Dragon's Dogma 2 (DD2)

All Pawn Specializations


Pawn Specializations are a pawn's passive special ability that offers aid to the Arisen in Dragon's Dogma 2 (DD2). See a list of all Pawn Specializations and how to get Pawn Specializations in this guide!

All Pawn Specializations

Specialization Description
Chirurgeon Initiative to use curatives on the Arisen and other allies.
Logistician Initiative to combine materials and move items between allies' packs.
Forager Marks the locations of enhancement materials on the map.
Hawker Can offer to purchase a selection of items from the inventory for a fair sum of gold.
Woodland Wordsmith Can interpret Elvish for the Arisen.

These are all the Pawn Specializations that we have discovered so far in the game. We will be adding more as soon as we get information on them!

How to Get Pawn Specialization

Acquire a Tome from NPCs


For your Pawns to learn a specialization, you'll need to acquire a tome. Tomes are obtained from various NPCs in the world, by doing quests for them or befriending them.

One example would be the Chirurgeon's Tome. You can get this from a little girl named Flora after completing the side quest, Medicament Predicament.

What are Pawn Specializations?

Passive Abilities for Pawns


Pawn Specializations are passive skills that gives a pawn a special ability that will benefit the Arisen throughout their travels.

For example, a Pawn with the Chirurgeon specialization will automatically use healing items on the Arisen and other allies should they get hurt in battle. Another one would be the Logistician, where pawns will be able to combine materials on their own and transfer items between backpacks of your party members.

Best Pawn Party Composition

Specialization Tomes are One-Time Use

Specialization Tomes are consumed on use and will not be able to change your specialization multiple times, so be careful!

Using one also overwrites your pawn's currently equipped specialization, so keep that in mind before committing to a specialization.

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Pawn Guides and Articles

Pawn Guides
Best Pawn Vocations Pawn ID Sharing Board
Best Pawn Inclination How to Heal Pawns
What Happens to Items of Dismissed Pawns? What Happens If Your Main Pawn Forfeits?
All Pawn Specializations How to Learn Elvish
How to Get Chirurgeon Specialization How to Get Logistician Specialization
How to Get Forager Specialization How to Get Hawker Specialization
How to Change Main Pawn Pawn Badges and Effects
Official Pawns List -


3 Anonymous12 months

Specialization scrolls seem to be a part of the loot-pool for talking with NPCs with high affection rating. I have gotten multiple different Specialization scrolls from different NPCs. i dont know the cooldown or affection levels required to trigger gifts. Aside from talking and receiving an item directly, they sometimes leave gifts at your various dwellings, so doesnt hurt to to get extra loot for the effort of raising affections.

2 Anonymous12 months

Theres a pawn specialization scroll for helping escort a beastren man to the first city. It gives you the ability to make your pawn quiet and not say as many words


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