Dragon's Dogma 2 (DD2)

Best Settings

Here's a guide on the best settings you may use in Dragon's Dogma 2 (DD2). Check out more details on the best settings for consoles, PC, and the graphics settings.

Best Console Settings

Console Settings
Controls Camera Game Interface
Display Sound Language Network


Best Console Controls Settings
Button Mapping Default
Run Type Hold
Controller Vibration On
Toggle Hail Press

There are a lot of controls required for Dragon's Dogma 2, but the control scheme is well thought-out and intuitive.

However, we recommend changing the running controls to Hold. Since interacting and running share the same button, you may unintentionally run away from the object you're trying to interact with.


Best Console Camera Settings
Camera Axis Normal
Camera Speed +2
Aiming Camera Normal
Aiming Camera Speed 0
Projectile Aiming Normal
Projectile Aiming Speed 0
Camera Distance +5
Camera Tracking Off
Auto-Adjust Off

We recommend turning Camera Tracking and Auto-Adjust off for the Camera Settings to prevent any potentially annoying unintended camera movements.

Additionally, increase the Camera Speed to keep up with the numerous nimble enemies that can move toward your back. Also, changing the camera distance to Max effectively increases your field of view so that you can see more information on the battlefield when fighting close quarters.

Can you Change FOV?


Best Console Game Settings
Minimap Rotation On
Auto-Sheathe On
Priority of Materials to Combine Player
Destination of Combined Items Player

For the Game Settings, we recommend keeping everything to default. However, it may be worth checking your preference in Minimap Rotation as it may heavily impact your sense of direction.


Best Console Interface Settings
Minimap Auto
Pawn Commands Auto/Off
Control Guide Auto/Off
Player HUD Auto
Pawn HUD Auto
Enemy HUD On
Pawn Dialogue On
Quest Messages On
Location Names On
Items/Gold Received On
Experience/Discipline Earned On
Level Up Messages On
Tutorial Messages On/Off
Aiming Reticle On
Magic Skill Reticle On

The HUD does a good job of showing necessary info without being overbearing. Once you feel more comfortable with the controls and are more familiar with the game mechanics, we recommend turning off the Pawn Commands, Control Guide, and Tutorial Messages to free up some space for more visual clarity.


Best Console Display Settings
HDR On (If able)
Brightness User Preference

HDR depends on the hardware, specifically the monitor or TV output, but it may increase the graphic fidelity of the game by improving the colors.

Remember to set up your Brightness Settings every time you change your monitor or TV settings to suit the intended brightness for the game.


Best Console Sound Settings
Master Volume 10
BGM Volume 10
Sound Effect Volume 10
Menu Volume 10
Voice Volume 10
Player and NPC Voices 10
Pawn Voices 10
Enemy Voices 10
Audio Output Device User's Audio Device
Dyamic Range Small (Speakers) or
Large (Headphones)

Volume is mainly dependent on your preferences. However, note that a smaller dynamic range will work better for smaller speakers to hear quieter and louder sounds more equally. A larger dynamic range, on the other hand, works best for headphones or high-quality speaker setups.


Best Console Language Settings
Display Language User Preference
Voice Language User Preference
Subtitles On
Subtitle Background Opacity Dark

The game has 13 display languages and two voice languages, English and Japanese. Set these to your preference.


Best Network Settings
Network Features On
Main Pawn Online Access Anyone
Data Processing for the Purpose of Analysis User Preference

Data processing allows the developer and publisher to collect data that users do in the game to improve the game further in the future. You may turn this off if you heavily value your privacy; otherwise, turning it on can help the developers know what players do in their game and update it accordingly.

It is recommended to leave the Network and Main Pawn Online Access to On and Anyone to fully benefit from the Pawn System of the game.

Pawns System Explained

Best PC Settings

PC Settings
Controls Camera Game Interface
Display Sound Language Network


Best PC Controls Settings
Button Mapping Default
Run Type Hold
Controller Vibration On
Toggle Hail Press
Cursor Lock Off
Mouse Buttons Inversion Normal
Mouse Scroll Wheel Inversion Normal
Button Icon Type User Preference
Key Bindings Set 1

There are a lot of controls required for Dragon's Dogma 2, but the control scheme is well thought-out and intuitive.

However, we recommend changing the attack and skills binding to your preference if you're using a mouse and keyboard, as they can sometimes be clunky.

However, we recommend changing the running controls to Hold. Since interacting and running share the same button, you may unintentionally run away from the object you're trying to interact with.


Best PC Camera Settings
Camera Axis Normal
Camera Speed +2
Aiming Camera Normal
Aiming Camera Speed 0
Projectile Aiming Normal
Projectile Aiming Speed 0
Camera Distance +5
Camera Tracking Off
Auto-Adjust Off
Motion Sensor Function On
Horizontal Sensitivity 0
Vertical Sensitivity 0
Mouse Camera Speed 0
Mouse Aiming Camera Speed 0
Mouse Projectile Aiming Speed 0

We recommend turning Camera Tracking and Auto-Adjust off for the Camera Settings to prevent any potentially annoying unintended camera movements.

Additionally, increase the Camera Speed to keep up with the numerous nimble enemies that can move toward your back. Also, changing the camera distance to Max effectively increases your field of view so that you can see more information on the battlefield when fighting close quarters.

Can you Change FOV?


Best PC Game Settings
Minimap Rotation On
Auto-Sheathe On
Priority of Materials to Combine Player
Destination of Combined Items Player

For the Game Settings, we recommend keeping everything to default. However, it may be worth checking your preference in Minimap Rotation as it may heavily impact your sense of direction.


Best PC Interface Settings
Minimap Auto
Pawn Commands Auto/Off
Control Guide Auto/Off
Player HUD Auto
Pawn HUD Auto
Enemy HUD On
Pawn Dialogue On
Quest Messages On
Location Names On
Items/Gold Received On
Experience/Discipline Earned On
Level Up Messages On
Tutorial Messages On/Off
Aiming Reticle On
Magic Skill Reticle On

The HUD does a good job of showing necessary info without being overbearing. Once you feel more comfortable with the controls and are more familiar with the game mechanics, we recommend turning off the Pawn Commands, Control Guide, and Tutorial Messages to free up some space for more visual clarity.


Best PC Display Settings
HDR On (If able)
Brightness User Preference

HDR depends on the hardware, specifically the monitor or TV output, but it may increase the graphic fidelity of the game by improving the colors.

Remember to set up your Brightness Settings every time you change your monitor or TV settings to suit the intended brightness for the game.


Best PC Sound Settings
Master Volume 10
BGM Volume 10
Sound Effect Volume 10
Menu Volume 10
Voice Volume 10
Player and NPC Voices 10
Pawn Voices 10
Enemy Voices 10
Audio Output Device User's Audio Device
Dyamic Range Small (Speakers) or
Large (Headphones)

Volume is largely dependent on your preferences. However, note that a smaller dynamic range will work better for smaller speakers to hear quieter and louder sounds more equally. A larger dynamic range, on the other hand, works best for headphones or high-quality speaker setups.


Best PC Language Settings
Display Language User Preference
Voice Language User Preference
Subtitles On
Subtitle Background Opacity Dark

The game has 13 display languages and two voice languages, English and Japanese. Set these to your preference.


Best PC Settings
Network Features On
Main Pawn Online Access Anyone
Data Processing for the Purpose of Analysis User Preference

Data processing allows the developer and publisher to collect data that users do in the game to improve the game further in the future potentially. You may turn this off if you heavily value your privacy; otherwise, turning it on can help the developers know what players do in their game and update it accordingly.

It is recommended to leave the Network and Main Pawn Online Access to On and Anyone to fully benefit from the Pawn System of the game.

Pawns System Explained

Best Graphics Settings

Optimized Graphical Settings
Graphics Quality Custom
Display Mode Borderless Window
Screen Resolution User Preference
Refresh Rate User Preference (Same as Monitor's Refresh Rate)
Frame Rate at least 60
Vertical Synchronization Off (Turn On if experiencing screen tear)
Dynamic Resolution Off (On if prioritizing FPS for resolution)
FidelityFX Super Resolution (FSR) 3 Quality
(If DLSS not applicable)
DLSS SUPER RESOLUTION Auto (If applicable)
Upscale Sharpness -1 (If DLSS is On)
Rendering Mode Off (Turns Off if DLSS, FSR, or Anti-Aliasing is On)
Image Quality Off (Turns Off if DLSS or FSR is Enabled)
Ray Tracing On (For Stronger GPUs)
Ambient Occlusion SSAO /
SDFAO (For Stronger CPUs)
Anti-aliasing FXAA + TAA (Only if DLSS and FSR is Disabled)
Screen Space Reflections On
Mesh Quality Mid
Texture Filtering Low
Texture Quality High
Grass/Tree Quality Low
Resource-Intense Effects Quality High
Shadow Quality High
Shadow Cache On
Contact Shadows On
Motion Blur Off
Bloom Off
Depth of Field Off
Lens Flare Off
Lens Distortion Off
Subsurface Scattering On
Motion Quality Low

The Graphics Settings are exclusive to the PC version of the game. These graphics settings are optimized to balance performance, visual clarity, and graphical quality.

Upscaling or Anti-Aliasing

The first thing to note is your choice of upscaling: DLSS, FSR, or Anti-Aliasing. While Anti-Aliasing is not an upscaling tool, unlike the other two, one of these three will be your choice to smoothen out the image and make the game more soft and beautiful. We recommend using DLSS playing with an RTX Nvidia GPU. FSR will be the next best choice, and Anti-Aliasing the last.

Visual Clarity

Notice that Motion Blur, Bloom, Depth of Field, Lens Flare, and Lens Distortion are all disabled. These settings have minimal effect on performance, but we recommend turning it off for more visual clarity. For a more cinematic look, turn these settings on.

Turn Off For More Performance

The Ambient Occlusion, Screen Space Reflections, and Resource-Intense Effects Quality settings add major changes to the game's look even at the lowest setting. However, you can turn these settings off if you need more processing power.

Balancing Graphics Memory

Texture Quality and Shadow do not impact performance as much as they eat up VRAM of Graphics Memory. You can set these settings to a lower option if you need to free some graphics memory. We recommend turning the Texture Quality setting to at least Low as it's much better than Off, given the amount of memory it needs.

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Can You Change FOV? What Happens When You Die?
Why Do Guards Attack Randomly? Can You Hide Your Helmet?
Important Locations
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Makeshift Vault Key and Vault Location Hot Spring Location and Effects


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