Dragon's Dogma 2 (DD2)

What to Do Before Coronation


This is a guide on what to do before coronation in Dragon's Dogma 2 (DD2). Find out if coronation is a point of no return in Dragon Dogma's story and what you should do before attending coronation!

Is Coronation a Point of No Return?

Coronation is Not a Point of No Return


Once you've acquired the Courtly Tunic and Courtly Breeches for the Feast of Deception quest, Brant will make it seem like a Point of No Return when he says “If Your Majesty has any unfinished business to attend to, 'tis best you do so afore we depart.”

However, attending the coronation is not a Point of No Return during the story progression. The quests and side content available to you before attending the coronation are still available to you after you've attended the coronation. You can even do them afterward while waiting during the next objective: Await Captain Brant's plan of action.

List of Missables and Points of No Return

What to Do Before Coronation

Repel the Dragon at Melve

Dragons Dogma 2 - Repel the Dragon

If you return to Melve after completing 1 of Brant's Vernworth Quests, you'll encounter it in a middle of a dragon attack. Repelling the dragon allows you early access to the Mystic Spearhand class (one of the best Vocations) and access to the Ulrika Romance.

However, if you complete the quest Feast of Deception, you will not encounter the dragon attacking Melve and will be possibly locked out of the Ulrika romance. You can still repel the dragon at Melve after coronation but before completing Feast of Deception. However, it's best to repel the dragon before coronation, just so you don't accidentally progress too far and miss it and so that you can get Mystic Spearhand earlier.

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3 NC2227 months

There are several side quests that have been repeatedly confirmed to fail when you complete the Coronation quest. They include (but may not be strictly limited to) - The Arisen's Shadow Readvent of Calamity Nameless Village Ornate Box Masked Correspondence Caged Magistrate Wilhelmina's storyline These seven quests/activities WILL FAIL at Coronation's completion. Furthermore, Saint of the Slums may also fail, Oxcart Courier may or may not fail, I'm not sure.

2 Anonymous11 months

Which is hilarious because they have another page where they specifically say it’s a point of no return, and list all the missable quests if you do this one.


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