Dragon's Dogma 2 (DD2)

Should You Kill the Sphinx?

Dragons Dogma 2 - Should You Kill the Sphinx?
Kill the Sphinx to obtain the Key of Sagacity in Dragon's Dogma 2 (DD2) and open the last chest containing an Eternal Wakestone. See more details on whether you should kill the Sphinx and how to kill it here!

Sphinx Guides
Sphinx Riddle Solutions Should You Kill the Sphinx?

Should You Kill the Sphinx?

Defeat the Sphinx for the Last Reward

Though you cannot kill the Sphinx, you can defeat it and have it drop 10,000 G and the Key of Sagacity, which opens the largest treasure chest behind it containing an Eternal Wakestone.

It is recommended to kill or defeat the Sphinx as there are no downsides in doing so after completing all the riddles. However, using any method other than an Unmaking Arrow will make the Sphinx leave permanently – along with any other potential rewards.

How to Get Eternal Wakestone

Defeat the Sphinx Only After All the Riddles

It is best to defeat the Sphinx only after completing all its riddles to obtain all the riddle rewards first. Attacking the Sphinx otherwise will lock you out of any of the other riddle rewards.

Sphinx Riddle Solutions and Location

Obtain the Eternal Wakestone to Revive Multiple People

Dragons Dogma 2 - Obtain the Eternal Wakestone to Revive Multiple People
The Eternal Wakestone is used to revive all the NPCs in the vicinity that the effects of the Dragonsplague may have caused.

What Is Dragonsplague?

How to Kill the Sphinx

Use an Unmaking Arrow

Shoot an Unamking Arrow on the Sphinx's wings to defeat it in one hit. Any other methods will make the Sphinx leave permanently – making you miss out on potential rewards.

Obtain an Unmaking Arrow from the Sphinx

An Unmaking Arrow can be obtained as a reward for one of the Sphinx's riddles, the Riddle of Recollection, which involves bringing several statues to the Sphinx equal to the total of riddles you have completed.

How to Get Unmaking Arrow

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Should You Kill the Sphinx? -


3 Anonymous11 months

Who's making these articles??? You don't need the unmaking arrow to kill the sphinx; it's literally revealed at the murals during the questline how to defeat them.

2 Anonymous11 months

Thank you for your amazing guides! Please update this information, there's no need to use the unmaking arrow. Fight with whatever vocation you like, just don't mess with her face. You must go alone or with a healer pawn (without any attack spells).


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