Throne and Liberty (TL)

Multiplayer Guide

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★ Multiplayer Details: Crossplay | PvP

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Throne and Liberty's biggest selling point is its massive multiplayer aspect and various multiplayer features. Read on to learn how to play multiplayer in TL and what multiplayer features are in the game.

How to Play Multiplayer in Throne and Liberty

How to Unlock Multiplayer Features

Clear the Prelude and Reach Kastleton

Throne and Liberty - Arriving in Kastleton

After clearing the Prelude and reaching Kastleton, players will automatically become a part of the open world and be able to see the Chat and other players.

While you might be under-leveled for now, you'll technically already be able to participate in Field Events and explore overworld Dungeons.

Join and Create Guilds at Level 7

Once you reach Level 7, you will unlock the Guilds feature and be able to both join and create a Guild. Helping your Guild grow in Guild Level and Milestone progression will then unlock Guild-exclusive multiplayer features like Guild Contracts and Guild Raids.

Being in a Guild will also make you eligible to receive shared rewards through the Guild Distribution system. Plus, while all players can participate in them, only players in Guilds can receive rewards in server-wide content and Guild Battles like Siege Warfare and Boonstone Battles.

Unlock Party Features at Level 20

At Level 20, you unlock both the Dimensional Circle dungeon mode and the two Party functions, which will allow you to group up with other players in parties of 6 to tackle these dungeons.

Request to Join Parties via the Party Board

The Party Board in the Main Menu lists down recruitment ads for other parties for Dimensional Circle, with the number of players and the individual minimum Combat Power requirement listed. Use the Board to sort through ads, then send out up to three join requests at a time. Afterward, just wait for your request to be approved.

You can also post your recruitment ads to start a party. You can choose which dungeon and tier the party is for if approval will be required to join the party and the minimum combat power per member that you want.

Use Party Matchmaking to Automatically Search for Parties

If you don't want to manually search for a party to join, you can just do Party Matchmaking from the Main Menu to automatically search for a party that still has space. Select the dungeon you want to matchmake for, then choose your intended role in the party: Offensive, Defensive, or Supportive.

If everyone in matchmaking agrees to the party, all players will automatically enter the dungeon. Upon entering a dungeon after Matchmaking, you can also gain Party Matchmaking Benefits, such as consumables you can use during exploration and passive Party Matchmaking Effects like extra max health and damage dealt.

Unlock Arenas Matchmaking at Level 50

At level 50, you will unlock the Arena mode and be able to do automatic matchmaking or invite their friends to form parties of 3 for 3v3 PvP fights.

All Multiplayer Features

Throne and Liberty Multiplayer Features

Cooperate or Fight with Players in Field Events

Field Events are dynamic open-world events within specific Regions that all players can participate in to obtain Ranking Rewards for scoreboard placement, Performance Rewards for participation, Lucky Rewards for randomized selections for bonuses, and Co-Op Event Rewards for attained Co-Op Tier.

These Events could be Peace Events where PvP is disabled, Co-Op Events where players can cooperate for bonus rewards, Dominion Events with randomized teams for team and individual ranking rewards, or Guild Events in Conflict Zones for Guild versus Guild contests.

Explore PvPvE Dungeons

Throne and Liberty - Dungeons

Dungeons are normally PvE, but in Throne and Liberty, they can become PvPvE Dungeons at night, or when other conditions are met. You can determine a Dungeon's state by whether they have a [Conflict] tag or a [Peace] tag before the dungeon's name.

In a PvPvE state, as you fight your way to the Dungeon Boss, you might also find yourself fighting other players, creating more dynamic experiences that require you to be adaptable to any unforeseen skirmishes or circumstances.

Fight Field Bosses

Throne and Liberty - Queen Bellandir Field Boss

Similar to dungeons, there are Field Boss fights that can become PVP zones and are indicated by the double sword logo or the [Conflict] tag. Field Boss fights follow a schedule which you can check by heading to the Map Screen and clicking on the Timetable icon on the right.

While Field Bosses are difficult opponents that require teamwork to take down, PvP is still on the table to monopolize the rewards and gains from defeating the Boss.

Tackle Co-Op Instance Dungeons in Dimensional Circle

The Dimensional Circle mode unlocked at Level 20 allows you to form or join parties to tackle co-op instance dungeons outside of the open world to eliminate the objective boss. These dungeons are level-locked, and require you to spend Dimensional Contract Tokens to claim rewards after defeating the boss.

Progress is shared between party members and can be halted at any time, but the dungeon expires if too much time lapses with no one present in the dungeon.

Weekly Challenge Dimensional Circle for Higher Difficulty Rewards

Every week, aside from the standard Dimensional Circle, 2 dungeons become available in the Challenge Dimensional Circle that can be tackled at selectable tiers. Higher tiers mean a harder challenge and higher combat power requirements, but they also mean better rewards.

Participate in Guild Content

Throne and Liberty - Guild

A majority of the multiplayer content in Throne and Liberty is exclusive to, or exclusively rewards, players with Guilds. From Raids to Conquest battles, the full multiplayer experience is unlocked by joining and helping level up a Guild.

Complete Guild Contracts

Guild Contracts are shared commissions between the guild members that everyone contributes to completing in exchange for Guild Coins and other rewards. These rewards include standard Basic Rewards, Contribution Rewards based on your level of contribution to the commission, and Special Rewards that are granted at random to participating members.

Territory-based Contracts are available right away, while Dynamic Event and dungeon contracts become available at higher Guild Levels.

Conduct Guild Raids

Throne and Liberty - Dungeon Boss Fight

Guild Raids are boss fights that the Guild can do against a boss of their choosing to grind distributable rewards for a limited number of times per week. They can access the fight of their choosing from the Guild Base, while Legion can be accessed from the Legion Base.

Raids are unlocked by the Guild Leader and Guild Advisors, and new ones become available based on Milestone progression and Guild Level.

Engage in Massive Siege Warfare

Throne and Liberty - Castle Siege

Castle Siege is an all-out battle between Guilds to seize, or successfully defend, the throne of Stoneguard Castle against multiple other Guilds for 45 minutes. Guilds will have to contend with multiple attack paths, unique Golem transformations, chaotic skirmishes, and more to eventually seize the rewards.

Whoever holds the castle at the end of the Siege will be recognized as a legion, and will be able to collect taxes that accumulate within the castle.

Complete Tax Deliveries

Throne and Liberty - Tax Delivery

Tax Delivery is a guild event wherein the Guild tries to transport their Dominion's accumulated Taxes via the Titan Cargo transformation to the Tax Collector of their castle. Deliveries are scheduled or canceled with Dominion Managers, and only Guild Guardians, or higher-ranking Guild members, can transform into the Titan.

If an opposing guild manages to destroy the Titan Cargo, they disrupt the tax delivery, and each attacking player earns rewards based on their contribution to destroying the Titan. If the Titan just doesn't make it to the castle in time, the tax is simply returned to the Dominion.

Capture Boonstones for EXP and Items

Throne and Liberty - Boonstone Conquest

Boonstone Battles are battles to successfully capture and hold the Boonstone in the specified hunting grounds. The Guild that holds the Boonstone at the end of the 30-minute period receives stat buffs, EXP, and item drops determined by the total amount of time they hold on to the Boonstone.

Furthermore, the Guild as a whole will receive Guild Activity Poitns and Guild Points, also based on the length of their possession.

Capture Riftstones for Exclusive Field Boss Fights

Throne and Liberty - Riftstone Conquest

Riftstone Battles have slightly different capture conditions from Boonstone Battles, as a Guild must either fill their capture gauge or have the most members inside of the capture zone at the end of the Battle.

Aside from earning Guild Activity Points and Guild Points, the winning Guild of a Riftstone Battle will own exclusive access to an isolated Dimension where they can challenge the Field Boss for rewards and drops outside of the Field Boss' usual Event.

Arena Matches

Throne and Liberty - Arena Matches

Players that have reached Level 50 can join Arena matches, 3v3 PvP contests to reach 200 points or be in the lead over the opposing team after 5 minutes.

This game mode features Ranked, Normal, and Friendly modes where players can choose to play solo or as a party of 3.

Add Friends and Other Player-to-Player Relationships

In the Relationships menu in the Main Menu, you can search for specific players and establish a relationship for different notification and interaction options. There's a maximum number of players per Relationship that you can add.

Friends require mutual approval, but are easier to locate on the map and invite to parties. Feuds and Interests require no mutual approval, and are mostly useful to track other players on the Minimap if they're in your vicinity. Blocked players will be unable to invite or message you.

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