Dragon's Dogma 2 (DD2)

How to Heal Pawns


You can heal pawns in Dragon's Dogma 2 by resting at an inn or camp, or by casting the Anodyne healing spell. Read on to learn how to heal pawns and find out what happens when a pawn dies.

How to Heal Pawns

How to Heal Pawns

Rest at an Inn


The health of your Pawns can be fully restored by resting at inns in settlements or towns. Keep in mind that spending a night at inns will cost you gold. Inns are marked on your mini-map with a bed icon.

All Inn Locations

Sleep at a Camp Site


If you have a camping kit with you, you can set up a camp and sleep there to recover the health of your pawns. Camps can be made at campfires which are found all over the map.

While camp sites are more accessible than inns, it's not always safe to use as you risk being attacked by bandits and monsters. In addition, you cannot manually save your progress via the Pause Menu while you're staying at camp.

How to Get Camping Kits and How to Use

Cast the Anodyne Spell

Mages can heal pawns by casting the Anodyne spell which conjures a green aura that recovers the health of all those that come in contact with it.

If you're not a Mage yourself, you can have a pawn choose this Vocation so that you'll have a party member that can cast this healing spell.

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What Happens When a Pawn Dies?

Gets Removed From the Party


Your Pawn dies if you fail to revive them in time while they're in the immobile state. However, their death is not permanent and you can summon them back to your party by touching Riftstones, which are often found in major towns.

Can Be Revived in Downed State


Prior to dying, your Pawn will first enter a downed state in which you have to revive them before the bar completely diminishes. Once the bar runs out, your pawn will be taken out of your party and you'll have to recall them back using Riftstones.

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