Dragon's Dogma 2 (DD2)

How to Craft Fruit Roborant

Fruit Roborant is a crafted curative in Dragon's Dogma 2 (DD2). Learn how to get Fruit Roborant, where to craft Fruit Roborant and its recipes, and how to use Fruit Roborant!

How to Get Fruit Roborant

Combine Dried Fruit with Curative Herbs


Dragons Dogma 2 - Fruit Roborant IconFruit Roborant A medicinal pellet containing bits of fruit. Consume it to recover a greal deal of Health.
Weight: 0.05 kg
Crafting Recipe
Dried Fruit × Greenwarish
Dried Fruit × Morningtide

Above are the possible recipe combinations for Fruit Roborant.

Fruit Roborant is crafted by combining Dried Fruit with any of the two curative herbs Greenwarish or Morningtide commonly found in the wild.

How to Get Dried Fruits


Dragons Dogma 2 - Dried Fruit IconDried Fruit A piece of fruit, dried to condense its flavor. Consume it to recover a fair amount of Health.
Weight: 0.10 kg
Crafting Recipe
Any Ripened Fruit × Any Ripened Fruit
Sample Combinations:
Ripened Apple × Ripened Apple
Ripened Grapes × Ripened Blueberry
Any 2 pieces of ripened fruit, whether the same or different in type, can be combined to make Fruit Roborant.
List of Ripened Fruits
Ripened Apple Ripened Grapes Ripened Quince
Ripened Fig Ripened Raspberry Ripened Cranberry
Ripened Blueberry Ripened Strawberry -

There are 30 known combinations for crafting Dried Fruit.

There are three ways to obtain Dried Fruits:

  • Craft by combining two ripened fruits.
  • Obtain from quests or scavenging.
  • Buy from Vendors at Apothecaries or Sundries

When planning to craft Dried Fruits, you need to obtain at least two (2) pieces of raw fruit and then ripen them. Combine them once both have been ripened.

Where to Get Raw Fruits


Raw fruit can be bought at a Vendor in Melve. But it is best to just search for them in the wild since it costs no Gold to do so. Try looking in forests or by the roadside around the areas of Borderwatch Outpost, Melve, or around the roads before Vernworth to spot some fruits.

Fruits should be easy to spot them thanks to the fruit's color contrast to the greens (or their glow). Pawns usually communicate nearby spots or nodes for resource gathering.

How to Ripen Raw Fruits


When crafting Dried Fruit, you will need to ripen at least two (2) pieces of fruit (it can be the same or different type.) Ripening is done by passing time. After enough time has passed, the raw fruit will be replaced by the ripened variant.

You can try sleeping at an Inn or dozing off to quickly pass time and produce these items. Keep in mind that some quests or events are time-sensitive.

Take care not to pass time too much since fruits will eventually become rotten and unable to be used for crafting Fruit Roborant.

How to Change Time of Day

Buy from Vendors

Vendor Location
Auriol Auriol's Shop
Isaac Isaac's Wares
Runne Runne's Apothecary

Fruit Roborant can be found in the shops above and costs 600 G to purchase.
How to Get Gold Fast

How to Use Fruit Roborant

Use for Quests and Healing

Fruit Roborant is a useful curative for gaining back large amounts of health in and outside of battle.

The curative can also serve as a quest item in item delivery quests such as Medicament Predicament which rewards the Ring of Exultation for boosting maximum Health.

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