Wuthering Waves (WuWa)

Differences from Punishing: Gray Raven

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Wuthering Waves - Differences from Punishing Gray Raven

Wuthering Waves, while made by the same developer as Punishing: Gray Raven will be quite a different game in many ways. See all differences between Wuthering Waves and Punishing: Gray Raven as well as all similarities between the two in this guide!

Differences from Punishing: Gray Raven

Open World Exploration

Open World Exploration
Wuthering Waves, unlike Punishing: Gray Raven (PGR), will have a fully explorable open world that you can traverse on foot. Hence, the scale of the world feels much larger and you will be free to run around and explore as you wish.

Tons of Mobility for Getting Around

In Wuthering Waves, you will be able to easily traverse through terrain: You can swim, double jump, use a grappling hook to get to high places, wallrun up buildings and cliff faces, and glide safely all the way down.

Streamlined Action Combat

While PGR functions more like a tactical action game with its slightly complex Orbs and Ping system, Wuthering Waves does away with all of that and focuses on a more easy to learn hack and slash combat system.

You have basic attacks that you can practically button mash, active and ultimate skills that run on cooldowns, and a more forgiving dodging mechanic, that all lend themselves to fast-paced, less cerebral combat.

What WuWa has that PGR doesn't is the ability to parry enemy attacks. This can be accomplished by attacking an enemy during specific attacks that show a circle around them.

Combat System Guide

Switch Characters Mid-Fight

Whereas PGR has you stuck with one character for a fight and able to summon teammates briefly for QTE attacks, in Wuthering Waves, you can easily switch out characters mid-battle, making for much varied game styles.

List of All Characters

Slightly Different Elements

PGR Elements WuWa Elements
Fire Fusion (Fire)
Ice Glacio (Ice)
Lightning Electro (Lightning)
Dark Havoc (Dark)
Physical Spectro (Light)
Void Aero (Wind)

Wuthering Waves will share a few similar elements with Punishing: Gray Raven, like Fire, Ice, Lightning, and Dark but there will also be two new elements that function as Light and Wind.

Monster Collection

In WuWa, you will be able to collect monsters called Echoes. While this may sound similar to PGR's CUB system, Echoes must be collected from defeated enemies, and equipping them will allow you to transform into these monsters instead of having them fight by your side.

Similarities to Punishing: Gray Raven

Both Are Gacha Games

Gacha Games
Both Wuthering Waves and Punishing:Gray Raven are gacha games, which means that both will have the same trappings as almost any other gacha game.

Earn new characters at random with a gachapon system, consume energy to engage with in-game activities, complete dailies and weeklies for rewards, use real money on in-app purchases to gain benefits, and a lot more.

Highly Action-Based Combat

Action Based Combat
Both games won't allow you sit and wait around while in combat; your hand-eye coordination will be put to the test in very fast-paced battles that favor dodging reflexes and the ability to react to attacks on the fly.

Build a Team of Three

Team of Three
In either game, you are able to build a solid team of three that will work together to draw out each other's strengths or provide some needed backup in the heat of battle. Customizing your own star team effectively can spell the difference between victory and defeat.

Wuthering Waves Related Guides

Wuthering Waves - News and Updates
Latest News and Updates

Version 1.0.2 Updates

1.0.2 Characters
Wuthering Waves - YinlinYinlin
1.0.2 Banners
When Thunder Pours (Yinlin) Absolute Pulsation
1.0.2 Weapons
1.0.2 Quests
Yinlin Story Quest
1.0.2 Events
Chord Cleansing Wuthering Exploration
Alloy Smelt -

List of Version Updates

Version Updates
Version 1.0 Launch Version 1.1

List of News and Updates

News and Updates
Available Platforms Console Release Date
System Requirements and File Size How to Download
Controller Support for PC and Mobile Pre-Registration Guide and Rewards
Differences from Punishing: Gray Raven Differences From Genshin Impact
May 19 Reveal Livestream Summary Age Verification Bug
All Codes and How to Redeem Free 5-Star Resonator Selector
Scar Voice Actor and Profile Maintenance Schedule Start and End Time


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