Dragon's Dogma 2 (DD2)

Rionne NPC Location and Likes

Rionne is a non-playable character in Dragon's Dogma 2 (DD2). Read on to learn how to find Rionne, as well as other information about Rionne such as gender, race, and likes.

Rionne Basic Information

Gender Male
Race Human
Residence Vernworth
Likes Interesting items, Fancy items

Rionne Location

Resides in Vernworth

Rionne resides in Vernworth. However, they may not always be found at that location as they can wander around to different locations on occasion.

Rionne Likes

What Gifts to Give Rionne

Rionne likes receiving Interesting items and Fancy items as gifts.

Liked Gifts Meaning
Fancy Items Expensive items obtained from merchants like rings and curatives
Interesting Items Weapons, armor, and monster parts like bones

How to Give Gifts

Dragon's Dogma 2 Related Guides


List of NPCs

Vernworth NPCs

AbrahamAbraham AchilleAchille AdelinaAdelina AgatheAgathe
AimeeAimee AkheemAkheem AlbertAlbert AlexAlex
AlexanderAlexander AllardAllard AloisAlois AmieAmie
AnyaAnya AriadneAriadne ArnoldArnold AsgardAsgard
AuriolAuriol AzorkaAzorka BarkinBarkin BartonBarton
BastianBastian BenedictBenedict BentonBenton BerkutBerkut
BernallBernall BillamBillam BirgitBirgit BjornBjorn
BrantBrant BrianBrian BrounenBrounen BurnnsBurnns
CanabellaCanabella CeciliCecili CelinaCelina CharleyCharley
ClovisClovis CraggCragg DagrasDagras DaphneDaphne
DeanDean DelphinDelphin DianaDiana DisaDisa
DommelDommel DonovanDonovan DorothyDorothy DudleyDudley
DylanDylan EddaEdda EhtgrenEhtgren ElenaElena
ElizaEliza EmoaEmoa EternnaEternna EtzoEtzo
EugeneEugene FedricoFedrico FiachraFiachra FloraFlora
FrantzFrantz FriedrichFriedrich FrioFrio FrosstFrosst
GarrettGarrett GeorgeGeorge GlennaGlenna GodricGodric
GrouillardGrouillard GuerreroGuerrero GuntherGunther GustavoGustavo
GwenGwen HarveyHarvey HaymishHaymish HerwickeHerwicke
HiggsHiggs HildaHilda HildebrechtHildebrecht HolandHoland
HollisHollis HowardHoward IgonIgon IngridIngrid
IonisIonis IrenaIrena JakJak JamesJames
JarvisJarvis JessikaJessika JessliaJesslia JoelJoel
JohannesJohannes JosephineJosephine KarlKarl KarolineKaroline
KatrinaKatrina KellenKellen KeltseKeltse KendrickKendrick
KiaraKiara KlarkKlark KlausKlaus KleinKlein
KurtisKurtis LandarLandar LiamLiam LindaLinda
LindsayLindsay LorraineLorraine LottieLottie LubomirLubomir
LuciaLucia MalcolmMalcolm MargaretMargaret MargitMargit
MargusMargus MarjoryMarjory MarleneMarlene MarshallMarshall
MarthaMartha MartinMartin MikisMikis MildredMildred
MirabeauMirabeau MonetMonet MontagueMontague MosseMosse
MythricMythric NatashaNatasha NebiruNebiru NeomithNeomith
NiannNiann NikkNikk NormanNorman OliviaOlivia
OlvenOlven OswaldOswald OttoOtto OutenaOutena
PatePate PhilbertPhilbert PhillippePhillippe PrestonPreston
RachelRachel RanceRance RichmondRichmond RickRick
RiddickRiddick RionneRionne RittonRitton RoddieRoddie
RoderickRoderick RolandRoland RolfRolf RomanRoman
RonaldRonald RoxanneRoxanne RussellRussell SachattSachatt
SalvatoreSalvatore SandraSandra SebastianSebastian SeniaSenia
ShakirShakir ShaunShaun SiegvaltSiegvalt SilasSilas
SimonSimon StephenStephen StitalvStitalv StraffeStraffe
SuabekSuabek SvenSven TalibTalib ThiemotheeThiemothee
ThurstanThurstan ThurstonThurston TiffanieTiffanie ToddTodd
UrsulaUrsula VeronikaVeronika VictoriaVictoria VlasiyVlasiy
WaldharWaldhar WaltWalt WilhelminaWilhelmina ZennanZennan


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