STALKER 2 Heart of Chornobyl

How to Get the X7 Suit and Stats

This is a guide on the X7 Suit in STALKER 2: Heart of Chornobyl. Learn how to get the X7 Suit and its stats such as protection types and effects.

Warning: major story related spoilers lie ahead.

How to Get the X7 Suit

Obtained Automatically in Down Below

X7 Suit Safe

The X7 Suit can be obtained during the tail-end of the main mission, Down Below. You'll be offered the armor by Strelok, the Ward faction, or the Spark faction depending on the ending you chose.

Do note that the X7 Suit cannot be used in a regular playthrough as it is obtained after you pass the point of no return in Down Below. You can still use the X7 Suit during the final mission.

How to Unlock All Endings

Can Also be Found in the X7 Labs Armory

X7 Suit Inside the X7 Labs

During the final mission of STALKER 2, you'll explore the X7 Labs underneath the Generators. As you progress through the location, you'll eventually reach an armory filled with green lockers. At the center table of this small room will be another X7 Suit you can switch to.

Note: The final mission and its objectives will change depending on who you sided with. If siding with Strelok or Kaymanov, you'll get the Leave No One Unsatisfied main mission; for Ward it will be The Last Step and for Spark it will be The Eternal Shining.

X7 Suit Stats Overview

Protection Stats Overview

Thermal 2.3 X7 Suit Damage
Electrical 2.3 X7 Suit Penetration
Chemical 2.3 X7 Suit Rate of Fire
Radiation 4 X7 Suit Range
PSI 0 X7 Suit Accuracy
Physical 4 X7 Suit Accuracy

Armor Overview

X7 Suit
Type Suit
A special gear kit developed for working in the conditions of the X7 Lab. Origins unknown.
Weight Artifact Slots Coupons
4.0 kg 5
80000Coupon K

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Operator Exoskeleton Armor IconOperator Exoskeleton OZK ExplorerOZK Explorer's Suit PSZ-12V Bulat Armor IconPSZ-12V Bulat
PSZ-20W Convoy Armor IconPSZ-20W Convoy PSZ-21W Shturm Armor IconPSZ-21W Shturm PSZ-5D Universal Protection Armor IconPSZ-5D Universal Protection
PSZ-5I Hawk Armor IconPSZ-5I Hawk PSZ-5V Guardian of Freedom Suit Armor IconPSZ-5V Guardian of Freedom Suit PSZ-7 Military Body Armor Armor IconPSZ-7 Military Body Armor
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SEVA-I Suit Armor IconSEVA-I Suit SEVA-V Suit Armor IconSEVA-V Suit SSP-100 Discovery Armor IconSSP-100 Discovery
SSP-100I Survey Armor IconSSP-100I Survey SSP-100M SIRCAA Armor IconSSP-100M SIRCAA SSP-99 Ecologist Armor IconSSP-99 Ecologist
Sunrise Suit Armor IconSunrise Suit Tourist Suit Armor IconTourist Suit Wanderer Suit Armor IconWanderer Suit
Wind of Freedom Suit Armor IconWind of Freedom Suit X7 Suit Armor IconX7 Suit Zircon Suit Armor IconZircon Suit


2 Anonymous3 months

Agreed and I HATE these region locks/gates and Base's being locked out

1 Anonymous3 months

Really annoying you can't even use the armor on the cover art of the game. Hope New Game plus gets added


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