Dragon's Dogma 2 (DD2)

New Features and Gameplay Changes


The new features in Dragon's Dogma 2 include 5 new Vocations, new fast travel mechanic, and more! Read on and learn the new features, gameplay changes, and differences, as well as the returning features from the first Dragon's Dogma game!

New Features and Gameplay Changes

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Five New Vocations

5 New Vocations
Archer Archer Thief Thief Mystic Spearhand Mystic Spearhand Trickster Trickster Warfarer Warfarer

New vocations are added into the game such as the Archer, Thief, Mystic Spearhand, Trickster, and Warfarer. The Archer and Thief are split from the Strider vocation in the first game to make them focus on their weapon types and skills in Dragon's Dogma 2.

List of All Vocations and Classes

A New Fast Travel Option


Oxcarts are introduced as a travel option to move between locations in Dragon's Dogma 2. This is to give immersion to players when travelling to other major cities. Though, it is still susceptible to the dangers of the open world such as Goblin blockades, Griffin attacks, and more!

While travelling in an oxcart, you have the option to close your eyes to reach your destination faster. However, this doesn't stop time, and the environment constantly changes.

How to Fast Travel

Setting Up Campsites


Campsites can be placed to pass the time to cycle between night and day, heal you and your pawns' HP, and talk to your Pawns about important matters!

New Enemies


New enemies have been confirmed to be added in Dragon's Dogma 2 such as Slimes, Minotaurs, Talos, and a lot more!

List of Monsters

Returning Features

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Pawns are a major feature in the first Dragon's Dogma game and is a returning feature in the second game as this composes the Arisen's party.

Pawns will aid you on your journey, filling in any gaps in your party's damage or support capabilities with their equipped vocations.

Pawns System Explained

Returning Enemies


Several enemies from the first game have been confirmed to return in Dragon's Dogma 2 such as Drakes, Chimeras, Griffins, Harpies, and Saurians.

Their attack patterns and weaknesses may be similar in the first game, and playing the first game may help you understand these returning monsters' behavior, helping you fight them in the second game.

Should You Play Dragon's Dogma 1 First?

Augmented Gear


Augmented weapons are returning in Dragon's Dogma 2 to enhance the support capabilities of magic-focused vocations. This is achieved by infusing a weapon, whether it's your own or a party member's, with an element, allowing it to deal increased damage to enemies vulnerable to that certain element.

Spell Syncing


Spell Syncing makes a return and it enables you and your pawns to sync spells to allow casting and unleashing spells at a faster rate.

This mechanic was only available for the Sorcerer vocation in the first game and it might follow the same condition for Dragon's Dogma 2.

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