Dragon's Dogma 2 (DD2)

Scario NPC Location and Likes

Scario is a non-playable character in Dragon's Dogma 2 (DD2). Read on to learn how to find Scario, as well as other information about Scario such as gender, race, and likes.

Scario Basic Information

Gender Male
Race Human
Residence Bakbattahl
Likes Interesting items, Expensive items

Scario Location

Resides in Bakbattahl

Scario resides in Bakbattahl. However, they may not always be found at that location as they can wander around to different locations on occasion.

Scario Likes

What Gifts to Give Scario

Scario likes receiving Interesting items and Expensive items as gifts.

Liked Gifts Meaning
Interesting Items Weapons, armor, and monster parts like bones
Expensive Items Usually items that are priced at a high amount from merchants and stores

How to Give Gifts

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List of NPCs

Bakbattahl NPCs

AdreaAdrea AellaAella AkakiosAkakios AlexandraAlexandra
AlexiaAlexia AlezioAlezio AntonioAntonio ArkholtzArkholtz
AsamAsam AwaranAwaran BenjaminBenjamin BeraltaBeralta
BodasBodas BordeauBordeau BrokkrBrokkr ClaraClara
CynthiaCynthia DennyDenny DietrichDietrich DoricaDorica
EclettaEcletta EkrattEkratt ErnestoErnesto EsmereldaEsmerelda
EzekielEzekiel FreyFrey FulvioFulvio GalianGalian
GeorgGeorg GlintlGlintl GomezGomez HasselHassel
HillaireHillaire IsaacIsaac JaquelineJaqueline JarleJarle
KarlheinzKarlheinz KarnelKarnel KaseyKasey KeatonKeaton
KeithKeith KitryKitry LillianLillian LingenLingen
LuzLuz LyailimLyailim MarinaMarina MauritsMaurits
NabrahNabrah NicoletteNicolette NilesNiles NomosNomos
OrleyOrley RakimRakim RogerRoger SaraSara
ScarioScario SorentSorent TaleefTaleef TargaTarga
VandannVandann VergilVergil WhitneyWhitney YunaYuna


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