Dragon's Dogma 2 (DD2)

The Gift of Giving Walkthrough and Location

The Gift of Giving is a side quest in Dragon's Dogma 2 (DD2). Read our guide for a walkthrough on how to start and complete The Gift of Giving, as well as the rewards and unlock conditions.

How to Start The Gift of Giving

Talk to Daphne in Vernworth Slums

You can start this quest as soon as you reach Vernworth. Make your way to the Slums in the northeastern part of the city, and you'll encounter a girl roaming around the area named Daphne. Speak to her and agree to help her with her troubles.

The Gift of Giving Location

Map View
World View

The Gift of Giving starts at the Slums in Vernworth.

How to Complete the Gift of Giving

  1. Give Daphne a Bunch of Flowers
  2. Give Daphne a Silver Ore
  3. Give Daphne Two Gold Ores After a Day
  4. Bring Daphne Three Detoxifying Decoction

Give Daphne a Bunch of Flowers

Daphne will first request a Bunch of Flowers, which you can obtain through different means, such as combining two different flowers or completing NPC escort missions.

Give Daphne a Silver Ore

You can obtain Silver Ore in mineral spots inside caves or near mountains so it might require harvesting more than one mineral node. Give her the Silver Ore and she'll request you to return the next day.

Give Daphne Two Gold Ores After a Day

Rest at an Inn or doze off on a bench to pass the day and return to Daphne who will request two Gold Ore next. You can also harvest these rarely in mineral spots but are slightly rarer than Silver Ore.

Once you have two pieces of Gold Ore, return to Daphne give it to her and she'll ask for one more item.

Bring Daphne Three Detoxifying Decoction

Daphne will finally request a way to treat the blight condition, which is the Detoxifying Decoction. You can purchase one from Philbert's Sundries in the Merchant Quarter of Vernworth for 500 Gold.

Alternatively, you can create your own by combining Pitywort and Syrupwort leaves. Head back to Daphne and give her the potion to complete the quest.

The Gift of Giving Quest Summary

How to Unlock and Rewards

Quest Type Side Quest
Location Vernworth
Unlock Condition Talk to Daphne who is roaming in the Slums
Quest Giver Daphne
Rewards XP: 900
Gold: 100

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