust your teeth, and change claw colors!

Face (Only Available on Beastrens)

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Face Nose Color Eyes
Eyelashes Eyeshadow Eyeliner
Freckles Cheeks Lips
Teeth Claw Color
Customization Options
Face Pattern Presets ・15 base face pattern presets available.
Face Color Presets ・8 face color presets available.
Base Pattern ・3 base face patterns available.
Base Pattern Opacity ・Slider with values ranging from 0 to 100.
・Determines the face color's opcaity.
Face Pattern ・5 face patterns available.
Eye Pattern ・7 eye patterns available.
Cheek Pattern ・7 cheek patterns available.
Nose Pattern ・4 nose patterns available.
Color 1 and 2 ・32 face colors available for color 1 and 2.
Pattern Color 1 and 2 ・Slider with values ranging from 0 to 100.
・Determines the first and second face colors' saturation.
Face Pattern Opacity ・Slider with values ranging from 0 to 100.
・Determines the face pattern's opacity.
Eye Pattern Opacity ・Slider with values ranging from 0 to 100.
・Determines the eye pattern's opacity.
Cheeck Pattern Opacity ・Slider with values ranging from 0 to 100.
・Determines the cheek pattern's opacity.
Nose Pattern Opacity ・Slider with values ranging from 0 to 100.
・Determines the nose pattern's opacity.

Nose Color (Only Available on Beastrens)

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Face Nose Color Eyes
Eyelashes Eyeshadow Eyeliner
Freckles Cheeks Lips
Teeth Claw Color
Customization Options
Nose Color ・27 nose colors available.
Opacity ・Slider with values ranging from 0 to 100.
・Determines the nose color's opacity.
Sheen ・Slider with values ranging from 0 to 100.
・Determines the nose color's shininess.
Intensity ・Slider with values ranging from 0 to 100.
・Determines the nose color's saturation.


Jump to a Section!
Face Nose Color Eyes
Eyelashes Eyeshadow Eyeliner
Freckles Cheeks Lips
Teeth Claw Color
Customization Options
Eye Style ・3 types of eye styles available.
Eye Color Presets ・48 eye color presets for humans,
Iris Primary Color ・334 primary colors available for the iris.
Iris Secondary Color ・334 secondary colors available for the iris.
Iris Tertiary Color ・334 tertiary colors available for the iris.
Sclera Color ・334 colors available for the sclera.
Iris Size ・Slider with values ranging from -100 to 100.
・Determines iris' largeness.
Pupil Size ・Slider with values ranging from -100 to 100.
・Determines pupils' largeness.

You can check the Edit Each Eye Separately to bring out the customization options for the other eye.


Jump to a Section!
Face Nose Color Eyes
Eyelashes Eyeshadow Eyeliner
Freckles Cheeks Lips
Teeth Claw Color
Customization Options
Eyelash Root Color ・183 different options for the eyelash's root color.
Eyelash Tip Color ・183 different options for the eyelash's tip color.
Root/Tip Blend ・Slider with values ranging from 0 to 100.
・Determines how blended the root and tip colors are.
Length ・Slider with values ranging from 0 to 100.
・Determines how long the eyelashes are.
Shape ・3 eyelash shapes to choose from.
Density ・Slider with values ranging from 0 to 100.
・Determines the eyelashes' thickness.

Eyeshadow (Only Available on Humans)

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Face Nose Color Eyes
Eyelashes Eyeshadow Eyeliner
Freckles Cheeks Lips
Teeth Claw Color
Customization Options
Eyeshadow Style ・5 eyeshadow styles available.
Eyeshadow Color 1 ・49 different colors for the inner eyeshadow.
Eyeshadow Color 2 ・49 different colors for the outer eyeshadow.
Eyeshadow Intensity ・Slider with values ranging from 0 to 100.
・Determines the eyeshadow's saturation.
Eyeshadow Coverage ・Slider with values ranging from 0 to 100.
・Determines how the eyeshadow is spread.
Eyeshadow Opacity ・Slider with values ranging from 0 to 100.
・Determines the eyeshadow's opacity.
Eyeshadow Metallic ・Slider with values ranging from 0 to 100.
・Determines the amount of metallic finish applied.
Eyeshadow Sheen ・Slider with values ranging from 0 to 100.
・Determines the shininess applied on the eyeshadow.

Eyeliner (Only Available on Humans)

Jump to a Section!
Face Nose Color Eyes
Eyelashes Eyeshadow Eyeliner
Freckles Cheeks Lips
Teeth Claw Color
Customization Options
Eyeliner Style ・13 different eyeliner styles available.
Eyeliner Color ・42 different colors available for the eyeliner.
Eyeliner Coverage ・Slider with values ranging from 0 to 100.
・Determines how the eyeliner is spread.
Eyeliner Opacity ・Slider with values ranging from 0 to 100.
・Determines the eyeliner's opacity.
Eyeliner Metallic ・Slider with values ranging from 0 to 100.
・Determines the amount of metallic finish applied.
Eyelines Sheen ・Slider with values ranging from 0 to 100.
・Determines the shininess applied on the eyeliner.

Freckles (Only Available on Humans)

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Face Nose Color Eyes
Eyelashes Eyeshadow Eyeliner
Freckles Cheeks Lips
Teeth Claw Color
Customization Options
Freckles ・5 types of freckle styles available.
Freckle Color ・26 different colors of freckles available.
Freckle Opacity ・Slider with values ranging from 0 to 100.
・Determines the freckles' opacity.

Cheeks (Only Available on Humans)

Jump to a Section!
Face Nose Color Eyes
Eyelashes Eyeshadow Eyeliner
Freckles Cheeks Lips
Teeth Claw Color
Customization Options
Cheek Style ・4 cheek styles available.
Cheek Color ・118 different cheek colors available.
Cheek Opacity ・Slider with values ranging from 0 to 100.
・Determines the cheek color's opacity.
Cheek Metallic ・Slider with values ranging from 0 to 100.
・Determines the amount of metallic finish applied.
Cheek Sheen ・Slider with values ranging from 0 to 100.
・Determines the shininess applied on the cheeks.

Lips (Only Available on Humans)

Jump to a Section!
Face Nose Color Eyes
Eyelashes Eyeshadow Eyeliner
Freckles Cheeks Lips
Teeth Claw Color
Customization Options
Lip Style ・5 lip styles available.
Lip Color ・112 lip colors available.
Lip Color Spread ・Slider with values ranging from 0 to 100.
・Determines how the lip color is spread.
Lip Opacity ・Slider with values ranging from 0 to 100.
・Determines the lip color's opacity.
Lip Metallic ・Slider with values ranging from 0 to 100.
・Determines the amount of metallic finish applied.
Lip Sheen ・Slider with values ranging from 0 to 100.
・Determines the shininess applied on the lips.


Jump to a Section!
Face Nose Color Eyes
Eyelashes Eyeshadow Eyeliner
Freckles Cheeks Lips
Teeth Claw Color
Customization Options
Upper Teeth ・Choose to remove or retain a select number of upper teeth.
Lower Teeth ・Choose to remove or retain a select number of lower teeth.
Teeth Color ・20 teeth colors available.

Claw Color (Only Available on Beastrens)

Jump to a Section!
Face Nose Color Eyes
Eyelashes Eyeshadow Eyeliner
Freckles Cheeks Lips
Teeth Claw Color
Customization Options
Claw Color ・16 claw colors available.

Tattoos and Markings

You can choose to add tattoos, scars, or dirt to showcase markings on the character.

Tattoo Presets

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Tattoo Presets Body Tattoos Right Arm Tattoos
Left Arm Tattoos Right Leg Tattoos Left Leg Tattoos
Scar Presets Body Scars Right Arm Scars
Left Arm Scars Right Leg Scars Left Leg Scars
Customization Options
Tattoo Presets ・20 body tattoo presets available.

Body Tattoos

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Tattoo Presets Body Tattoos Right Arm Tattoos
Left Arm Tattoos Right Leg Tattoos Left Leg Tattoos
Scar Presets Body Scars Right Arm Scars
Left Arm Scars Right Leg Scars Left Leg Scars
Customization Options
Body Tattoo Style ・66 body tattoo styles available.
Tattoo Primary Color ・56 tatoo colors for available for primary color.
Tattoo Secondary Color ・56 tatoo colors for available for secondary color.
Tattoo Tertiary Color ・56 tatoo colors for available for tertiary color.
Vertical Position ・Slider with values ranging from -100 to 100.
・Determines the vertical position of the tattoo.
Horizontal Position ・Slider with values ranging from -100 to 100.
・Determines the horizontal position of the tattoo.
Rotation ・Slider with values ranging from -100 to 100.
・Determines the rotation of the tattoo.
Overall Scale ・Slider with values ranging from 0 to 100.
・Determines the overall size of the tattoo.
Vertical Scale ・Slider with values ranging from 0 to 100.
・Determines the tattoo's scale when adjusting it vertically.
Horizontal Scale ・Slider with values ranging from 0 to 100.
・Determines the tattoo's scale when adjusting it horizontally.
Vertical Tiling ・Slider with values ranging from 0 to 10.
・Determines how many vertical tiles of that tattoo are formed.
Horizontal Tiling ・Slider with values ranging from 0 to 10.
・Determines how many horizontal tiles of that tattoo are formed.
Opacity ・Slider with values ranging from 0 to 100.
・Determines the tattoo's opacity.
Intensity ・Slider with values ranging from 0 to 100.
・Determines the tattoo's saturation.
Metallic ・Slider with values ranging from 0 to 100.
・Determines the amount of metallic finish applied.
Sheen ・Slider with values ranging from 0 to 100.
・Determines the amount of shininess applied.

You can check the Tattoo 2 to bring out the customization options for another Body Tattoo.

Right Arm Tattoos

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Tattoo Presets Body Tattoos Right Arm Tattoos
Left Arm Tattoos Right Leg Tattoos Left Leg Tattoos
Scar Presets Body Scars Right Arm Scars
Left Arm Scars Right Leg Scars Left Leg Scars
Customization Options
Right Arm Tattoo Style ・66 right arm tattoo styles available.
Tattoo Primary Color ・56 tatoo colors for available for primary color.
Tattoo Secondary Color ・56 tatoo colors for available for secondary color.
Tattoo Tertiary Color ・56 tatoo colors for available for tertiary color.
Vertical Position ・Slider with values ranging from -100 to 100.
・Determines the vertical position of the tattoo.
Horizontal Position ・Slider with values ranging from -100 to 100.
・Determines the horizontal position of the tattoo.
Rotation ・Slider with values ranging from -100 to 100.
・Determines the rotation of the tattoo.
Overall Scale ・Slider with values ranging from 0 to 100.
・Determines the overall size of the tattoo.
Vertical Scale ・Slider with values ranging from 0 to 100.
・Determines the tattoo's scale when adjusting it vertically.
Horizontal Scale ・Slider with values ranging from 0 to 100.
・Determines the tattoo's scale when adjusting it horizontally.
Vertical Tiling ・Slider with values ranging from 0 to 10.
・Determines how many vertical tiles of that tattoo are formed.
Horizontal Tiling ・Slider with values ranging from 0 to 10.
・Determines how many horizontal tiles of that tattoo are formed.
Opacity ・Slider with values ranging from 0 to 100.
・Determines the tattoo's opacity.
Intensity ・Slider with values ranging from 0 to 100.
・Determines the tattoo's saturation.
Metallic ・Slider with values ranging from 0 to 100.
・Determines the amount of metallic finish applied.
Sheen ・Slider with values ranging from 0 to 100.
・Determines the amount of shininess applied.

You can check the Tattoo 2 to bring out the customization options for another Right Arm Tattoo.

Left Arm Tattoos

Jump to a Section!
Tattoo Presets Body Tattoos Right Arm Tattoos
Left Arm Tattoos Right Leg Tattoos Left Leg Tattoos
Scar Presets Body Scars Right Arm Scars
Left Arm Scars Right Leg Scars Left Leg Scars
Customization Options
Left Arm Tattoo Style ・66 left arm tattoo styles available.
Tattoo Primary Color ・56 tatoo colors for available for primary color.
Tattoo Secondary Color ・56 tatoo colors for available for secondary color.
Tattoo Tertiary Color ・56 tatoo colors for available for tertiary color.
Vertical Position ・Slider with values ranging from -100 to 100.
・Determines the vertical position of the tattoo.
Horizontal Position ・Slider with values ranging from -100 to 100.
・Determines the horizontal position of the tattoo.
Rotation ・Slider with values ranging from -100 to 100.
・Determines the rotation of the tattoo.
Overall Scale ・Slider with values ranging from 0 to 100.
・Determines the overall size of the tattoo.
Vertical Scale ・Slider with values ranging from 0 to 100.
・Determines the tattoo's scale when adjusting it vertically.
Horizontal Scale ・Slider with values ranging from 0 to 100.
・Determines the tattoo's scale when adjusting it horizontally.
Vertical Tiling ・Slider with values ranging from 0 to 10.
・Determines how many vertical tiles of that tattoo are formed.
Horizontal Tiling ・Slider with values ranging from 0 to 10.
・Determines how many horizontal tiles of that tattoo are formed.
Opacity ・Slider with values ranging from 0 to 100.
・Determines the tattoo's opacity.
Intensity ・Slider with values ranging from 0 to 100.
・Determines the tattoo's saturation.
Metallic ・Slider with values ranging from 0 to 100.
・Determines the amount of metallic finish applied.
Sheen ・Slider with values ranging from 0 to 100.
・Determines the amount of shininess applied.

You can check the Tattoo 2 to bring out the customization options for another Left Arm Tattoo.

Right Leg Tattoos

Jump to a Section!
Tattoo Presets Body Tattoos Right Arm Tattoos
Left Arm Tattoos Right Leg Tattoos Left Leg Tattoos
Scar Presets Body Scars Right Arm Scars
Left Arm Scars Right Leg Scars Left Leg Scars
Customization Options
Right Leg Tattoo Style ・66 right leg tattoo styles available.
Tattoo Primary Color ・56 tatoo colors for available for primary color.
Tattoo Secondary Color ・56 tatoo colors for available for secondary color.
Tattoo Tertiary Color ・56 tatoo colors for available for tertiary color.
Vertical Position ・Slider with values ranging from -100 to 100.
・Determines the vertical position of the tattoo.
Horizontal Position ・Slider with values ranging from -100 to 100.
・Determines the horizontal position of the tattoo.
Rotation ・Slider with values ranging from -100 to 100.
・Determines the rotation of the tattoo.
Overall Scale ・Slider with values ranging from 0 to 100.
・Determines the overall size of the tattoo.
Vertical Scale ・Slider with values ranging from 0 to 100.
・Determines the tattoo's scale when adjusting it vertically.
Horizontal Scale ・Slider with values ranging from 0 to 100.
・Determines the tattoo's scale when adjusting it horizontally.
Vertical Tiling ・Slider with values ranging from 0 to 10.
・Determines how many vertical tiles of that tattoo are formed.
Horizontal Tiling ・Slider with values ranging from 0 to 10.
・Determines how many horizontal tiles of that tattoo are formed.
Opacity ・Slider with values ranging from 0 to 100.
・Determines the tattoo's opacity.
Intensity ・Slider with values ranging from 0 to 100.
・Determines the tattoo's saturation.
Metallic ・Slider with values ranging from 0 to 100.
・Determines the amount of metallic finish applied.
Sheen ・Slider with values ranging from 0 to 100.
・Determines the amount of shininess applied.

You can check the Tattoo 2 to bring out the customization options for another Right Leg Tattoo.

Left Leg Tattoos

Jump to a Section!
Tattoo Presets Body Tattoos Right Arm Tattoos
Left Arm Tattoos Right Leg Tattoos Left Leg Tattoos
Scar Presets Body Scars Right Arm Scars
Left Arm Scars Right Leg Scars Left Leg Scars
Customization Options
Left Leg Tattoo Style ・66 left leg tattoo styles available.
Tattoo Primary Color ・56 tatoo colors for available for primary color.
Tattoo Secondary Color ・56 tatoo colors for available for secondary color.
Tattoo Tertiary Color ・56 tatoo colors for available for tertiary color.
Vertical Position ・Slider with values ranging from -100 to 100.
・Determines the vertical position of the tattoo.
Horizontal Position ・Slider with values ranging from -100 to 100.
・Determines the horizontal position of the tattoo.
Rotation ・Slider with values ranging from -100 to 100.
・Determines the rotation of the tattoo.
Overall Scale ・Slider with values ranging from 0 to 100.
・Determines the overall size of the tattoo.
Vertical Scale ・Slider with values ranging from 0 to 100.
・Determines the tattoo's scale when adjusting it vertically.
Horizontal Scale ・Slider with values ranging from 0 to 100.
・Determines the tattoo's scale when adjusting it horizontally.
Vertical Tiling ・Slider with values ranging from 0 to 10.
・Determines how many vertical tiles of that tattoo are formed.
Horizontal Tiling ・Slider with values ranging from 0 to 10.
・Determines how many horizontal tiles of that tattoo are formed.
Opacity ・Slider with values ranging from 0 to 100.
・Determines the tattoo's opacity.
Intensity ・Slider with values ranging from 0 to 100.
・Determines the tattoo's saturation.
Metallic ・Slider with values ranging from 0 to 100.
・Determines the amount of metallic finish applied.
Sheen ・Slider with values ranging from 0 to 100.
・Determines the amount of shininess applied.

You can check the Tattoo 2 to bring out the customization options for another Left Leg Tattoo.

Scar Presets

Jump to a Section!
Tattoo Presets Body Tattoos Right Arm Tattoos
Left Arm Tattoos Right Leg Tattoos Left Leg Tattoos
Scar Presets Body Scars Right Arm Scars
Left Arm Scars Right Leg Scars Left Leg Scars
Customization Options
Scar Presets ・9 scar presets available.

Body Scars

Jump to a Section!
Tattoo Presets Body Tattoos Right Arm Tattoos
Left Arm Tattoos Right Leg Tattoos Left Leg Tattoos
Scar Presets Body Scars Right Arm Scars
Left Arm Scars Right Leg Scars Left Leg Scars
Customization Options
Body Scar Style ・15 body scar styles available.
Vertical Position ・Slider with values ranging from -100 to 100.
・Determines the vertical position of the scar.
Horizontal Position ・Slider with values ranging from -100 to 100.
・Determines the horizontal position of the scar.
Rotation ・Slider with values ranging from -100 to 100.
・Determines the rotation of the scar.
Overall Scale ・Slider with values ranging from 0 to 100.
・Determines the overall size of the scar.
Vertical Scale ・Slider with values ranging from 0 to 100.
・Determines the scar's scale when adjusting it vertically.
Horizontal Scale ・Slider with values ranging from 0 to 100.
・Determines the scar's scale when adjusting it horizontally.
Vertical Tiling ・Slider with values ranging from 0 to 10.
・Determines how many vertical tiles of that scar are formed.
Horizontal Tiling ・Slider with values ranging from 0 to 10.
・Determines how many horizontal tiles of that scar are formed.
Opacity ・Slider with values ranging from 0 to 100.
・Determines the tattoo's opacity.
Intensity ・Slider with values ranging from 0 to 100.
・Determines the scar's intensity.
Sheen ・Slider with values ranging from 0 to 100.
・Determines the amount of shininess applied.

You can check the Scar 2 to bring out the customization options for another Body Scar.

Right Arm Scars

Jump to a Section!
Tattoo Presets Body Tattoos Right Arm Tattoos
Left Arm Tattoos Right Leg Tattoos Left Leg Tattoos
Scar Presets Body Scars Right Arm Scars
Left Arm Scars Right Leg Scars Left Leg Scars
Customization Options
Right Arm Scar Style ・15 right arm scar styles available.
Vertical Position ・Slider with values ranging from -100 to 100.
・Determines the vertical position of the scar.
Horizontal Position ・Slider with values ranging from -100 to 100.
・Determines the horizontal position of the scar.
Rotation ・Slider with values ranging from -100 to 100.
・Determines the rotation of the scar.
Overall Scale ・Slider with values ranging from 0 to 100.
・Determines the overall size of the scar.
Vertical Scale ・Slider with values ranging from 0 to 100.
・Determines the scar's scale when adjusting it vertically.
Horizontal Scale ・Slider with values ranging from 0 to 100.
・Determines the scar's scale when adjusting it horizontally.
Vertical Tiling ・Slider with values ranging from 0 to 10.
・Determines how many vertical tiles of that scar are formed.
Horizontal Tiling ・Slider with values ranging from 0 to 10.
・Determines how many horizontal tiles of that scar are formed.
Opacity ・Slider with values ranging from 0 to 100.
・Determines the tattoo's opacity.
Intensity ・Slider with values ranging from 0 to 100.
・Determines the scar's intensity.
Sheen ・Slider with values ranging from 0 to 100.
・Determines the amount of shininess applied.

You can check the Scar 2 to bring out the customization options for another Right Arm Scar.

Left Arm Scars

Jump to a Section!
Tattoo Presets Body Tattoos Right Arm Tattoos
Left Arm Tattoos Right Leg Tattoos Left Leg Tattoos
Scar Presets Body Scars Right Arm Scars
Left Arm Scars Right Leg Scars Left Leg Scars
Customization Options
Left Arm Scar Style ・15 left arm scar styles available.
Vertical Position ・Slider with values ranging from -100 to 100.
・Determines the vertical position of the scar.
Horizontal Position ・Slider with values ranging from -100 to 100.
・Determines the horizontal position of the scar.
Rotation ・Slider with values ranging from -100 to 100.
・Determines the rotation of the scar.
Overall Scale ・Slider with values ranging from 0 to 100.
・Determines the overall size of the scar.
Vertical Scale ・Slider with values ranging from 0 to 100.
・Determines the scar's scale when adjusting it vertically.
Horizontal Scale ・Slider with values ranging from 0 to 100.
・Determines the scar's scale when adjusting it horizontally.
Vertical Tiling ・Slider with values ranging from 0 to 10.
・Determines how many vertical tiles of that scar are formed.
Horizontal Tiling ・Slider with values ranging from 0 to 10.
・Determines how many horizontal tiles of that scar are formed.
Opacity ・Slider with values ranging from 0 to 100.
・Determines the tattoo's opacity.
Intensity ・Slider with values ranging from 0 to 100.
・Determines the scar's intensity.
Sheen ・Slider with values ranging from 0 to 100.
・Determines the amount of shininess applied.

You can check the Scar 2 to bring out the customization options for another Left Arm Scar.

Right Leg Scars

Jump to a Section!
Tattoo Presets Body Tattoos Right Arm Tattoos
Left Arm Tattoos Right Leg Tattoos Left Leg Tattoos
Scar Presets Body Scars Right Arm Scars
Left Arm Scars Right Leg Scars Left Leg Scars
Customization Options
Right Leg Scar Style ・15 right leg scar styles available.
Vertical Position ・Slider with values ranging from -100 to 100.
・Determines the vertical position of the scar.
Horizontal Position ・Slider with values ranging from -100 to 100.
・Determines the horizontal position of the scar.
Rotation ・Slider with values ranging from -100 to 100.
・Determines the rotation of the scar.
Overall Scale ・Slider with values ranging from 0 to 100.
・Determines the overall size of the scar.
Vertical Scale ・Slider with values ranging from 0 to 100.
・Determines the scar's scale when adjusting it vertically.
Horizontal Scale ・Slider with values ranging from 0 to 100.
・Determines the scar's scale when adjusting it horizontally.
Vertical Tiling ・Slider with values ranging from 0 to 10.
・Determines how many vertical tiles of that scar are formed.
Horizontal Tiling ・Slider with values ranging from 0 to 10.
・Determines how many horizontal tiles of that scar are formed.
Opacity ・Slider with values ranging from 0 to 100.
・Determines the tattoo's opacity.
Intensity ・Slider with values ranging from 0 to 100.
・Determines the scar's intensity.
Sheen ・Slider with values ranging from 0 to 100.
・Determines the amount of shininess applied.

You can check the Scar 2 to bring out the customization options for another Right Leg Scar.

Left Leg Scars

Jump to a Section!
Tattoo Presets Body Tattoos Right Arm Tattoos
Left Arm Tattoos Right Leg Tattoos Left Leg Tattoos
Scar Presets Body Scars Right Arm Scars
Left Arm Scars Right Leg Scars Left Leg Scars
Customization Options
Left Leg Scar Style ・15 left leg scar styles available.
Vertical Position ・Slider with values ranging from -100 to 100.
・Determines the vertical position of the scar.
Horizontal Position ・Slider with values ranging from -100 to 100.
・Determines the horizontal position of the scar.
Rotation ・Slider with values ranging from -100 to 100.
・Determines the rotation of the scar.
Overall Scale ・Slider with values ranging from 0 to 100.
・Determines the overall size of the scar.
Vertical Scale ・Slider with values ranging from 0 to 100.
・Determines the scar's scale when adjusting it vertically.
Horizontal Scale ・Slider with values ranging from 0 to 100.
・Determines the scar's scale when adjusting it horizontally.
Vertical Tiling ・Slider with values ranging from 0 to 10.
・Determines how many vertical tiles of that scar are formed.
Horizontal Tiling ・Slider with values ranging from 0 to 10.
・Determines how many horizontal tiles of that scar are formed.
Opacity ・Slider with values ranging from 0 to 100.
・Determines the tattoo's opacity.
Intensity ・Slider with values ranging from 0 to 100.
・Determines the scar's intensity.
Sheen ・Slider with values ranging from 0 to 100.
・Determines the amount of shininess applied.

You can check the Scar 2 to bring out the customization options for another Left Leg Scar.


Jump to a Section!
Tattoo Presets Body Tattoos Right Arm Tattoos
Left Arm Tattoos Right Leg Tattoos Left Leg Tattoos
Scar Presets Body Scars Right Arm Scars
Left Arm Scars Right Leg Scars Left Leg Scars
Customization Options
Dirt Pattern ・3 types of dirt pattern available.
Dirt Color ・12 choices of dirt color available.
Dirt Coverage ・Slider with values ranging from 0 to 100.
・Determines how the dirt is spread.
Dirt Opacity ・Slider with values ranging from 0 to 100.
・Determines how the dirt's opacity.

Choose a Name and Moniker


Choose any preferred Name for your character. Afterward, select a Moniker from a list of predetermined names. Names and Monikers do not affect gameplay, story, or dialogue and are primarily used to display pawn and arisen names in the game's online features.

Moniker Meaning and Difference from Name

Can You Change Appearance After Creation?

Appearance Can Most Likely Be Changed

With Dragon's Dogma 2 following in the footsteps of the first game, it's highly possible that the ability to change appearances after character creation, as in the first game, will be retained in the second game.

Visiting Barber Shops


The image above is from the first game, Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen

In the first game, there's a barber shop in the main city that can alter your hairstyle, makeup, and other facial features. It is possible that similar shops will be available in Dragon's Dogma 2 that specializes in different fields of customizations.

Using Transmutation Items


The image above is from the first game, Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen

Dragon's Dogma 1 has items that allow players to completely change their whole appearance, as well as the appearance of their main pawn. They gain access to the character creator in the main menu of the game.

A similar approach might be taken for the second game so players won't have to worry about clinging onto their character's appearance until end game.

How to Import from the Character Creator

Finish Creating First Character


After confirming 'Finalize your character' on your first character, the character will automatically be imported into the full Dragon's Dogma 2 game when it releases. Make sure you're satisfied with your Arisen and/or main Pawn's appearance and their vocations before confirming!

Only One Character Can Be Carried Over


If you have made additional characters, you may choose to import the other ones instead of the first character you've made to be carried over since only one character created in the character creator demo can be imported in the actual game.

Dragon's Dogma 2 Related Guides


Dragon's Dogma 2 Wiki Top

Dragon's Dogma 2 Guides

Dragon's Dogma 2 Wiki Contents
DragonWalkthrough DragonQuests
DragonVocation DragonTips and Tricks
Dragons Dogma 2 WeaponsWeapons Dragons Dogma 2 Armors Partial BannerArmors
DragonInteractive Map DragonRomance
DragonCharacter Creator Dragons Dogma 2 PawnsPawns
DragonItems DragonAugments
DragonMonsters DragonNPCs
Dragons Dogma 2 Weapon SkillsWeapon Skills Dragons Dogma 2 Core SkillsCore Skills
Dragons Dogma 2 Trophies and AchievementsTrophies and Achievements DragonChoices
DragonCollectibles DragonNews and Game Info
Dragons Dogma 2 - Updates and  Patch Notes PArtial BannerUpdates and Patch Notes DragonBugs and Errors

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