Dragon's Dogma 2 (DD2)

List of All Implements

This guide lists all the Implements in Dragon's Dogma 2 (DD2). Read on and learn what Implements are, see a list of all Implements, how to get them, and what they do!

List of All Implements

All Implements

Item How to Get Description
• Bought from Vendors
• Looted from Chests
A stone that can instantly spirit the user back to the location of a set Portcrystal.
Lantern Oil
• Bought from Vendors Fuel for a portable lantern. Slowly consumed while the lantern is lit.
• Quest Reward
• Collect 3 Wakestone shards
A stone ensorceled with miraculous magick. Formed of Wakestone shards, it holds the power to restore the dead to life.
Lantern (Fueled) • Bought from Vendors A lantern that can be worn at the waist to brighten one's surroundings with every step. Currently has plenty of oil.
Modest Camping Kit
• Purchase from Vendors A kit that can be used to set up camp at suitable locations. Inexpensive and lightweight, but liable to collapse if attacked by monsters.
Wakestone Shard
• Pawn Quest Reward
• Collect in the Overworld
A fragment ensorceled with miraculous magick. Gather three to form a Wakestone, which can restore the dead to life.
Fulgurous Lord
• Found in areas around Bakbattahl
• in camps around Agamen Volcanic Island
• and in the areas between Melve and Vernworth
A grimoire that casts a spell upon being read. Usable even by those incapable of magick. Invokes High Levin, a lightning spell.
Savagery Extract
• Purchase from Vendors A concoction of natural medicines fortified with magick. Drink it to boost your Strength and Magick for a period of time.
Golden Trove Beetle
• Collected in the Overworld A rare beetle that glitters like gold. Consuming it increases the weight one can carry by 0.15 kg. The Arisen's main pawn can also receive the same effect.
Ambivalent Rift Incense
• Purchase at Vernworth Pawn Guild Powdered rift crystals burnt as incense. Only usable by a main pawn at camp. Its mysterious scent gives the pawn a different inclination, and voice to match.
Kindhearted Rift Incense
• Purchase at Vernworth Pawn Guild Powdered rift crystals burnt as incense. Only usable by a main pawn at camp. Its gentle scent changes the pawn's voice and inclination to Kindhearted.
Calm Rift Incense
• Purchase at Vernworth Pawn Guild Powdered rift crystals burnt as incense. Only usable by a main pawn at camp. Its refreshing scent changes the pawn's voice and inclination to Calm.
Simple Rift Incense
• Purchase at Vernworth Pawn Guild Powdered rift crystals burnt as incense. Only usable by a main pawn at camp. Its sweet scent changes the pawn's voice and inclination to Simple.
Straightforward Rift Incense
• Purchase at Vernworth Pawn Guild Powdered rift crystals burnt as incense. Only usable by a main pawn at camp. Its spicy scent changes the pawn's voice and inclination to Straightforward.
Art of Metamorphosis
• Purchase at Vernworth Pawn Guild A special tome that allows the Arisen to edit their own appearance or the appearance of a pawn. One use only. Can used when visiting a barberie.
Mundane Camping Kit
• Bought from Vendors A kit that can used to set up camp at suitable locations. Equipped to serve its basic purpose and naught more.
Grass-Patterned Camping Kit
• Bought from Vendors A kit that can used to set up camp at suitable locations. Particularly sturdy against monsters that prowl Vermundian soil.
Stoutness Extract
• Bought from Vendors A concoction of natural medicines fortified with magick. Drink it to boost your Defense and Magick Defense for a period of time.
Emergent Vitality
• Found in areas around Bakbattahl
• in camps around Agamen Volcanic Island
• and in the areas between Melve and Vernworth
A grimoire that casts a spell upon being read. Usable even by those incapable of magick. Invokes Anodyne, a healing spell.
Explorer's Camping Kit
• Deluxe Edition A kit that can be used to set up camp at suitable locations. Efficient without being unduly weighty, it is favored by explorers traveling far afield.
Harpysnare Smoke Beacon
• Deluxe Edition A smoke beacon that emits a scent enticing to harpies. When lit in certain locations, any harpies within range will flock near.
Makeshift Gaol Key
• Purchase from Vendors A key to the gaol. Of relatively crude make, it will break after a single use.
Bunch of Flowers
• Collected in the Overworld A bunch of flowers, gorgeously arranged. When offered as a gift, it deepens the bond between giver and receiver.
Elite Camping Kit
• Purchased at the Volcanic Island Armory and as a reward for completing the Hunt for the Jadeite Orb quest A kit that can be used to set up camp at suitable locations. High quality and lightweight, it stands up well against monster attacks.
Eternal Wakestone • Reward from a Chest after Beating the Sphinx A stone ensorceled with tremendous magick. When invoked, it restores any fallen in the vicinity of the holder to life.
Fruit Wine
• Receive as a gift A wine made by fermenting various fruits and wild berries. Delightfully tart and fragrant without overwhelming the palate.
Unmaking Arrow
• Reward from a Chest after Solving the Sphinx' Riddle The ultimate arrow, said to kill instantly. (Note: Once fired, the game will automatically save, so choose your moment with due care.)
Sealing Phial • Got from a Chest for the Sphinx' Riddle of Eyes A phial with a remarkable interior. It boasts the unnerving ability to swallow people up, allowing them to be carried about with ease.
Spellbow's Paradox
• Got from Cliodhna After Completing Put a Spring in Thy Step A tome detailing an exceptional ability for magick archers. Use it to learn Martyr's Bolt.
Dragon's Gaze • Obtained from Chests A fossilized dragon's eye. Bears the power to locate Wakestone shards and note their location on your map.
Withered Branches
• Collected in the Overworld A branch of solid wood, pliant enough to serve in the making of arrows.
Explosive Arrow
• Purchase from Vendors An arrow that adheres to the target and explodes after a time or if attacked. Expended when using Exploding Shot or Erupting Shot.
Tarring Arrow
• Purchase from Vendors An arrow that adheres to the target and explodes after a time or if attacked, tarring the target. Expended when using Tarring Shot or Incendiary Shot.
Drenching Arrow
• Purchase from Vendors An arrow that adheres to the target and explodes after a time or if attacked, drenching the target. Expended when using Drenching Shot or Deluging Shot.
Governing Soul
• Purchased from the Agamen Ruins Apothecary or mined in areas around Bakbattahl
• in camps around Agamen Volcanic Island
• and in the areas between Melve and Vernworth
A grimoire that casts a spell upon being read. Usable even by those incapable of magick. Invokes Halidom, a spell that cures debilitations.
Igneous Melody
• Purchased from the Agamen Ruins Apothecary or mined in areas around Bakbattahl
• in camps around Agamen Volcanic Island
• and in the areas between Melve and Vernworth
A grimoire that casts a spell upon being read. Usable even by those incapable of magick. Invokes Fire Boon, which enchants weapons with fire.
Chirurgeon's Tome
TBA A tome that grants a pawn the Chirurgeon specialization, allowing them to use curatives on the Arisen and other allies on their own initiative.
Gaol Key
• Receive from Brant A key that grants access to the dungeons. Of sturdy make, it will serve as many times as needed.
Prescribed Tranquility
• Found in areas around Bakbattahl
• in camps around Agamen Volcanic Island
• and in the areas between Melve and Vernworth. Can also be looted from defeated enemies in the same areas.
A grimoire that casts a spell upon being read. Usable even by those incapable of magick. Invokes Solemnity, a silencing spell.
Blighting Arrow
• Combine Items
• Bought from Vendors
A specially crafted arrow that adds to the target’s blighted value. Expended when using Blighting Shot and Nocuous Shot.
Red Dye
• Purchase from Alexia in Bakbattahl Dye sold at a cosmetics store in Battahl. Can be used to achieve a vibrant red pigment.
Winter's Path
• Found in areas around Bakbattahl
• in camps around Agamen Volcanic Island
• and in the areas between Melve and Vernworth
A grimoire that casts a spell upon being read. Usable even by those incapable of magick. Invokes High Frigor, an ice spell.
Newt Liqueur
• Purchase at Higg's Tavern Stand A recipe for this rare liqueur is a closely guarded secret. Imbibing it grants the drinker a temporary burst of vigor, but is also said to cause side effects.
Preserved Medusa Head
• Cut off a Medusa's Head The severed head of a medusa. Cut from the beast at the height of its strength, its petrifying glare is nigh as potent as if it yet lived.
Decayed Medusa Head
• Rotten by Passing Time The severed head of a medusa. Reduced to a decayed husk, not a shred of its petrifying power remains.
Paladin's Enigmata
• Obtain from Maister A tome detailing an exceptional ability for mystic spearhands. Use it to learn Wild Furie.
Legend's Opus
• Talk to Flaude at the Old Noble Manor A tome detailing an exceptional ability for thieves. Use it to learn Blades of the Pyre The Arisen's main pawn will also receive the same effect.
Threshing Blaze
• Found in areas around Bakbattahl
• in camps around Agamen Volcanic Island
• and in the areas between Melve and Vernworth. Can also be obtained as loot by defeating enemies in the aforementioned areas.
A grimoire that casts a spell upon being read. Usable even by those incapable of magick. Invokes High Salamander, a fire spell.
Hiemal Euphony
• Purchased at Agamen Ruins Apothecary and can be found in areas around Bakbattahl
• in camps around Agamen Volcanic Island
• and in the areas between Melve and Vernworth.
A grimoire that casts a spell upon being read. Usable even by those incapable of magick. Invokes Ice Boon, which enchants weapons with ice.
Thunderous Concord
• Found in areas around Bakbattahl
• in camps around Agamen Volcanic Island
• and in the areas between Melve and Vernworth
A grimoire that casts a spell upon being read. Usable even by those incapable of magick. Invokes Lightning Boon, which enchants weapons with lightning.
Sand-Patterned Camping Kit
• Purchase in Bakbattahl A kit that can be used to set up camp at suitable locations. Particularly sturdy against monsters that prowl Battahli soil.
• Obtained as a reward from certain quests
• looted from the Forested Griffin’s Nest
• and purchased as additional content for your game
Green Dye
• Purchase from Alexia in Bakbattahl Dye sold at a cosmetics store in Battahl. Can be used to achieve a vivid green pigment.
Blue Dye
• Purchase from Alexia in Bakbattahl Dye sold at a cosmetics store in Battahl. Can be used to achieve a striking blue pigment.
Yellow Dye
• Purchase from Alexia in Bakbattahl Dye sold at a cosmetics store in Battahl. Can be used to achieve a radiant yellow pigment.
Purple Dye
• Purchase from Alexia in Bakbattahl Dye sold at a cosmetics store in Battahl. Can be used to achieve a rich purple pigment.
Soldier's Code
• Talk to Lennart after fending off the dragon in Melve A tome detailing an exceptional ability for fighters. Use it to learn Riotous Fury. The Arisen's main pawn will also receive the same effect.
Enchanter's Almanac
• Obtain from Maister A tome detailing a remarkable spell for mages. Use it to learn Celestial Paean. The Arisen's main pawn will also receive the same effect.
Pilferer's Handbook
• Talk to Srail in Nameless Village Depths A tome detailing an exceptional ability for thieves. Use it to learn Formless Feint. The Arisen's main pawn will also receive the same effect.
Hunter's Secret
• Obtain from Maister A tome detailing an exceptional ability for archers. Use it to learn Heavenly Shot. The Arisen's main pawn will also receive the same effect.
Champion's Fable
• Obtain from Maister A tome detailing an exceptional ability for warriors. Use it to learn Arc of Might. The Arisen's main pawn will also receive the same effect.
Myrddin's Chronicle
• Obtain from Maister A tome detailing a remarkable spell for sorcerers. Use it to learn Maelstrom. The Arisen's main pawn will also receive the same effect.
Conjurer's Jottings
• Obtain from Maister A tome detailing a remarkable spell for sorcerers. Use it to learn Meteoron. The Arisen's main pawn will also receive the same effect.
Theurgist's Rite
• Obtain from Maister A tome detailing an exceptional ability for tricksters. Use it to learn Dragon's Delusion.
Grandmaster's Path
• Obtain from Maister A tome detailing an exceptional ability for warfarers. Use it to learn Rearmament.
Woodland Wordsmith's Tome
• Raise Affinity with an Elf in Sacred Arbor A tome that grants a pawn the Woodland Wordsmith specialization, allowing those in the pawn's company to comprehend Elvish.
Logistician's Tome
• Get from Kendrick After Heel of History Quest A tome that grants a pawn the Logistician specialization, allowing them to combine materials and move items between allies' packs as they see fit.
Hawker's Tome
• Raise Affinity with a Merchant A tome that grants a pawn the Hawker specialization, allowing them to offer to purchase some items from the inventory for a fair sum of gold.
Forager's Tome
• Get from Malcolm After Heel of History Quest A tome that grants a pawn the Forager specialization, allowing them to mark the location of enhancement materials on the map.

What are Implements

Tools that Aid in the Journey

Implements consists of different tools with different uses with distinct functions. These range from the lanterns used to light up dark places to grimoires that allows even non-magick users to cast spells.

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