Fire Emblem Heroes (FEH)

Mythic Heroes Summons and Expected Appearances (2019-2021)

★ Latest Banner - New Heroes: Aided Yunaka & Rearmed Nel
☆ New Units - Nel, Rafal, Zelestia, Aided Yunaka
☆ Free Units - Griss

Mythic Heroes Events Banner Fire Emblem Heroes FEH.png

Summon Categories
Legendary HeroesLegendary Heroes Mythic HeroesMythic Heroes Special HeroesSpecial Heroes New HeroesNew Heroes List of Hero AltsList of Hero Alts
The Best Summons to Pull From and Release Dates

Mythic Heroes Summoning Events for the game Fire Emblem Heroes (FEH) can all be found here.

Summary of Predicted Mythic Hero Appearances

Predicted Mythic Heroes Apperance

May 2021
Triandra - Nightmare IconTriandra
Peony - Sweet Dream IconPeony
Freyja - Lady of Nightmare IconFreyja

June 2021
Plumeria - Lewd Dream IconPlumeria
Líf - Lethal Swordsman IconLíf
Hel - Death Sovereign IconHel
Dagr - SunDagr
Bramimond - The Enigma IconBramimond
July 2021
Yune - Chaos Goddess IconYune
Mila - Goddess of Love IconMila
Eir - Merciful Death IconEir
Seiros - Saint of Legend IconSeiros
August 2021
Sothis - Girl on the Throne IconSothis
Naga - Dragon Divinity IconNaga
Reginn - Bearing Hope IconReginn
Thrasir - Omnicidal Witch IconThrasir
September 2021
Altina - DawnAltina
Hríd - Icy Blade IconHríd
October 2021
Mirabilis - Daydream IconMirabilis
Duma - God of Strength IconDuma

Regarding Predicted Releases

New Legendary and Mythic Heroes will be released in alternation at the end of each month.

All Mythic Heroes Summons

Thórr - War God (November 2021)

Legendary & Mythic Heroes - Eitri & Thórr

Green Red Colorless Blue
Eitri - Youthful Sage IconEitri
Dimitri - Savior King IconLegendary Dimitri
Sigurd - Fated Holy Knight IconLegendary Sigurd
Micaiah - Radiant Queen IconLegendary Micaiah
Thórr - War God IconThórr
Dimitri - Savage Boar IconFallen Dimitri
Plumeria - Lewd Dream IconPlumeria
Corrin - Child of Dusk IconLegendary Corrin (F)
Dagr - SunDagr
Nótt - MoonNótt
Múspell - Flame God IconMúspell
Bramimond - The Enigma IconBramimond
Dates of Availability 11/30/2021 ~ 12/14/2021

Ótr - Kingsbrother (September 2021)

Otr: Kingsbrother

Green Red Blue Colorless
Ótr - Kingsbrother IconÓtr
Eliwood - Blazing Knight IconLegendary Eliwood
Chrom - Crowned Exalt IconLegendary Chrom
Claude - King of Unification IconLegendary Claude
Byleth - The Fódlan Star IconLegendary Byleth (M)
Altina - DawnAltina
Marianne - Adopted Daughter IconMarianne
Leif - Unifier of Thracia IconLegendary Leif
Celica - Queen of Valentia IconLegendary Celica
Palla - Kind Eldest Sister IconValentian Palla
Zeke - Past Unknown IconZeke
Shinon - Scathing Archer IconShinon
Dates of Availability 09/30/2021 ~ 10/06/2021

The Ullr: The Bowmaster Summoning Event marked the initial release of Ótr.

Ótr is a powerful Anima unit that can one-shot a lot of tough foes - including Brave Hector.

Ullr: The Bowmaster (July 2021)

Ullr: The Bowmaster

Green Red Blue Colorless
Pent - Mage General IconPent
Seliph - Scion of Light IconLegendary Seliph
Ullr - The Bowmaster IconUllr
Eir - Merciful Death IconEir
Shamir - Archer Apart IconShamir
Sigurd - Fated Holy Knight IconLegendary Sigurd
Dimitri - Savior King IconLegendary Dimitri
Louise - Lady of Violets IconLouise
Yune - Chaos Goddess IconYune
Reginn - Bearing Hope IconReginn
Seiros - Saint of Legend IconSeiros
Mila - Goddess of Love IconMila
Dates of Availability 07/29/2021 ~ 08/04/2021

The Ullr: The Bowmaster Summoning Event marked the initial release of Ullr.

She enables the 6th slot during Light season in Aether Raids and is powerful offense bow unit that nullifies penalties to her Atk and Spd, while disabling any Guard effects.

Ashera: Order Goddess (May 2021)

Ashera Order Goddess Top Banner Fire Emblem Heroes FEH.png

Green Red Blue Colorless
Freyja - Lady of Nightmare IconFreyja
Roy - Blazing Lion IconLegendary Roy
Azura - Vallite Songstress IconLegendary Azura
Ashera - Order Goddess IconAshera
Triandra - Nightmare IconTriandra
Eliwood - Blazing Knight IconLegendary Eliwood
Peony - Sweet Dream IconPeony
Claude - King of Unification IconLegendary Claude
Dedue - DimitriDedue
Azelle - Youthful Flame IconAzelle
Ronan - Villager of Iz IconRonan
Corrin - Child of Dusk IconLegendary Corrin (F)
Dates of Availability 06/01/2021 ~ 06/08/2021

The Ashera: Order Goddess Summoning Event marked the initial release of Ashera.

She enables the 7th slot during Astra season in Aether Raids and can grant enormous buffs to her and her allies' Atk and Res, as well as nullify any penalties.

She is also the first Astra Mythic that boosts a unit's Res.

Dagr: Sun's Radiance (March 2021)

Dagr Suns Radiance Fire Emblem Heroes FEH.png

Heroes Who Appear in This Summon

Green Red Blue Colorless
Dagr - SunDagr
Reginn - Bearing Hope IconReginn
Duessel - Obsidian IconDuessel
Bramimond - The Enigma IconBramimond
Freyja - Lady of Nightmare IconFreyja
Eirika - Graceful Resolve IconLegendary Eirika
Lucina - Glorious Archer IconLegendary Lucina
Sara - Lady of Loptr IconSara
Edelgard - Flame Emperor IconLegendary Edelgard
Marth - Hero-King IconLegendary Marth
Guinivere - Princess of Bern IconGuinivere
Corrin - Child of Dusk IconLegendary Corrin (F)
Dates of Availability 03/30/2021 ~ 04/06/2021

The Dagr: Sun's Radiance Summoning Event marked the initial release of Dagr.

Dagr had the ability to give her allies extra movement through her Pathfinder ability and enables the 7th slot in Aether Raids during the Light season.

Seiros: Saint of Legend (January 2021)

Seiros: Saint of Legend

Heroes Who Appear in This Summon

Green Red Blue Colorless
Thrasir - Omnicidal Witch IconThrasir
Líf - Lethal Swordsman IconLíf
Seiros - Saint of Legend IconSeiros
Alm - Saint-King IconLegendary Alm
Yune - Chaos Goddess IconYune
Roy - Blazing Lion IconLegendary Roy
Dimitri - Savior King IconLegendary Dimitri
Eir - Merciful Death IconEir
Dieck - Wounded Tiger IconDieck
Catherine - Thunder Knight IconCatherine
Julia - Crusader of Light IconLegendary Julia
Flayn - Playing Innocent IconFlayn
Dates of Availability 07/30/2020 ~ 08/06/2020

The Seiros: Saint of Legend Summoning Event marked the initial release of Seiros.

This banner featured an excellent set of units in the Blue pool, including Legendary Dimitri.

Seiros herself enables the7th slot in Aether Raids during the Anima season.

Freyja: Lady of Nightmare and Triandra: Nightmare (December 2020)

Freyja: Lady of Nightmare and Triandra: Nightmare

Heroes Who Appear in This Summon

Freyja - Lady of Nightmare IconFreyja
Triandra - Nightmare IconTriandra
Hel - Death Sovereign IconHel
Sothis - Girl on the Throne IconSothis
Eliwood - Blazing Knight IconLegendary Eliwood
Lysithea - Earnest Seeker IconBrave Lysithea
Tiki - Legendary Dragon IconLegendary Tiki (Young)
Azura - Vallite Songstress IconLegendary Azura
Anna - Secret Seller IconApotheosis Anna
Leif - Unifier of Thracia IconLegendary Leif
Corrin - Child of Dusk IconLegendary Corrin (F)
Shinon - Scathing Archer IconShinon
Dates of Availability 11/27/2020 ~ 12/09/2020

The Freyja: Lady of Nightmare and Triandra: Nightmare Summoning Event marked the initial release of Freyja and Triandra.

This event featured a lot of good units to pull aside from Freyja and Triandra, such as Legendary Corrin (F).

Freyja is a Light type Mythic hero, while Triandra is a Dark type Mythic hero,

Plumeria: Lewd Dream (September 2020)

Plumeria: Lewd Dream

Heroes Who Appear in This Summon

Plumeria - Lewd Dream IconPlumeria
Lucina - Glorious Archer IconLegendary Lucina
Celica - Queen of Valentia IconLegendary Celica
Leif - Unifier of Thracia IconLegendary Leif
Seliph - Scion of Light IconLegendary Seliph
Ephraim - Legendary Lord IconLegendary Ephraim
Yune - Chaos Goddess IconYune
Duma - God of Strength IconDuma
Líf - Lethal Swordsman IconLíf
Lilith - Astral Daughter IconLilith
Micaiah - Queen of Dawn IconBrave Micaiah
Julian - Tender Thief IconJulian
Dates of Availability 09/30/2020 ~ 10/07/2020

The Plumeria: Lewd Dream Summoning Event marked the initial release of Plumeria.

The main focus units of this banner were Plumeria herself, as well as Legendary Celica and Legendary Leif.

Plumeria is an Astra type Mythic hero and is also a red dancer.

Hel: Death Sovereign (July 2020)

Hel: Death Sovereign

Heroes Who Appear in This Summon

Green Red Blue Colorless
Hel - Death Sovereign IconHel
Ike - Vanguard Legend IconLegendary Ike
Tiki - Legendary Dragon IconLegendary Tiki (Young)
Corrin - Wailing Soul IconFallen Corrin (F)
Edelgard - Flame Emperor IconLegendary Edelgard
Roy - Blazing Lion IconLegendary Roy
Fiora - Airborne Warrior IconFiora
Eir - Merciful Death IconEir
Thrasir - Omnicidal Witch IconThrasir
Altina - DawnAltina
Fjorm - Princess of Ice IconFjorm
Leila - Rose Amid Fangs IconLeila
Dates of Availability 07/30/2020 ~ 08/06/2020

The Hel: Death Sovereign Summoning Event marked the initial release of Hel.

The main focus units of this banner were Hel herself, as well as Legendary Edelgard and Thrasir.

Hel possesses a powerful weapon that enables her to withstand lethal damage when not attacked by magic and also comes with Distant Counter and a C skill that debuffs enemy units.

Mila: Goddess of Love (May 2020)

Mila: Goddess of Love

Heroes Who Appear in This Summon

Líf IconLíf
Legendary Julia IconLegendary Julia
Legendary Hector IconLegendary Hector
Mila IconMila
Legendary Eliwood IconLegendary Eliwood
Legendary Lucina IconLegendary Lucina
Osian IconOsian
Legendary Leif IconLegendary Leif
Larcei IconLarcei
Legendary Ephraim IconLegendary Ephraim
Annette IconAnnette
Legendary Alm IconLegendary Alm
Dates of Availability 05/29/2020 ~ 06/06/2020

The Mila: Goddess of Love Summoning Event marked the initial release of Mila.

The main focus units of this banner were Mila herself, as well as Legendary Leif and Legendary Alm.

Mila is a powerful Mythic unit, possessing skills such as Nurturing Breath, which gives Atk/Spd/Def/Res +2 to allies within 7 rows and 7 columns.

Bramimond: The Enigma (March 2020)

Bramimond: The Enigma

Heroes Who Appear in This Summon

Roy - Blazing Lion IconLegendary Roy
Peony - Sweet Dream IconPeony
Thrasir - Omnicidal Witch IconThrasir
Bramimond - The Enigma IconBramimond
Altina - DawnAltina
Tiki - Legendary Dragon IconLegendary Tiki (Young)
Micaiah - Queen of Dawn IconBrave Micaiah
Robin - Fell Vessel IconLegendary Robin (F)
Alm - Imperial Ascent IconBrave Alm
Fjorm - Princess of Ice IconFjorm
Mamori - MicrowavinMamori
Camilla - Light of Nohr IconBrave Camilla
Dates of Availability 03/31/2020 ~ 04/10/2020

The Bramimond: The Enigma Summoning Event marked the initial release of Bramimond.

The main focus units of this banner were Bramimond themselves, as well as Brave Camilla.

Bramimond is a Dark type Mythic hero and possesses a unique weapon that gives them a guaranteed follow-up attack if an enemy unit has a debuff, as well as a C skill that disables surrounding enemy units except for their target during combat.

Líf: Lethal Swordsman (January 2020)

Mythic Heroes - Líf

Heroes Who Appear in This Summon

Red Blue Green Colorless
Líf - Lethal Swordsman IconLíf
Ephraim - Legendary Lord IconLegendary Ephraim
Yune - Chaos Goddess IconYune
Leif - Unifier of Thracia IconLegendary Leif
Eliwood - Blazing Knight IconLegendary Eliwood
Lucina - Glorious Archer IconLegendary Lucina
Hector - Marquess of Ostia IconLegendary Hector
Caineghis - GalliaCaineghis
Byleth - Proven Professor IconByleth (F)
Lukas - Buffet for One IconPicnic Lukas
Hilda - Idle Maiden IconHilda
Loki - The Trickster IconLoki
Dates of Availability 01/30/2020 ~ 02/05/2020

The Líf: Lethal Swordsman Summoning Event marked the initial release of Líf.

The main focus units of this banner were Líf himself, as well as Legendary Leif and Caineghis.

Líf is an Anima type Mythic hero with Distant Counter and a Special that lets him deal damage and recover HP at the same time.

Altina: Dawn's Trueblade (November 2019)

Altina Mythic Banner Fire Emblem Heroes FEH.png

Heroes Who Appear in This Summon

Red Blue Green Colorless
Altina - DawnAltina
Julia - Crusader of Light IconLegendary Julia
Lyn - Lady of the Wind IconLegendary Lyn
Duma - God of Strength IconDuma
Sothis - Girl on the Throne IconSothis
Tiki - Legendary Dragon IconLegendary Tiki (Young)
Laevatein - BonfireSummer Laevatein
Gunnthrá - Beaming Smile IconSummer Gunnthrá
Marth - Hero-King IconLegendary Marth
Fjorm - Princess of Ice IconFjorm
Yarne - Timid Taguel IconYarne
Fjorm - Bride of Rime IconBridal Fjorm
Dates of Availability 11/28/2020 ~ 12/05/2019

The Altina: Dawn's Trueblade Summoning Event marked the initial release of Altina.

The main focus units of this banner were Altina herself, as well as Sothis, Legendary Julia, and Legendary Tiki (Young).

Altina is an Astra type Mythic hero that possesses a weapon with Distant Counter and also enables her to attack twice in both phases.

Thrasir: Omnicidal Witch (September 2019)

Thrasir Mythic Banner Fire Emblem Heroes FEH.png

Heroes Who Appear in This Summon

Red Blue Green Colorless
Eirika - Graceful Resolve IconLegendary Eirika
Ephraim - Legendary Lord IconLegendary Ephraim
Thrasir - Omnicidal Witch IconThrasir
Eir - Merciful Death IconEir
Hríd - Icy Blade IconHríd
Kjelle - Fair Fighter IconKjelle
Yune - Chaos Goddess IconYune
Corrin - Wailing Soul IconFallen Corrin (F)
Eliwood - Blazing Knight IconLegendary Eliwood
Soren - Addled Strategist IconValentine's Soren
Veronica - Spring Princess IconSpring Veronica
Genny - Dressed with Care IconPicnic Genny
Dates of Availability 09/30/2020 ~ 10/08/2020

The Thrasir: Omnicidal Witch Summoning Event marked the initial release of Thrasir.

The main focus units of this banner were Thrasir herself, as well as Fallen Corrin (F).

Thrasir is an Anima type Mythic hero and a powerful dragon-effective weapon.

Sothis: Girl on the Throne (July 2019)

Sothis Mythic Banner Fire Emblem Heroes FEH.png

Heroes Who Appear in This Summon

Red Blue Green Colorless
Sothis - Girl on the Throne IconSothis
Fjorm - Princess of Ice IconFjorm
Lyn - Lady of the Wind IconLegendary Lyn
Alm - Saint-King IconLegendary Alm
Marth - Hero-King IconLegendary Marth
Azura - Vallite Songstress IconLegendary Azura
Hector - Marquess of Ostia IconLegendary Hector
Eir - Merciful Death IconEir
Byleth - Tested Professor IconByleth (M)
Ryoma - Samurai at Ease IconHostile Springs Ryoma
Greil - Heroic Exemplar IconValentine's Greil
Caineghis - GalliaCaineghis
Dates of Availability 07/31/2019 ~ 08/07/2020

The Sothis: Girl on the Throne Summoning Event marked the initial release of Sothis.

The main focus units of this banner were Sothis herself, as well as Legendary Azura.

Sothis is a Dark type Mythic hero and makes herself immune to dragon-effective](/games/fire-emblem-heroes/archives/268941) weapons.

Naga: Dragon Divinity (May 2019)

Naga Mythic Banner Fire Emblem Heroes FEH.png

Heroes Who Appear in This Summon

Red Blue Green Colorless
Eirika - Graceful Resolve IconLegendary Eirika
Naga - Dragon Divinity IconNaga
Lyn - Lady of the Wind IconLegendary Lyn
Duma - God of Strength IconDuma
Hríd - Icy Blade IconHríd
Tiki - Legendary Dragon IconLegendary Tiki (Young)
Fjorm - New Traditions IconNew Year Fjorm
Laevatein - Kumade Warrior IconNew Year Laevatein
Gunnthrá - YearNew Year Gunnthrá
Hector - Brave Warrior IconBrave Hector
Lugh - Anima Child IconLugh
Velouria - Wolf Cub IconVelouria
Dates of Availability 05/30/2019 ~ 06/06/2020

The Naga: Dragon Divinity Summoning Event marked the initial release of Naga.

The main focus units of this banner were Naga herself, as well as Brave Hector.

Naga was the very first Astra type Mythic hero and can grant the effective against dragons skill to her allies.

Yune: Chaos Goddess (March 2019)

Yune Mythic Banner Fire Emblem Heroes FEH.png

Heroes Who Appear in This Summon

Red Blue Green Colorless
Ryoma - Supreme Samurai IconLegendary Ryoma
Azura - Vallite Songstress IconLegendary Azura
Yune - Chaos Goddess IconYune
Eir - Merciful Death IconEir
Celica - Warrior Priestess IconBrave Celica
Lucina - Glorious Archer IconLegendary Lucina
Kagero - Beverage Ninja IconHalloween Kagero
Mia - Moonlit Witch IconHalloween Mia
Myrrh - Spooky Monster IconHalloween Myrrh
Ophelia - Dramatic Heroine IconOphelia
Laegjarn - Sheathed Steel IconLaegjarn
Lyn - Brave Lady IconBrave Lyn
Dates of Availability 03/29/2019 ~ 04/05/2020

The Yune: Chaos Goddess Summoning Event marked the initial release of Yune.

The main focus units of this banner were Yune herself, as well as Legendary Azura and Halloween Myrrh.

Yune was the very first Dark type Mythic hero and possesses a wide range of debuffing skills.

Duma: God of Strength (January 2019)

Duma Mythic Banner Fire Emblem Heroes FEH.png

Heroes Who Appear in This Summon

Red Blue Green Colorless
Ike - Vanguard Legend IconLegendary Ike
Tiki - Legendary Dragon IconLegendary Tiki (Young)
Lyn - Lady of the Wind IconLegendary Lyn
Duma - God of Strength IconDuma
Eirika - Graceful Resolve IconLegendary Eirika
Kliff - Curious Spirit IconKliff
Ephraim - Sacred Twin Lord IconBrave Ephraim
Loki - The Trickster IconLoki
Laegjarn - Sheathed Steel IconLaegjarn
Ryoma - Dancing Samurai IconHoshidan Summer Ryoma
Elincia - Estival Princess IconHoshidan Summer Elincia
Linde - Summer Rays IconSummer Linde
Dates of Availability 01/30/2019 ~ 02/06/2020

The Duma: God of Strength Summoning Event marked the initial release of Duma.

The main focus units of this banner were Duma himself, as well as Legendary Tiki (Young).

Duma was the very first Mythic hero and is an Anima type, and was also the first to have different effects within Aether Raids.

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