Dragon's Dogma 2 (DD2) Walkthrough Comments

List of Missables and Points of No ReturnComment

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    2 MaximusEleven12 monthsReport

    About missable quests, there is a quest named "Masked Correspondence" (talk to Sven in his room to activate it) you have to do before to join the masked ballet. Not sure if it will be still avaible before "Feast of Deception".

    1 Anonymousabout 1 yearReport

    You actually can save scum by resting at an inn/your house before doing the specific quest you want to do. Ie. Rest at an inn just before doing the quest to save Nadinia, then reloading from last inn rest if you fail to select the right person. Or if you fail Nadinia’s escort quest. Or if you want to cheese the dragon at Melve with the ballista but messed it up. Etc.

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