Throne and Liberty (TL)

How to Get Imperial Seeker's Boots

Imperial Seeker's Boots is a craftable Epic Lv. 2 Feet armor in Throne and Liberty (TL). Read on to learn how to get Imperial Seeker's Boots and see an overview of its in-game stats.

How to Get Imperial Seeker's Boots

Dropped by Specific Enemies

Imperial Seeker's Boots will have a chance to drop from the following enemies:

Enemy Location and Info
Manticus Brothers
(Lvl. 55)
Area: Talandre
Region: Crimson Manor
Enemy Type: Wildkin
Difficulty: Field Boss

If the enemy listed above is classified as a Boss, then its encounter will be a Field Boss instance that happens at a scheduled time, server-wide.

Possible Drop During Riftstone Boss Fights


Controlling the Riftstones listed below will allow you to fight the Riftstone's boss in a separate dimension (instance). Defeat the listed bosses alongside your guild to have a chance at getting Imperial Seeker's Boots as a drop.

Riftstone Boss and Riftstone Info
Manticus Riftstone
Boss: Manticus BrothersManticus Brothers
Boss Level: 55
Location: Crimson Manor
Riftstone Buff:
Reduction: Damage Reduction 8 ▲, All Evasion 30 ▲

Crafted via the Armor Crafter NPC

Crafting Recipe 1
Precious Lithograph: Imperial Seeker Precious Lithograph: Imperial Seeker's Boots x1

Imperial Seeker's Boots can be crafted by the Armor Crafter NPC at any of Solisium's major cities. However, do note that Epic rarity items can only be crafted by Senior Armor Crafter NPCs.

Note: Most Rare and Epic armor pieces are difficult to craft due to how the Lithograph requirement works in TL. Unless you're looking to craft a Great Success version of the armor to sell at the Auction House, you're better off farming for the armor instead of crafting it.

Imperial Seeker's Boots Stats Overview

Stats and Armor Info

Imperial SeekerImperial Seeker's Boots Melee Def. 210
Ranged Def. 210
Rarity Epic Lv. 2
Type Feet
Armor Stats ・Strength 1
・Perception 1
・Hit Chance 65
・Critical Hit Chance 45
Korean (KR) Client Name* Imperial Tracker's Leather Shoes

The Korean (KR) Client Name is this item's in-game name in the KR version of Throne and Liberty.

New Stat: What is Fortitude?

Imperial Seeker's Boots is Part of the Imperial Seeker Set

All Imperial Seeker Set Parts
Imperial Seeker Imperial Seeker's Tunic
Imperial Seeker Imperial Seeker's Boots
Imperial Seeker Imperial Seeker's Gloves
Imperial Seeker Imperial Seeker's Circlet
Imperial Seeker Imperial Seeker's Trousers
Imperial Seeker Set Bonuses
(2) Critical Damage ▲1%, Every time you inflict Melee Critical Hit, Critical Damage ▲15% (Up to 10 stacks). Does not stack with other Critical Damage boost effects.
(4) Buff Duration 12% ▲.

The number in parentheses is the required no. of set items you need to equip to get the armor set bonus.

The Imperial Seeker's Boots is part of the Imperial Seeker Set. Equip it along with other parts of the armor set shown above to benefit from its armor set bonuses.

All Armor Sets: Effects and How to Get

Throne and Liberty (TL) Related Guides

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