Dragon's Dogma 2 (DD2)

List of NPCs


This is a list of all NPCs in Dragon's Dogma 2 (DD2). Read on to learn all NPCs, as well as their locations and residences.

List of NPCs in Dragon's Dogma 2

Jump to a Section!
Always on the Move Bakbattahl Bay Wayside Shrine Borderwatch Outpost
Checkpoint Rest Town Excavation Site Flamebearer Palace Geyser Hamlet
Harve Village Melve Nameless Village Sacred Arbor
Seafloor Shrine - Sacred Grounds Vernworth Volcanic Island Camp Windwalker's Home
Eini's Home - - -

Always on the Move

Celica IconCelica Domingo IconDomingo Erik IconErik Evereck IconEvereck
Felix IconFelix Hugo IconHugo Isla IconIsla Janne IconJanne
Kleis IconKleis Niam IconNiam Rook IconRook Rowan IconRowan
Ashe IconAshe Bermudo IconBermudo Brefft IconBrefft Gilmir IconGilmir
Herman IconHerman Hoffman IconHoffman Ilona IconIlona Jill IconJill
Lanzo IconLanzo Paola IconPaola Quentin IconQuentin Sasha IconSasha
Angus IconAngus Dinniel IconDinniel Elsa IconElsa Evo IconEvo
Geoff IconGeoff Marcello IconMarcello Marielle IconMarielle Ramon IconRamon


Adrea IconAdrea Akakios IconAkakios Antonio IconAntonio Arkholtz IconArkholtz
Asam IconAsam Awaran IconAwaran Beralta IconBeralta Bodas IconBodas
Bordeau IconBordeau Brokkr IconBrokkr Clara IconClara Cynthia IconCynthia
Denny IconDenny Ecletta IconEcletta Ekratt IconEkratt Ernesto IconErnesto
Ezekiel IconEzekiel Frey IconFrey Fulvio IconFulvio Galian IconGalian
Hassel IconHassel Hillaire IconHillaire Isaac IconIsaac Jaqueline IconJaqueline
Karnel IconKarnel Kasey IconKasey Keaton IconKeaton Keith IconKeith
Kitry IconKitry Luz IconLuz Lyailim IconLyailim Orley IconOrley
Roger IconRoger Sara IconSara Taleef IconTaleef Vandann IconVandann
Vergil IconVergil Yuna IconYuna Zonna IconZonna Benjamin IconBenjamin
Dietrich IconDietrich Esmerelda IconEsmerelda Karlheinz IconKarlheinz Lillian IconLillian
Lingen IconLingen Maurits IconMaurits Niles IconNiles Targa IconTarga
Georg IconGeorg Aella IconAella Alexandra IconAlexandra Alexia IconAlexia
Alezio IconAlezio Dorica IconDorica Glintl IconGlintl Gomez IconGomez
Jarle IconJarle Marina IconMarina Nabrah IconNabrah Nicolette IconNicolette
Nomos IconNomos Rakim IconRakim Scario IconScario Sorent IconSorent
Whitney IconWhitney

Bay Wayside Shrine

The Dragonforged IconThe Dragonforged

Borderwatch Outpost

Accardo IconAccardo Anthony IconAnthony Beren IconBeren Brandon IconBrandon
Cesaire IconCesaire Dahlia IconDahlia Enrique IconEnrique Gilbert IconGilbert
Gregor IconGregor Joshua IconJoshua Justinn IconJustinn Luksa IconLuksa
Olphen IconOlphen Phill IconPhill Shellie IconShellie Warrick IconWarrick
Edie IconEdie Eli IconEli Geoffrey IconGeoffrey Jose IconJose
Kassandra IconKassandra Margot IconMargot Markus IconMarkus Randall IconRandall

Checkpoint Rest Town

Alsa IconAlsa Auclair IconAuclair Bruno IconBruno Celeste IconCeleste
Christina IconChristina Dante IconDante Edgar IconEdgar Everard IconEverard
Folkes IconFolkes Gordon IconGordon Hayne IconHayne Henricks IconHenricks
Ibrahim IconIbrahim Jacint IconJacint Kacina IconKacina Lionel IconLionel
Lutz IconLutz Montgomery IconMontgomery Morris IconMorris Moses IconMoses
Myrddin IconMyrddin Offulve IconOffulve Oskar IconOskar Querick IconQuerick
Quince IconQuince Radcliff IconRadcliff Rodge IconRodge Timothy IconTimothy
Trenka IconTrenka Zellin IconZellin Zeplin IconZeplin Ines IconInes
Jehan IconJehan Lyssandro IconLyssandro Rikhard IconRikhard Saverio IconSaverio
Seferinno IconSeferinno Thor IconThor Tobias IconTobias Toumi IconToumi
Xavier IconXavier Robbe IconRobbe

Excavation Site

Andre IconAndre Boris IconBoris Danton IconDanton Fiska IconFiska
Fyodor IconFyodor Gilliam IconGilliam Henrique IconHenrique Jeunesse IconJeunesse
Lynn IconLynn Tabitha IconTabitha Zachary IconZachary Darhm IconDarhm

Flamebearer Palace

Ambrosius IconAmbrosius Battrey IconBattrey Deborah IconDeborah Eggim IconEggim
Grantt IconGrantt Irmhild IconIrmhild Jackson IconJackson Legga IconLegga
Menella IconMenella Nadinia IconNadinia Phaesus IconPhaesus Raghnall IconRaghnall
Rufus IconRufus Sekkah IconSekkah Emerich IconEmerich Hubert IconHubert
Jerome IconJerome Sirius IconSirius Vera IconVera Yglie IconYglie
Lazare IconLazare Pamella IconPamella Raggos IconRaggos

Geyser Hamlet

Cortago IconCortago Lamond IconLamond

Harve Village

Bernstein IconBernstein Fyoran IconFyoran Jonas IconJonas Richard IconRichard
Rivage Elder IconRivage Elder Sigurd IconSigurd Zoran IconZoran Chandler IconChandler
Whatt IconWhatt


Ian IconIan Imelda IconImelda Lennart IconLennart Marett IconMarett
Runne IconRunne Sonia IconSonia Stanley IconStanley Tristan IconTristan
Ulrika IconUlrika Vanessa IconVanessa Astia IconAstia Gantt IconGantt
Gerare IconGerare Hartley IconHartley Heston IconHeston Innes IconInnes
Jonathan IconJonathan Kaikhosru IconKaikhosru Mia IconMia Norbert IconNorbert
Paul IconPaul Vinse IconVinse Konan IconKonan Rudolf IconRudolf
Sousanna IconSousanna Suri IconSuri

Nameless Village

Eyre IconEyre Feith IconFeith Manna IconManna Mondaine IconMondaine
Rosy IconRosy Srail IconSrail Torg IconTorg Zeltas IconZeltas
Flaude IconFlaude Lepak IconLepak Levram IconLevram Litra IconLitra
Romule IconRomule Verdi IconVerdi Wendy IconWendy Elkalim IconElkalim
Gyna IconGyna Solt IconSolt

Sacred Arbor

Glyndwyr IconGlyndwyr Doireann IconDoireann

Seafloor Shrine - Sacred Grounds

Rothais IconRothais


Achille IconAchille Adelina IconAdelina Agathe IconAgathe Aimee IconAimee
Albert IconAlbert Alex IconAlex Allard IconAllard Amie IconAmie
Auriol IconAuriol Barkin IconBarkin Barton IconBarton Bernall IconBernall
Bjorn IconBjorn Brant IconBrant Burnns IconBurnns Cecili IconCecili
Clovis IconClovis Daphne IconDaphne Delphin IconDelphin Disa IconDisa
Dommel IconDommel Donovan IconDonovan Dudley IconDudley Dylan IconDylan
Ehtgren IconEhtgren Elena IconElena Eliza IconEliza Emoa IconEmoa
Etzo IconEtzo Flora IconFlora Frantz IconFrantz Frosst IconFrosst
Glenna IconGlenna Godric IconGodric Grouillard IconGrouillard Guerrero IconGuerrero
Gustavo IconGustavo Gwen IconGwen Harvey IconHarvey Haymish IconHaymish
Herwicke IconHerwicke Higgs IconHiggs Hildebrecht IconHildebrecht Hollis IconHollis
Howard IconHoward Igon IconIgon Ingrid IconIngrid Irena IconIrena
Jak IconJak James IconJames Jessika IconJessika Joel IconJoel
Josephine IconJosephine Karoline IconKaroline Kellen IconKellen Keltse IconKeltse
Kendrick IconKendrick Klark IconKlark Klaus IconKlaus Kurtis IconKurtis
Landar IconLandar Linda IconLinda Lorraine IconLorraine Lottie IconLottie
Lucia IconLucia Malcolm IconMalcolm Margus IconMargus Marjory IconMarjory
Marshall IconMarshall Martin IconMartin Mildred IconMildred Mosse IconMosse
Neomith IconNeomith Niann IconNiann Nikk IconNikk Norman IconNorman
Oswald IconOswald Otto IconOtto Pate IconPate Philbert IconPhilbert
Rachel IconRachel Rance IconRance Rick IconRick Ritton IconRitton
Roddie IconRoddie Roderick IconRoderick Ronald IconRonald Roxanne IconRoxanne
Sandra IconSandra Shakir IconShakir Silas IconSilas Simon IconSimon
Stephen IconStephen Sven IconSven Thurston IconThurston Ursula IconUrsula
Veronika IconVeronika Vlasiy IconVlasiy Waldhar IconWaldhar Walt IconWalt
Wilhelmina IconWilhelmina Alois IconAlois Asgard IconAsgard Benedict IconBenedict
Benton IconBenton Berkut IconBerkut Brounen IconBrounen Celina IconCelina
Charley IconCharley Dagras IconDagras Diana IconDiana Edda IconEdda
Eternna IconEternna Eugene IconEugene Fiachra IconFiachra Frio IconFrio
Garrett IconGarrett Johannes IconJohannes Liam IconLiam Lindsay IconLindsay
Lubomir IconLubomir Margaret IconMargaret Margit IconMargit Marlene IconMarlene
Mikis IconMikis Monet IconMonet Natasha IconNatasha Nebiru IconNebiru
Olven IconOlven Roman IconRoman Sebastian IconSebastian Senia IconSenia
Talib IconTalib Todd IconTodd Victoria IconVictoria Zennan IconZennan
Abraham IconAbraham Akheem IconAkheem Alexander IconAlexander Anya IconAnya
Ariadne IconAriadne Arnold IconArnold Azorka IconAzorka Bastian IconBastian
Billam IconBillam Birgit IconBirgit Brian IconBrian Canabella IconCanabella
Cragg IconCragg Dean IconDean Dorothy IconDorothy Fedrico IconFedrico
Friedrich IconFriedrich George IconGeorge Gunther IconGunther Hilda IconHilda
Holand IconHoland Ionis IconIonis Jarvis IconJarvis Jesslia IconJesslia
Karl IconKarl Katrina IconKatrina Kiara IconKiara Klein IconKlein
Martha IconMartha Mirabeau IconMirabeau Montague IconMontague Mythric IconMythric
Olivia IconOlivia Outena IconOutena Phillippe IconPhillippe Preston IconPreston
Richmond IconRichmond Riddick IconRiddick Rionne IconRionne Roland IconRoland
Rolf IconRolf Russell IconRussell Sachatt IconSachatt Salvatore IconSalvatore
Shaun IconShaun Siegvalt IconSiegvalt Stitalv IconStitalv Straffe IconStraffe
Suabek IconSuabek Thiemothee IconThiemothee Thurstan IconThurstan Tiffanie IconTiffanie
Zettra IconZettra

Volcanic Island Camp

Barbas IconBarbas Beatrice IconBeatrice Bertha IconBertha Blonco IconBlonco
Daison IconDaison Garland IconGarland Kimball IconKimball Ladnian IconLadnian
Melissa IconMelissa Neveah IconNeveah Peter IconPeter Torrence IconTorrence
Tyrell IconTyrell Percival IconPercival

Windwalker's Home

Cliodhna IconCliodhna Gautstafr IconGautstafr

Eini's Home

Eini IconEini Trysha IconTrysha Eino IconEino

What are NPCs?

Non-Playable Characters

NPCs are non-playable characters that you can meet on your journey. These characters can give you quests and sell you items among other things. You can also give them gifts and bond with them.

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