Dragon's Dogma 2 (DD2)

How to Get Gold Fast: Money Farming Guide


Get Gold fast in Dragon's Dogma 2 (DD2) by completing quests, opening treasure chests, looting bodies of fallen enemies, and many more. Learn how to get gold fast and find out what potential spots are good for farming money in this guide!

How to Get Gold Fast

How to Get Gold Fast

Complete Culling Requests


Culling Requests automatically occur when you run into an NPC who is under attack by mobs of enemies. Helping the NPC out by defeating all monsters in the vicinity will reward you with gold.

Picking Up Gold Pouches


While exploring the world, you'll come across Gold Pouches on the ground. They'll appear in the form of a tiny bag with pieces of gold shimmering inside them. Picking these up will bank you in a decent amount of gold.

With the Opulence Augment equipped, you can get an increased amount of gold from pouches. This augment is unlocked once you reach Rank 4 of the Mystic Spearhand Vocation

Opulence Augment Effect and How to Unlock

Opening Treasure Chests


Opening treasure chests will usually yield a fair amount of gold. They are commonly found while exploring various locations and POIs around the map.

You may find them inside houses and towers, or along rough terrain such as rocky slopes and ledges, and even unreachable places that only Mages can reach using Levitate.

There are also times when a Pawn will spot a hidden area that may contain a treasure chest. Keep an eye out for Exclamation Marks on your mini-map as these will lead you to them!

All Treasure Chest Locations

Sell Items You No Longer Need


Selling items that no longer have any use or purpose to you will earn you some gold. You can sell your items by talking to a merchant at any store in any major town.

Weapons and Armor are usually priced at a higher value, so be sure to sell equipment that you'll no longer wear to get a large sum of profit in return.

List of All Items

Examining Bodies of Dead Enemies


Defeating enemies and then examining their dead bodies will sometimes net you a fair bit of gold.

The amount of gold you will get from them won't be that much, but due to the abundance of monsters in this game, you'll be able to farm a lot of gold fast if you make it a habit of always looting their corpses.

Enemies will also drop materials, which can be sold to merchants for additional profit.

List of Monsters

Complete Main and Side Quests


Doing quests are one of the fastest ways to farm gold in Dragon's Dogma 2, as completing them will often reward you a generous amount of gold.

Take note that some quests are affected by passage of time and will progress or resolve even without the involvement of the player. Try to only accept quests that you know that you'll be able to finish in order to avoid having undesirable results in your playthrough.

Top 25 Quests with the Highest Gold Rewards

Quest Type Gold
A Game of Wits Side Quest 100,000
Steeled Resolve, Blazing Forge Side Quest 35,000
A New Godsway Main Quest 35,000
When Wills Collide Side Quest 32,500
Dreams Apart Side Quest 30,000
Wandering Roots Post Game Quest 25,000
The Regentkin's Resolve Post Game Quest 25,000
A Candle in the Storm Side Quest 25,000
Halls of the First Dawn Side Quest 25,000
Flickering Shadows Main Quest 25,000
Put a Spring in Thy Step Side Quest 23,000
Civil Unrest Post Game Quest 20,000
Crossing in Shadow Side Quest 20,000
‘Twixt a Rock and a Hard Place Side Quest 20,000
A Veil of Gossamer Clouds Side Quest 20,000
A Scholarly Pursuit Side Quest 20,000
A Poisonous Proposal Side Quest 19,000
Shadowed Prayers Side Quest 18,000
A Trial of Archery Side Quest 16,000
The Importance of Aiding Ernesto Post Game Quest 15,000
Shepherd of the Pawns Post Game Quest 15,000
Clash and Conclusion Side Quest 15,000
Convergence Main Quest 15,000
Hunt for the Jadeite Orb Side Quest 15,000
The Phantom Oxcart Side Quest 14,500

All Quests List and Quest Guides

Deliver the Jadeite Orb to Everard


During the Hunt for the Jadeite Orb quest, if you decide to give the Jadeite Orb to Everard, you will be rewarded 15,000 gold after finishing the quest.

At first you'll only receive 12,000 gold after making the delivery to Everard, but the next step instructs you to give a fake orb to Offulve, which is where you will get the additional 3,000 gold from him for your troubles.

Hunt for the Jadeite Orb Walkthrough

Collect Items in the Griffin's Nest at Misty Marshes

Map View
Overworld View

The Griffin's Nest at the Misty Marshes has some neat items that you can collect such as gold pouches containing about 2,000 gold each, as well as materials like an Onyx and Tiger's Eye that you can sell at shops for decent profit. You can even get a Portcrystal and a Ferrystone in this spot.

Just be careful of the Griffin nested here as it will become hostile as soon as it spots you. You can just ignore it and quickly grab all the items in its nest and run away if you don't want to fight it.

Griffin Locations and Weaknesses

Shortcut for Griffin's Nest in Misty Marshes

Map View
Overworld View

You can climb over the pile of rocks located by the path south of the Misty Marshes as a shortcut to the Griffin's Nest. Keep in mind that you will need to be at full HP as dropping down from the ledge to the nest area will cut your health in half.

Taking this shorter route lets you skip fighting through the undead roaming around the marshes.

Potential Money Farming Spots

Houses in Vernworth


The houses in the wealthy district of Vernworth are one of the best money farming spots due to the abundance of treasure chests and gold pouches which often amount to around 2,000G.

Nameless Village Depths

Zoomed-Out Map Image
Zoomed-In Map Image

During the Nameless Village quest, you will come across a hideout in the depths where there will be chests containing Peltflayers and Thief's Gaiters, both of which can be sold for a considerable amount of gold.

As you make your back to the surface, there will also be gold pouches lying around, so make sure to pick these up as well!

Nameless Village Depths Underground

Griffin Nest in Misty Marshes


As mentioned above, the Griffin Nest at the Misty Marshes is a great farming spot as there are several gold pouches, as well as valuable items and materials here that can be sold for a hefty amount of gold.

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