STALKER 2 Heart of Chornobyl

How to Get OZK Explorer's Suit and Stats

This is a guide on OZK Explorer's Suit in STALKER 2: Heart of Chornobyl. Learn how to get OZK Explorer's Suit and its stats such as protection types and effects.

How to Get the OZK Explorer's Suit

Obtain on a Table in the Sphere (Missable)

OZK Explorer

OZK Explorer's Suit can be obtained on a table in the Sphere during the Behind Seven Seals mission, next to the corridor leading to Solder's room. You can get it after the Get inside the Sphere (code 2765) sub-objective and before the Talk to Solder sub-objective.

Note that this is a missable free suit. If you head back to the location after completing the mission objective, the suit will no longer appear.

Behind Seven Seals Walkthrough

Inside a Locked Trailer at the Maintenance Yard

Map Image Overworld Image

You can find a free OZK Explorer's Suit inside a locked trailer at the Maintenance Yard south of Rostok in the Chemical Plant region.

Shoot the Door Barricade through the Window

Jump and shoot the door barricade through the window to unlock the door. You can also throw a grenade to unlock the door if you have one.

Purchase from Birch at Rostok

You can purchase OZK Explorer's Suit from Birch for 21700 Coupons at Rostok.

If the suit does not appear in her inventory, you can sleep on a bed to refresh it until it appears.

Rostok Base Map Location

OZK Explorer's Suit Stats Overview

Protection Stats Overview

Thermal 0.4 OZK Explorer
Electrical 0.7 OZK Explorer
Chemical 0.8 OZK Explorer
Radiation 0.5 OZK Explorer
PSI 0 OZK Explorer
Physical 1.6 OZK Explorer

Armor Overview

OZK Explorer's Suit
Type Suit
This protective suit consisting of rubber overalls and a gas mask is adapted to the Zone's unforgiving conditions, significantly improving the wearer's chance of survival in anomaly-rich and radiation-contaminated areas.
Weight Artifact Slots Coupons
6.0 kg 2
21049Coupon K

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