Dragon's Dogma 2 (DD2)

List of All Trailers and Gameplay Videos


Various trailers, spotlights, and gameplay videos for Dragon's Dogma 2 have been released! Read on and discover a list of the available trailers and gameplay videos about the game so far!

List of All Trailers

Action Trailer (February 1, 2024)

This trailer showcases the skills and spells used by the Arisen in the compelling combat system of Dragon's Dogma 2!

Main Trailer (November 29, 2023)

The main trailer reveals the release date of Dragon's Dogma 2, which is on March 22, 2024, and announces that the game can now be pre-ordered on the available platforms and consoles!

Release Time and Countdown

First Trailer (May 25, 2023)

The very first trailer that announces the game's upcoming release! Watch the trailer and get excited for when Dragon's Dogma 2 releases for the PS5, Xbox Series X | S, and Steam (PC)!

List of All Gameplay Showcases

Gameplay Showcase (November 29, 2023)

This official video explains combat mechanics a bit more and showcases gameplay of the Development Build on the PS5!

9-Minute Gameplay Deep Dive (September 21, 2023)

This showcase discusses some of the vocations, locations, and certain mechanics present in Dragon's Dogma 2 for that immersive feel and compelling adventure!

List of All Vocations and Classes

List of All Vocation Spotlights

List of All Vocation Spotlights
Trickster Mystic Spearhand Magick Archer
Sorcerer Warrior Mage
Archer Thief Fighter


Confuse your enemies by conjuring illusions and strengthen your Pawns as the Trickster! Watch the Trickster vocation's spotlight to see how Tricksters are effectively used in both combat and exploration!

Mystic Spearhand

The Mystic Spearhand can use the Duospear for melee combat and magic for long-range combat, making it a well-balanced vocation! Watch the Mystic Spearhand vocation spotlight and see all the combos this vocation can do during combat!

Magick Archer

Deal long-range magic damage with your trusted magick bow as the Magick Archer! Watch the Magick Archer vocation spotlight to see how effective this vocation can be in action!

The Sorcerer

The Sorcerer casts high-tier spells, capable of annihilating enemies in Dragon's Dogma 2! Watch the spotlight of the Sorcerer vocation and see the different elements being used in spells!

The Warrior

Wielding two-handed weapons are the Warriors that excel in direct combat, and can charge their attacks that deal insane damage! Watch the vocation spotlight and see the Warrior vocation's combat style during encounters!

The Mage

Support your party by casting magic attacks to enemies or by augmenting your party's weapons or your own by infusing them with elements. Watch the Mage's video spotlight to see the effectiveness of the Mage vocation in action!

The Archer

The Archer vocation in Dragon's Dogma 2 can hit enemies from afar to support your allies in the frontlines! Watch the Archer's vocation spotlight and see the different skills and mechanics when using a bow and arrow!

The Thief

Showcases the skills and gameplay of the Thief vocation in Dragon's Dogma 2. Learn how to swiftly attack enemies with your dual daggers and move around in combat to reach or dodge enemies.

The Fighter

Showcases the skills and gameplay of the Fighter vocation in Dragon's Dogma 2. Watch the video and see how to effective use your sword and shield in combat!

List of All Game Mechanic Videos

Part 3: Monsters (February 23, 2024)

This video showcases the diverse creatures and their behaviors, and explains the different ways to take down these monsters!

Part 2: Vocations and Pawns (February 14, 2024)

Explains the four starter vocations in detail, as well as showcasing the other vocations that will be available as you progress more into the game. The video also explains the mechanics of Pawns, and how they function in your party!

Part 1: The Story (February 6, 2024)

Explains the details of the Arisen's main objective and showcases the character creation screen, as well as the two major countries: Vermund and Battahl!

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