Dragon's Dogma 2 (DD2)

Should You Let Bermudo Go?


This is a guide on whether you should let Bermudo go or not during the Arisen's Shadow quest in Dragon's Dogma 2 (DD2). Find out if you should let Bermudo go, as well as the outcomes of each choice!

Should You Let Bermudo Go?

Let Him Go to Receive 5000 Gold


If you let Bermudo go by accepting his deal, you will receive 5000 Gold and the Arisen's Shadow quest will end there.

Ultimately, your choice won't really matter if you choose to let him go or not, as the story will still progress normally. With this, we do recommend choosing to let him escape to earn some extra gold, since refusing his offer and apprehending him only gives you 4000 Gold as your reward at the end of the quest.

How to Get Gold Fast: Money Farming Guide

Accept or Refuse Bermudo's Gold Outcomes

Choice Result
Accept his Gold You will let Bermudo go and the Arisen's Shadow quest will end there.
Refuse his Gold You will fight Bermudo and Captain Brant will step in to take him to custody.

In the side quest, Arisen's Shadow, you'll catch a hooded figure named Bermudo, who is out to assassinate you. You will then be asked to accept his gold offer in exchange for his freedom, or refuse his gold which leads to a heated fight between you and him.

Either way, your choice will not really matter since it won't affect the main storyline in any way. The only difference is that you will get more gold if you let him go, as opposed to attacking him and letting Captain Brant take him to custody.

Additionally, taking him in and letting Captain Brant interrogate him will reveal that a mysterious individual from Battahl is tracking your movements.

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1 Shivers12 months

Idk if I just killed him too quickly or if it was supposed to happen this way, but when I refused his offer and killed him after he attacked me, the quest was only able to conclude with Brant capturing him and bringing him in for questioning after I revived Bermudo with a wakestone (Brant immediately appeared and arrested him after I revived the guy). So at least in my case, not accepting his offer resulted in a lower reward AND costing me an early game wakestone. Definitely accept his offer lol


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