Throne and Liberty (TL)

Battle Pass Guide and All Rewards

Throne and Liberty - Battle Pass Guide

Glacial Star and the Startree Pass are the current Battle Passes of Throne and Liberty (TL). Read on to learn how to purchase the Battle Pass, its rewards, how to level up Battle Pass, and whether you should buy the Battle Pass or not.

Current Battle Pass Duration

Glacial Star Ends on January 9 at 2PM PT

Glacial Star Battle Pass

The Glacial Star Battle Pass is currently active up until January 9, 2pm PT. Players can level up and earn exclusive rewards until the Battle Pass's end date.

Startree Pass Ends on January 9 at 2PM PT

Startree Pass Battle Pass

The Startree Pass is currently active up until January 9, 2pm PT. Players can level up and earn exclusive rewards until the Battle Pass's end date.

How to Purchase Battle Pass

Purchase Premium Pass with Lucent


The Premium Pass can be bought using Lucent. Simply open the Battle Pass menu (Default Key: ]) and select Buy Premium Pass. From there, players can finalize their purchase of the Premium Pass.

How to Purchase Premium Pass
Press ESC and select Battle Pass on the top right. Alternatively, you can press ] to open the Battle Pass menu directly.
Select "Buy Premium Pass" on the bottom left corner.
Choose Purchase to buy the Premium Pass with Lucent. Be sure to double-check the price if you can afford it.

How to Get Lucent

Buying Lucent

You can get Lucent by purchasing them with real-world money in the Special Shop, selling certain items on the Auction House, or earning them in PvP events like Castle Sieges and Tax Delivery events.

How to Farm Lucent

No Price if Opting for the Free Pass


Players can stay with the Free Pass and still be able to get rewards at absolutely no cost. However, the rewards for the free track are not as good as the premium ones. Free Pass players will be missing out on cosmetics and high-quality items such as Precious Growth Books and Growthstones.

Current Battle Pass Rewards

Glacial Star Battle Pass

Notable Rewards

Rewards Lvl.
Seraph Cygnus - Morph 1
(Premium Track)
Musical Dance - Gesture 10
(Premium Track)
Giant Oremong - Morph 20
(Free Track)
Rebellious Teenager Gneiss - Amitoi 31
(Premium Track)
Extra Equipment Set Voucher 49
(Free Track)
Extra Skill Set Voucher 50
(Free Track)
Glacial Weapon Selection Chest 50
(Premium Track)

All Glacial Star Battle Pass Rewards

Lvl. Free Track Premium Pass
1 100,000 Sollant Seraph Cygnus (Morph)
2 Mystic Key x3 Mystic Key x3
3 Abundance Fruit x3 Precious Parchment x45
4 Precious Parchment x15 Dimensional Soul Shard Selection Chest: 1-Star x3
5 Star Crystal x20 Rune Category Selection Chest x20
6 Training Dew: 10,000 Points x15 Trait Conversion Stone x20
7 Resistance Contract Extra Count Pass x5 Precious Polished Crystal x4
8 Precious Processed Marind x2 Resistance Contract Extra Count Pass x5
9 Precious Processed Rubrix x2 Precious Processed Stalon x4
10 Star Crystal x10 Gesture: Musical Dance
11 500 Abyssal Contract Token Points x5 Precious Parchment x45
12 Precious Blessing Pouch x3 Precious Processed Marind x4
13 Precious Processed Emeret Precious Processed Rubrix x4
14 Training Dew: 10,000 Points x15 Precious Processed Emeret x4
15 Star Crystal x40 500 Abyssal Contract Token Points x3
16 100,000 Sollant x3 Abyssal Aggregate x2
17 Abyss Currency x2 500 Abyssal Contract Token Points x3
18 Precious Active Skill Growth Book x2 Precious Active Skill Growth Book x4
19 Precious Passive Skill Growth Book x2 Precious Passive Skill Growth Book x4
20 Morph: Giant Oremong Appearance Change Ticket x1
21 Dye x3 Abyssal Aggregate x3
22 Sewing Thread x1 Precious Polished Crystal x6
23 500 Abyssal Contract Token Points x3 Precious Weapon Growthstones x9
24 Allied Resistance Forces Contract Scroll II Laslan & Stonegard x5 Rune Category Selection Chest x20
25 Star Crystal x50 Trait Conversion Stone x30
26 Dimensional Soul Shard Selection Chest: 2-Star x1 Rare Cooking Ingredient Selection Chest x5
27 500 Abyssal Contract Token Points x3 Quality Stellarite x5,000
28 Rune Category Selection Chest x20 Trait Conversion Stone x50
29 Rare Cooking Ingredient Selection Chest x5 Dimensional Soul Shard Selection Chest: 2-Star x1
30 Star Crystal x60 500 Abyssal Contract Token Points x3
31 100,000 Sollant x3 Rebellious Teenager Gneiss (Amitoi)
32 Precious Omnipotence Parchment x4 Precious Armor Growthstones x18
33 Dimensional Soul Shard Selection Chest: 2-Star x1 Precious Accessory Growthstones x18
34 Precious Blessing Pouch x3 Abyssal Aggregate x5
35 Star Crystal x80 Resistance Contract Extra Count Pass x5
36 500,000 Sollant Dye x3
37 500 Abyssal Contract Token Points x3 Sewing Thread x1
38 Dimensional Soul Shard Selection Chest: 1-Star x2 Precious Blessing Pouch x4
39 Abyss Currency x2 500 Abyssal Contract Token Points x2
40 Resistance Contract Extra Count Pass x5 Rune Category Selection Chest x20
41 Trait Unlockstone x15 Precious Active Skill Growth Book: Omnipotence x5
42 Precious Active Skill Growth Book x2 Rare Cooking Ingredient Selection Chest x5
43 Precious Passive Skill Growth Book x2 Trait Unlockstone x35
44 Quality Stellarite x5000 Precious Active Skill Growth Book x8
45 Star Crystal x100 Precious Passive Skill Growth Book x8
46 Dimensional Soul Shard Selection Chest: 2-Star x2 Precious Parchment x45
47 Trait Unlockstone x15 Precious Omnipotence Parchment x10
48 1,000,000 Sollant x10 Dimensional Soul Shard Selection Chest: 2-Star x2
49 Extra Equipment Set Voucher Trait Unlockstone x35
50 Extra Skill Set Voucher Glacial Weapon Selection Chest

Startree Pass

Notable Rewards

Rewards Lvl.
Winter Knight - Skin 1
(Premium Track)
Festival of Harmony and Peace - Profile Frame 5
(Free Track)
Appearance Change Ticket 9
(Premium Track)
Red Woolen Hat - Skin 11
(Free Track)
Red-Nosed Shaccoon - Amitoi 15
(Premium Track)
Jolly Weapon Selection Chest 25
(Free Track)

All Startree Pass Rewards

Lvl. Free Track Premium Pass
1 100,000 Sollant Winter Knight - Skin
2 Mystic Key x5 Mystic Key x10
3 Rare Active Skill Growth Book x15 Precious Active Skill Growth Book: Omnipotence x5
4 Training Dew: 10,000 Points x40 500 Abyssal Contract Token Points x3
5 Festival of Harmony and Peace - Profile Frame Precious Processed Marind x8
6 500 Abyssal Contract Token Points x1 Abyssal Aggregate x5
7 Precious Blessing Pouch x3 Dye x9
8 Precious Parchment x8 300 Dimensional 1 Contract Token Points
9 Dye x3 Appearance Change Ticket
10 Sewing Thread x1 Precious Blessing Pouch x2
11 Red Woolen Hat - Skin 300 Dimensional 1 Contract Token Points
12 Allied Resistance Forces Contract Scroll II Laslan & Stonegard x5 Training Dew: 10,000 Points x400
13 100,000 Sollant x8 1,000 Abyssal Contract Token Points x10
14 Precious Omnipotence Parchment x15 300 Dimensional 1 Contract Token Points x2
15 Precious Blessing Pouch x3 Red-Nosed Shaccoon - Amitoi
16 300 Dimensional 1 Contract Token Points x1 Precious Active Skill Growth Book x12
17 1,000,000 Sollant Precious Passive Skill Growth Book
18 500 Abyssal Contract Token Points x1 Sewing Thread x3
19 Training Dew: 10,000 Points x100 Precious Weapon Growthstone x8
20 Dimensional Soul Shard Selection Chest: 1-Star x1 Precious Armor Growthstone x12
21 300 Dimensional 1 Contract Token Points Precious Accessory Growthstone x12
22 Dimensional Soul Shard Selection Chest: 1-Star x2 Precious Parchment x25
23 Trait Unlockstone x20 Dimensional Soul Shard Selection Chest: 1-Star x4
24 Trait Conversion Stone x30 Trait Unlockstone x30
25 1,000,000 Sollant x2 Jolly Weapon Selection Chest

Previous Battle Pass Rewards

Phantom Tracker's Star

Notable Battle Pass Rewards

Rewards Lvl.
Sap Almiraz - Morph 1
(Premium Track)
Pose - Chair 10
(Premium Track)
Amitoi - Demon King Joker 30
(Premium Track)
Outfit - Phantom Tracker 50
(Premium Track)

All Glacial Star Battle Pass Rewards

Lvl. Free Track Premium Pass
1 50,000 Sollant Sap Almiraz (Morph)
2 Mystic Key x3 Mystic Key x10
3 Abundance Fruit x3 Rare Processed Marind x5
4 Rare Parchment x15 Rare Blank Lithograph: Accessories x2
5 Star Crystal x20 Rare Weapon Growthstone x5
6 Training Dew: 10,000 Points x10 Rare Armor Growthstone x10
7 Rare Weapon Growthstone x5 Rare Accessory Growthstone x10
8 Rare Armor Growthstone x10 Rare Polished Crystal x10
9 Rare Accessory Growthstone x10 Rare Processed Marind x10
10 Star Crystal x10 Pose: Chair
11 100 Abyssal Contract Token Points x5 Rare Active Skill Growth Book x5
12 Precious Blessing Pouch x1 Rare Passive Skill Growth Book x5
13 Rare Processed Marind x3 Dimensional Soul Shard Selection Chest: 1-Star x2
14 Training Dew: 10,000 Points x10 100 Abyssal Contract Token Points x15
15 Star Crystal x40 Abyssal Aggregate x5
16 100,000 Sollant x2 Rare Polished Crystal x10
17 Rare Processed Rubrix x3 100 Abyssal Contract Token Points x15
18 Rare Active Skill Growth Book x5 Rare Active Skill Growth Book x10
19 Rare Active Skill Growth Book x5 Rare Active Skill Growth Book x10
20 Gesture: Come On In Precious Blessing Pouch x1
21 Dye x3 Rare Weapon Growthstone x10
22 Sewing Thread x1 Rare Armor Growthstone x20
23 100 Abyssal Contract Token Points x15 Rare Accessory Growthstone x20
24 Allied Resistance Forces Contract Scroll II Laslan & Stonegard x5 Precious Omnipotence Parchment x4
25 Star Crystal x50 Trait Conversion Stone x50
26 Dimensional Soul Shard Selection Chest: 1-Star x1 Dimensional Soul Shard Selection Chest: 1-Star x2
100 Abyssal Contract Token Points x15 100 Abyssal Contract Token Points x15
28 Rare Processed Stalon x3 Rare Processed Marind x4
29 Rare Processed Emeret x3 Rare Processed Rubrix x4
30 Star Crystal x60 Demon King Joker (Amitoi)
31 100,000 Sollant x4 Abyssal Aggregate x5
32 Precious Omnipotence Parchment x4 Precious Polished Crystal x4
33 Dimensional Soul Shard Selection Chest: 1-Star x1 Dye x3
34 Precious Blessing Pouch x1 Sewing Thread x1
35 Star Crystal x80 Precious Blessing Pouch x2
36 100,000 Sollant x5 Precious Polished Crystal x4
37 100 Abyssal Contract Token Points x15 100 Abyssal Contract Token Points x20
38 Dimensional Soul Shard Selection Chest: 1-Star x1 Precious Processed Emeret x4
39 Rare Processed Marind x5 Precious Processed Stalon x4
40 Abyssal Aggregate x3 Precious Magic Powder x15
41 Trait Unlockstone x15 Trait Unlockstone x35
42 Rare Active Skill Growth Book x8 Precious Active Skill Growth Book x8
43 Rare Passive Skill Growth Book x8 Precious Passive Skill Growth Book x8
44 Rare Armor Growthstone x10 Precious Parchment x30
45 Star Crystal x100 Precious Weapon Growthstone x4
46 Rare Accessory Growthstone x10 Precious Armor Growthstone x8
47 Quality Stellarite x5000 Precious Accessory Growthstone x8
48 Dimensional Soul Shard Selection Chest: 1-Star x1 Dimensional Soul Shard Selection Chest: 1-Star x2
49 Trait Unlockstone x15 Trait Unlockstone x35
50 100,000 Sollant x10 Phantom Tracker (Skin)

Zenus's Star

Notable Battle Pass Rewards

Rewards Lvl.
Proud Taion - Dash Morph 1
(Premium Track)
Pose - Pray 10
(Premium Track)
Polymorph - Tin Knight 20
(Free Track)
Amitoi - Red Knight Ossic 30
(Premium Track)
Zenus Weapon Selection Chest (Choose 2 out of 7 Weapon Cosmetics) 50
(Premium Track)

All Battle Pass Rewards

Lvl. Free Track Premium Pass
1 50,000 Sollant Proud Taion
2 Quality Polished Crystal x5 Quality Recovery Crystal x30
3 Quality Parchment x10 Quality Processed Marind x5
4 Quality Lithograph: Armor x1 Quality Lithograph: Armor x2
5 Star Crystal x20 Quality Lithograph: Accessories x2
6 Quality Lithograph: Accessories x1 Quality Lithograph: Weapons x1
7 Quality Lithograph: Weapons x1 Quality Parchment x20
8 Quality Polished Crystal x10 Quality Polished Crystal x20
9 Training Dew: 10,000 Points x4 Quality Weapon Growthstone x5
10 Star Crystal x30 Pose: Pray
11 Quality Weapon Growthstone x5 Quality Armor Growthstone x10
12 Quality Armor Growthstone x10 Quality Active Skill Growth Book x10
13 Quality Accessory Growthstone x10 Quality Passive Skill Growth Book x10
14 Training Dew: 10,000 Points x10 100 Abyssal Contract Token Points x10
15 Star Crystal x40 Rare Processed Marind x5
16 100,000 Sollant Rare Parchment x20
17 100 Abyssal Contract Token Points x5 100 Abyssal Contract Token Points x10
18 Quality Active Skill Growth Book x10 Rare Active Skill Growth Book x8
19 Quality Passive Skill Growth Book x10 Rare Passive Skill Growth Book x8
20 Tin Knight Appearance Change Ticket
21 100,000 Sollant x3 Rare Weapon Growthstone x5
22 Resistance Contract Extra Count Pass x3 Rare Armor Growthstone x10
23 100 Abyssal Contract Token Points x5 Rare Accessory Growthstone x10
24 Quality Parchment x10 Rare Parchment x20
25 Star Crystal x50 Rare Processed Marind x5
26 Dimensional Soul Shard Selection Chest: 1-Star x1 Dimensional Soul Shard Selection Chest: 1-Star x1
100 Abyssal Contract Token Points x5 100 Abyssal Contract Token Points x10
28 Quality Active Skill Growth Book x10 Rare Active Skill Growth Book x10
29 Quality Passive Skill Growth Book x10 Rare Passive Skill Growth Book x10
30 Star Crystal x60 Red Knight Ossic
31 100,000 Sollant x2 Dimensional Soul Shard Selection Chest: 1-Star x1
32 Rare Parchment x10 Precious Parchment x8
33 Dimensional Soul Shard Selection Chest: 1-Star x1 Precious Weapon Growthstone x4
34 Resistance Contract Extra Count Pass x3 Precious Armor Growthstone x8
35 Star Crystal x80 Precious Accessory Growthstone x8
36 100,000 Sollant x3 Precious Polished Crystal x10
37 100 Abyssal Contract Token Points x15 100 Abyssal Contract Token Points x30
38 Dimensional Soul Shard Selection Chest: 1-Star x1 Dimensional Soul Shard Selection Chest: 1-Star x2
39 Dimensional Soul Shard Selection Chest: 1-Star x1 Dimensional Soul Shard Selection Chest: 1-Star x2
40 Rare Polished Crystal x5 Precious Marind x5
41 Trait Unlockstone x10 Trait Unlockstone x25
42 Rare Active Skill Growth Book x5 Precious Active Skill Growth Book x5
43 Rare Passive Skill Growth Book x5 Precious Skill Growth Book x5
44 Rare Weapon Growthstone x5 Precious Parchment x8
45 Star Crystal x100 Precious Weapon Growthstone x4
46 Rare Armor Growthstone x10 Precious Armor Growthstone x10
47 Rare Accessory Growthstone x10 Precious Accessory Growthstone x10
48 Dimensional Soul Shard Selection Chest: 1-Star x1 Dimensional Soul Shard Selection Chest: 1-Star x2
49 Trait Unlockstone x10 Trait Unlockstone x25
50 100,000 Sollant x7 Zenus Weapon Collection Chest

How to Level Up Battle Pass

Complete Battle Pass Tasks


To level up the Battle Pass, players can do Daily and Weekly tasks listed down on the Battle Pass to earn points. You can find these tasks on the right side of the Battle Pass menu. After completing a task, be sure to select Acquired to redeem the points and level up the Battle Pass.

Use Lucent to Gain Additional Points

Alternatively, you can use Lucent to earn additional points if you do not want to do Battle Pass tasks.

Remaining Points Will Become Star Crystals

After reaching level 50 on the Battle Pass, you will notice that you can still accomplish Battle Pass missions. Completing these missions will reward you with Star Crystals, with one Battle Pass Point rewarding one Star Crystal.

Any additional points you get using Lucent will also automatically convert into Star Crystals.

Should You Buy the Battle Pass?

Only If You Play Actively

The Premium Pass of the Battle Pass is definitely worth buying if you are an active player that logs in to Throne and Liberty daily, since you have a lot of time to complete the tasks and earn points to redeem all Battle Pass rewards.

Throne and Liberty (TL) Related Guides

Throne and Liberty Events

Event Schedule and All Event Types

All Current Events

Throne and Liberty (TL) - Castle Siege ExplainedCastle Siege Duration: 11/17 ~ 01/25
Throne and Liberty - Snowdrift Island Arena Matches.pngStartree Solstice Winter Event Duration: 12/12 ~ 01/09
Snowdrift Island Event PvP

Previous Events

Haunted Harvest EventHaunted Harvest Duration: 10/24 ~ 11/14
Haunted Labyrinth Dungeon
Peddler Location
How to Get Candy Corn
Phantom TrackerPhantom Tracker's Star Battle Pass Duration: 11/01 ~ 12/05
Battle Pass History and Guide
Tax DeliveryTax Delivery Scheduled by Guild


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