Dragon's Dogma 2 (DD2)

Spellbound Walkthrough and Location and All Grimoire Locations

Spellbound is a side quest in Dragon's Dogma 2 (DD2). Read our guide for a walkthrough about how to start Spellbound, where to find all grimoires and if you should give Trysha forged grimoires, as well as the rewards and unlock conditions.

Spellbound Grimoire Locations

Spellbound Grimoire Locations

Note: Most, if not all, of these grimoires have at least two copies that can be found. We've listed below the locations we know of so far. If you know of other locations than the ones listed below, let us know in the comments!

Let There Be Light Location

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World View

The Let There Be Light grimoire can be obtained in a study inside Myrddin's Home in Checkpoint Rest Town. To get here, climb the broken walls located on the right side of the house, then jump on the balcony. The grimoire will be sitting on top of the table to your right.

Fulminous Shield Location

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World View

The Fulminous Shield grimoire can be purchased from one of the merchants in Melve Village for 5000 G. You should be able to find him near the entrance of the village. Just look for an NPC with a camping kit on his back, and that should be your guy.

Nation's Death Knell Location

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World View

You can acquire the Nation's Death Knell grimoire in one of the rooms on the second floor of the Ancient Battleground. You'll find it in a room located right near the stairs leading to the higher floors of the dungeon. The grimoire will be displayed on what seems to be an altar.

Howling Blizzard Location

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World View

The Howling Blizzard grimoire can be obtained by opening a chest found on the second floor of the Waterfall Cave. You'll be able to distinguish this chest through the blue light illuminating on it.

Warning: Opening this chest will summon a Lich, which can be troublesome to deal with!

We assure you, however, that the challenge will be worth the trouble, as opening this chest will give you the Howling Blizzard and another copy of the Nation's Death Knell.

Towering Earth Location

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World View

You can obtain the last grimoire by speaking with Waldhar inside The Gracious Hands' Vaults. To get access to this place and find Waldhar there, you'd have to complete The Caged Magistrate quest.

The Caged Magistrate Walkthrough

How to Start Spellbound

Talk to Trysha in Eini's Home

Make your way to to Eini's Home in the forest north of Melve and northwest of Borderwatch Outpost.

Spellbound Location

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World View

How to Complete Spellbound

  1. Gather all the Grimoires
  2. Return to Trysha with the Books
  3. Avoid Trysha's Spells
  4. Wait for Trysha to Wake Up
  5. Interact with the Rewards

Gather All the Grimoires

Dragons Dogma 2 - Obtaining the Grimoires

Speak to Trysha and after a short conversation, Eini will walk out of the room. Trysha will then give you a list of all the books she needs.

You can find these books in different locations across the world.

Return to Trysha with the Books

After getting all 5 grimoires, return to Trysha and deliver them. She'll require a few days to read through all five books, so feel free to do other side quests or pass the time on a bench or inn.

Note: You have the option to tell Trysha that you're only giving her 3 or 4 books, but doing so will not get you the rewards from her or Eina.

Avoid Trysha's Spells

Return to Trysha after a few days, and you'll encounter her practicing magic outside, but she is shown to slowly losing control of her powers.

You need to exhaust her magic by avoiding her spells, since you have no way to directly attack her.

Once she stops casting magic, get close and grab her, and a cutscene will play.

Wait for Trysha to Wake Up

After the cutscene, you need to wait 1 day for Trysha to fully recover. There's a camp site close to Eini's house where you can rest up and recover; otherwise, you can always wait and doze off on a bench.

After advancing to the next day, head back to Eini's house for a final cutscene that concludes the quest and you'll receive the Cast Stone Mage Weapon, as well as the Conjurer's Jottings from Trysha and the Enchanter's Almanac from Eini.

Interact with the Rewards

Open your inventory and choose use on the Conjurer's Jottings to receive the Sorcerer - Maister's Teaching Meteoron.

Do the same for the Enchanter's Almanac to receive the Celestial Paean spell.

All Maister Locations and Skills

Should You Give Trysha Forged Grimoires?

If you use the forgery services from Ibrahim's Scrap Store, Trysha will notice some inconsistencies in the grimoires but will ultimately give up on her pursuit of magic.

This option will only reward you 2000 XP and locks you out from receiving the Meteoron Maister's Teachings.

You can get Celestial Paen on a later quest called Short-Sighted Ambition, but we recommend giving Trysha the genuine books and giving the forgeries to Myrddin during The Sorcerer's Appraisal quest to get the best possible rewards.

The Sorcerer's Appraisal Walkthroughs

Spellbound Quest Summary

How to Unlock and Rewards

Quest Type Side Quest
Location Northern Vermund
Unlock Condition Finish In Dragon's Wake
Quest Giver Trysha
Rewards XP: 2,000
Gold: 3,000
・ Cast Stone;Conjurer's Jottings (Trysha);Enchanter's Almanac (Eini)

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All Quests and Unlock Conditions

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1 Gaoled Awakening
2 Tale's Beginning
3 In Dragon's Wake
4 One-Eyed Interloper
5 Seat of the Sovran
6 Monster Culling
7 Disa's Plot
8 The Caged Magistrate
9 The Stolen Throne
10 The Nameless Village
11 An Unsettling Encounter
12 Feast of Deception
13 Nation of the Lambent Flame
14 Flickering Shadows
15 Convergence
16 A New Godsway
17 The Guardian Gigantus
18 Legacy

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2 Halls of the First Dawn
3 A Scholarly Pursuit

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List of All Quests

All Side Quests
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Crossing in Shadow Steeled Resolve, Blazing Forge
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The Ailing Arborheart Tolled to Rest
‘Twixt a Rock and a Hard Place A Game of Wits
A Poisonous Proposal Masked Correspondence
Welcome to Battahl Tensions on the Highroad
Till Death Do Us Part Mercy Among Thieves
A Magisterial Amenity Spellbound
A Veil of Gossamer Clouds A Candle in the Storm
A Trial of Archery The Sorcerer's Appraisal
Dulled Steel, Cold Forge The Phantom Oxcart
Shadowed Prayers Home is Where the Hearth Is
Short-Sighted Ambition Trouble on the Cape
Put a Spring in Thy Step The Sotted Sage
Readvent of Calamity Gift of the Bow
A Case of Sculptor's Block The Gift of Giving
Saint of the Slums House of the Blue Sunbright
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1 Anonymousabout 1 year

you can change the book Fulminous Shield for Howling Blizzard in the village of thiefs, i reccomend to give a fake one for sure


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