Dragon's Dogma 2 (DD2)

How to Change Main Pawn

Dragons Dogma 2 - How to Change Your Pawn

Main Pawns are your companion in Dragon's Dogma 2 (DD2) and you can change some of its characteristics in the game. Learn how to change your main pawn's appearance, name, vocation, specialization, and more!

Can You Change Your Main Pawn?

No, You Cannot Change Your Main Pawn

Unfortunately, you cannot change your Main Pawn in Dragon's Dogma 2 (DD2). Once you have created the pawn and have chosen them to be your companion during character creation, they will be your main pawn for your entire playthrough.

You can change a plethora of main pawn characteristics albeit limited to some degree to make sure your main pawn is still the same pawn you chose in the beginning.

Character Creator Guide

How to Change Main Pawn Vocation

Change Pawn Vocations in Vocation Guilds

The vocation of your main pawn is changed by going to Vocation Guilds in major towns or cities. The process is very similar to that of your Arisen - only in a different tab.

How to Change Vocations

How to Change Your Pawn Specialization

Change Pawn Specialization Using Tomes


Your main pawn's specialization is changed by collecting and using Specialization Tomes in your journey. Beware though, changing specialization using tomes will overwrite the main pawn's existing specialization!

All Pawn Specializations

How to Change Main Pawn Appearance

Change Pawn Appearance in Barber Shops

Barber Shops in major towns and cities allow you to change your Main Pawn's appearance. You can simply pay a hefty sum of money to change your hairstyle, makeup, and markings.

It is also possible to change your main pawn's overall appearance and basically redo character creation by obtaining an Art of Metamorphosis and choosing Modify Appearance.

The first barber that you will encounter is Clovis when you arrive in Vernworth. Her shop is found near the West Vernworth Oxcart Station so it's not easy to miss!

How to Get and Use Art of Metamorphosis

How to Change Main Pawn Name

You Cannot Change Your Pawn's Name

Unfortunately, you cannot change your Pawn's Name. Even though changing appearance somehow lets you redo character creation, this does not include the name of your Main Pawn.

In Dragon's Dogma 1, Art of Metamorphosis also allows name changes but in DD2, it is not the case.

Moniker Meaning and Difference from Name

Dragon's Dogma 2 (DD2) Related Guides


Pawns System Explained

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Official Pawns List -


2 Chyhart12 months

Super bummed about this. It was a hard choice between 2 of my pawns and i decided to switch post game start. I spent all that time changing the appearance only to learn of this sad situation. :( *Creation cancelled*


Can comfirm that you can change your main pawn name when you reach new game plus


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