Dragon's Dogma 2 (DD2)

House of the Blue Sunbright Walkthrough and Location

House of the Blue Sunbright is a side quest in Dragon's Dogma 2 (DD2). Read our guide for a walkthrough on how to start and complete the House of the Blue Sunbright quest, including details on what materials to give Sebastian!

How to Start House of the Blue Sunbright

Speak with Diana After Completing The Gift of Giving

Walking along the Common Quarter of Vernworth, a housemaid by the name of Diana will call for your help. She'll ask you to meet her at her master's manor in the Noble Quarter.

House of the Blue Sunbright Location

Map View
World View

The House of the Blue Sunbright starts at the Common Quarter, on the stairs leading to the slums of Vernworth.

How to Complete House of the Blue Sunbright

  1. Visit the Manor
  2. Find Sebastian's Look-Alike
  3. Help Sebastian Prepare
  4. Return to the Manor After a Day
  5. Find Sebastian (Conditional)
  6. Report Back to the Manor

Visit the Manor

Visit Diana in Townsend's Estate. She and her master, Sebastian, will ask for your assistance in convincing a lookalike of his to temporarily take his place so that he may run an errand.

Find Sebastian's Look-Alike

Head to the Slums and locate Daphne, a young girl who shares her appearance with Sebastian. In the day, she can be found standing just outside The Gracious Hand. Speak with her to ask her for the favor.

Return to Townsend's Estate with Daphne, where Diana will dress her up in Sebastian's attire. Sebastian will explain that he intends to make a trip to Melve to acquire a keepsake for his mother.

Help Sebastian Prepare

Item How to Get
Misshapen Eye Obtained from killing Cyclops
Detoxifying Decoction Can be purchased at Philbert's Sundries for 500G
Waking Powder Can be purchased at Philbert's Sundries for 400G

Speak with Diana and Daphne to learn about the items Sebastian ought to bring with him on his trip to Melve. Give Sebastian these items to secure the success of his journey.

Return to the Manor After a Day

While Sebastian is off on his adventure, you're free to attend to other things on your quest. Alternatively, you can pass the time at an inn, bar, or any bench as you wait for a day to pass.

When you return to Townsend's Estate, you'll either find Sebastian inside the manor or Diana waiting for you outside.

How to Change Time of Day

Find Sebastian (Conditional)

If you fail to give Sebastian the right items to help his journey, he won't be able to return to the manor after a day and will require your assistance.

Make your way to Melve to look for Sebastian. You'll find him trying to survive an attack from a hobgoblin. Rescue him from the monster and the quest will progress.

Report Back to the Manor

Return to the Townsend's Estate to see the conclusion of this quest. Sebastian will have successfully returned home with a Blue Sunbright. Several cutscenes will play out, but when they end, the mission will be marked as completed.

House of the Blue Sunbright Quest Summary

How to Unlock and Rewards

Quest Type Side Quest
Location Vernworth
Unlock Condition Talk to Diana after completing the quest The Gift of Giving
Quest Giver Diana
Rewards XP: 900
Gold: 3,000

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3 Anonymous12 months

So uhm. I did the quest, and saw the final cutscene with the noble mother coming downstairs and seeing Dafne and her son in the same room. She said some stuff, and the supposedly gave the nanny a lecture. BUT THEN, the lady came back downstairs and STRAIGHT SLAPPED ME across the face. I had to run away before my pawns tried to retaliate and kill her. No joke. LMAO

2 Anonymousabout 1 year

Another way to skip it is if he is giving a detoxifying potion a waking potion and a misshapen eye


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