Dragon's Dogma 2 (DD2)

Great Griffin Claw Location and Effect

Great Griffin Claw is an item under Materials in Dragon's Dogma 2 (DD2). Learn how to get Great Griffin Claw, its stats, weight, and effect.

Great Griffin Claw Overview

Great Griffin Claw Item Stats
Dragons Dogma 2 - Great Griffin Claw Icon
Type Weight Cost Sell
Materials 0.30 kg - -
Item Effect
Used to enhance equipment

How to Get Great Griffin Claw

Dropped by Monsters


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List of Materials

Asp ToxiscaleAsp Toxiscale AstraciteAstracite Beast-SkinBeast-Skin Black CrystalBlack Crystal
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Great Griffin ClawGreat Griffin Claw Greenish SlimeGreenish Slime Griffin PinionGriffin Pinion Harpy PinionHarpy Pinion
Currently UnavailableHunk of Rift Crystal Jagged BoneJagged Bone Knacker HornKnacker Horn Leapworm SkinLeapworm Skin
Magick MedalMagick Medal MiasmiteMiasmite Minotaur HornMinotaur Horn Misshapen EyeMisshapen Eye
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