Dragon's Dogma 2 (DD2)

Doireann NPC Location and Likes

Doireann is a non-playable character in Dragon's Dogma 2 (DD2). Read on to learn how to find Doireann, as well as other information about Doireann such as gender, race, and likes.

Doireann Basic Information

Gender Female
Race Elf
Residence Sacred Arbor
Likes Adorable items, Beautiful items

Doireann Location

Resides in Sacred Arbor

Doireann resides in Sacred Arbor. However, they may not always be found at that location as they can wander around to different locations on occasion.

Doireann Likes

What Gifts to Give Doireann

Doireann likes receiving Adorable items and Beautiful items as gifts.

Liked Gifts Meaning
Beautiful Items Flowers, Shards, and anything aesthetically pleasing to the eyes.
Adorable Items Beetles, Flowers, and Shards

How to Give Gifts

Dragon's Dogma 2 Related Guides


List of NPCs

AbbaAbba AbrahamAbraham AccardoAccardo AchilleAchille
AdelinaAdelina AdreaAdrea AellaAella AgatheAgathe
AimeeAimee AkakiosAkakios AkheemAkheem AlbertAlbert
AlexAlex AlexanderAlexander AlexandraAlexandra AlexiaAlexia
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BerenBeren BerkutBerkut BermudoBermudo BernallBernall
BernsteinBernstein BerthaBertha BillamBillam BirgitBirgit
BjornBjorn BloncoBlonco BodasBodas BordeauBordeau
BorisBoris BrandonBrandon BrantBrant BrefftBrefft
BrianBrian BrokkrBrokkr BrounenBrounen BrunoBruno
BurnnsBurnns CanabellaCanabella CeciliCecili CelesteCeleste
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CharleyCharley ChristinaChristina ClaraClara CliodhnaCliodhna
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DagrasDagras DahliaDahlia DaisonDaison DanteDante
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DeborahDeborah DelphinDelphin DennyDenny DianaDiana
DietrichDietrich DinnielDinniel DisaDisa DoireannDoireann
DomingoDomingo DommelDommel DonovanDonovan DoricaDorica
DorothyDorothy DudleyDudley DylanDylan EclettaEcletta
EddaEdda EdgarEdgar EdieEdie EggimEggim
EhtgrenEhtgren EiniEini EinoEino EkrattEkratt
ElenaElena EliEli ElizaEliza ElkalimElkalim
ElsaElsa EmerichEmerich EmoaEmoa EnriqueEnrique
ErikErik ErnestoErnesto EsmereldaEsmerelda EternnaEternna
EtzoEtzo EugeneEugene EverardEverard EvereckEvereck
EvoEvo EyreEyre EzekielEzekiel FedricoFedrico
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FlaudeFlaude FloraFlora FolkesFolkes FrantzFrantz
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KaseyKasey KassandraKassandra KatrinaKatrina KeatonKeaton
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LevramLevram LiamLiam LillianLillian LindaLinda
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LuksaLuksa LutzLutz LuzLuz LyailimLyailim
LynnLynn LyssandroLyssandro MalcolmMalcolm MannaManna
MarettMarett MargaretMargaret MargitMargit MargotMargot
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WaltWalt WarrickWarrick WendyWendy WilhelminaWilhelmina
XavierXavier YglieYglie YunaYuna ZacharyZachary
ZellinZellin ZeltasZeltas ZennanZennan ZeplinZeplin
ZonnaZonna ZoranZoran


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