Dragon's Dogma 2 (DD2)

Ines NPC Location and Likes

Ines is a non-playable character in Dragon's Dogma 2 (DD2). Read on to learn how to find Ines, as well as other information about Ines such as gender, race, and likes.

Ines Basic Information

Gender Female
Race Human
Residence Checkpoint Rest Town
Likes Adorable items, Beautiful items

Ines Location

Resides in Checkpoint Rest Town

Ines resides in Checkpoint Rest Town. However, they may not always be found at that location as they can wander around to different locations on occasion.

Ines Likes

What Gifts to Give Ines

Ines likes receiving Adorable items and Beautiful items as gifts.

Liked Gifts Meaning
Beautiful Items Flowers, Shards, and anything aesthetically pleasing to the eyes.
Adorable Items Beetles, Flowers, and Shards

How to Give Gifts

Ines Shop (Harve Village)

Item Cost
5500 G Harve Village (Ines), Bodas's Armory WC
5000 G
5500 G
8000 G
8000 G
10000 G
12500 G
16000 G
20000 G
22500 G

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List of NPCs

Checkpoint Rest Town NPCs

AlsaAlsa AuclairAuclair BrunoBruno CelesteCeleste
ChristinaChristina DanteDante EdgarEdgar EverardEverard
FolkesFolkes GordonGordon HayneHayne HenricksHenricks
IbrahimIbrahim InesInes JacintJacint JehanJehan
KacinaKacina LionelLionel LutzLutz LyssandroLyssandro
MontgomeryMontgomery MorrisMorris MosesMoses MyrddinMyrddin
OffulveOffulve OskarOskar QuerickQuerick QuinceQuince
RadcliffRadcliff RikhardRikhard RobbeRobbe RodgeRodge
SaverioSaverio SeferinnoSeferinno ThorThor TimothyTimothy
TobiasTobias ToumiToumi TrenkaTrenka XavierXavier
ZellinZellin ZeplinZeplin


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