Dragon's Dogma 2 (DD2)

Best Party and Team Composition


This guide shows the best Party and Team Composition for Early, Mid, and End Game in Dragon's Dogma 2 (DD2). Learn the best party compositions, tips for forming a party or team, as well as the best vocations for the team composition.

Best Team Comp Guides
Best Pawn Vocations Best Party Composition

Best Party Composition

Early Game Party Composition

Dragons Dogma 2 - Thief IconThief
Dragons Dogma 2 - Mage IconMage
Main Pawn
Dragons Dogma 2 - Fighter IconFighter
Hired Pawn
Dragons Dogma 2 - Fighter IconFighter
Hired Pawn

The best Early Game party composition consists of the Arisen being a Thief, the main pawn a Mage, and the hired pawns to be both Fighters. This setup should prolong survivability in combat, due to receiving constant heals and buffs, as well as having party members tank hits from enemies.

Thief is highly recommended for the player to use early on due to its skills in evasion and stealth, both of which help in increasing the odds of survival during fights!

Hired pawns can both be Fighters and act as frontliners in battle to face tank attacks for you. Mage is great for the Main pawn so that you'll constantly get healed, as you'll be making a lot of mistakes and taking damage early in the game.

You Can Change Starting Vocation

If you're having doubts about your starting Vocation or wish to familiarize yourself with a new one in Early Game, you can always change it at Vocation Guilds found at or near Inns.

Best Starting Class and Starter Vocation

Mid Game Party Composition

Dragons Dogma 2 - Mystic Spearhand IconMystic Spearhand
Dragons Dogma 2 - Mage IconMage
Main Pawn
Dragons Dogma 2 - Fighter IconFighter
Hired Pawn
Dragons Dogma 2 - Fighter IconFighter
Hired Pawn

The best Mid Game party composition sets the Arisen as a Mystic Spearhand, main pawn as a Mage, and Fighters for both the hired pawns. This lineup is a balance of dealing a huge amount of damage, while still equipped with exceptional defensive skills, as you'll now be facing stronger and tougher monsters.

As a Mystic Spearhand, you'll be able to toughen out even the most difficult enemies in Mid Game due to the Mirour Vesture skill, which lets you block out and negate all forms of attacks.

To support you in battle, you should still retain your main pawn as a Mage, as the healing spell still comes in handy at the latter stages of the game. For recruited pawns, you can still use them as meat shields at the Fighter Vocation.

Endgame Party Composition

Dragons Dogma 2 - Mystic Spearhand IconMystic Spearhand
Dragons Dogma 2 - Mage IconMage
Main Pawn
Dragons Dogma 2 - Fighter IconFighter
Hired Pawn
Dragons Dogma 2 - Thief IconThief
Hired Pawn

The best Endgame party composition follows up the midgame composition with a tweak - the second Fighter is now replaced with a really strong Thief pawn for additional DPS.

  • The Arisen will continue to be a Mystic Spearhand, spamming Mirour Vesture to shield all their allies while delivering damage from close range.
  • Their Main Pawn will still be a Mage and should change the elemental skill in their loadout to exploit the weaknesses of enemies.
  • The Fighter will solidify its role as a meat shield that can taunt enemies away from the other three members.
  • The Thief will be going in and out of combat to deal insane amounts of damage without getting one-shot because of Mirour Vesture.

We opted to change the second Fighter into a Thief to increase the overall damage dealt by the team. At this stage of the game, the Arisen should have unlocked stamina-management augments for their Mystic Spearhand so they can spam Mirour Vesture more comfortably. This is important as Thieves are usually very fragile and should be shielded properly so they can freely dish out huge damage.

Tips for Party Composition

Tips for Party Composition

Balance Out Melee and Ranged Roles


In a party composition, it's important to have a mix of melee and ranged Vocations, so that you have those that can tank incoming attacks, and those that can dish out damage from afar.

If you're fighting on the frontlines as a Fighter or Thief, Mages and Archers can deal damage from behind. Likewise, if you're a Mage or Archer, you can have Fighters absorb damage for you while you unleash spells or arrows from a safe distance.

How to Unlock All Vocations and Classes

Some Enemies are Weak to Physical or Magic Attacks

Dragons Dogma 2 - Aim for Enemy Weakspots.png

A large number of enemies in this game are weak to either physical or magic attacks, so it's important to balance your team composition out with those that can deal physical damage and magic damage to exploit your enemies' weaknesses.

List of Monsters

Have a Mage in the Party for Healing


Mages are important to have in your party comp due to their ability to heal other party members. Healing is extremely valuable in this game, as most monsters can deal a tremendous amount of damage to you.

In addition, they can also remove status ailments of their allies, increasing the chances of survival when going up against difficult enemies.

Mage Best Skills and Builds

Best Vocations for Party Composition

Recommended Vocations Overall

Vocation Rating and Explanation
Dragons Dogma 2 - Mystic Spearhand IconMystic Spearhand Rating: ★★★★★
・Mirour Vesture blocks out all forms of attacks.
・Thef's Hond's skill recovers stamina at a quick pace.
・Has AoE and crowd control skills.
Dragons Dogma 2 - Thief IconThief Rating: ★★★★★
・Biting Wind skill can be used to evade attacks.
・Helm Splitter allows you to hit targets multiple times.
・Can sneak around and avoid detection with the Shadow Cloak skill.
Dragons Dogma 2 - Warrior IconWarrior Rating:★★★★☆
・Acts as a frontline fighter and can tank incoming damage.
・Can charge powerful attacks with Rending Sweep
Dragons Dogma 2 - Magick Archer IconMagick Archer Rating: ★★★★☆
・Has the ability to freeze enemies
・Can also heal allies with Vimtaking Arrow skill.
・Overall easy to use and precise aiming is not required.
Dragons Dogma 2 - Warfarer IconWarfarer Rating: ★★★★☆
・Has the ability to use weapons and skills of other Vocations.
Dragons Dogma 2 - Sorcerer IconSorcerer Rating:★★★☆☆
・Skills are focused mainly on DPS and lacks support skills
・Has a fast casting time due to Quickspell skill.
・Can levitate in the air to dodge attacks.
Dragons Dogma 2 - Trickster IconTrickster Rating:★★☆☆☆
・Can stagger enemies by instilling fear.
・Can create walls and bridges to to cross over wide gaps while exploring.
・Can confuse enemies by creating illusions.
Dragons Dogma 2 - Fighter IconFighter Rating: ★★☆☆☆
・Has a shield to tank enemy attacks.
・Can aggro enemies and draw attention to them.
Dragons Dogma 2 - Archer IconArcher Rating: ★★☆☆☆
・Long-range and can attack enemies from long distance.
・Can target enemy weak points due to free aim mode.
・Can apply status ailments with debilitation arrows.

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