STALKER 2 Heart of Chornobyl

How to Get the Diamond Exoskeleton and Stats

This is a guide on the Diamond Exoskeleton in STALKER 2: Heart of Chornobyl. Learn how to get the Diamond Exoskeleton, how to enable sprinting, where to upgrade it, and its stats such as protection types and effects.

How to Get the Diamond Exoskeleton

Diamond Exoskeleton Locations
Diamond Exoskeleton locations
Jump to a location!
Spark Bunker
Sunny Kindergarten

Found on the Spark Bunker in Yaniv

A Diamond Exoskeleton can be found during The Boundary main quest to the southwest of Yaniv Station in Yaniv. You will have to progress the main missionn to get this bunker to unlock.

The Boundary Walkthrough

Obtain Early Using a Crate

The Diamond Exoskeleton can be obtained early by pushing a crate all the way to the bunker and using it to reach the top.

Head west of the Spark bunker and look for some crates next to a line of containers. There can be a gravity anomaly near the crates, so set them off first before approaching.
Push one of the crates all the way to the bunker.
Place the crate on the northwest corner of the bunker. Hop on the crate and do a little platforming along the walls to reach the upper level where the Diamond Exoskeleton is.

Found at the 2F of Sunny Kindergarten in Prypiat

Another Diamond Exoskeleton is obtainable on the 2nd floor of the Sunny Kindergarten at the center of Prypiat. Prypiat becomes accessible in the late game during the main mission, The Boundary.

How to Get to the Diamond Exoskeleton

Head to the north side of the Sunny Kindergarten in Prypiat. You can reach this location by going west of the Enerhetyk Palace of Culture and entering the courtyards.
ⓘ Be well-prepared since this location will be heavily occupied by the enemies.

Take the stairs outside going to the 2nd floor of the Sunny Kindergarten.

Once inside, enter the wide opening on the left, then turn to the right.

The Diamond Exoskeleton will be on a pile of boxes beside a stash.

The Boundary Walkthrough

How to Sprint with Diamond Exoskeleton

Requires the Hydraulic Amplifiers for Servos Upgrade

How to Sprint with the Diamond Exoskeleton

Players won't be able to sprint if they don't have the Hydraulic Amplifiers for Servos upgrade for the Diamond Exoskeleton. To unlock that, you must upgrade the armor and get the Sewn-on Pockets first.

How to Sprint in Exoskeleton

Where to Upgrade Diamond Exoskeleton

Bolero and Harpy Technicians

Enerhetyk Palace of Culture
Yaniv Station

The Diamond Exoskeleton can be upgraded at the Technician Bolero in the Enerhetyk Palace of Culture within Prypiat and Harpy at Yaniv Station.

Best Technicians

Diamond Exoskeleton Stats Overview

Protection Stats Overview

Thermal 2 Diamond Exoskeleton Damage
Electrical 2 Diamond Exoskeleton Penetration
Chemical 2 Diamond Exoskeleton Rate of Fire
Radiation 4 Diamond Exoskeleton Range
PSI 2.1 Diamond Exoskeleton Accuracy
Physical 4 Diamond Exoskeleton Accuracy

Armor Overview

Diamond Exoskeleton
Type Suit
An advanced exoskeleton in use by Monolith forces. The quest of how this cutting-edge technology ended up in the possession of fanatics remained unanswered, yet the armor is often seen on elite Monolith soldiers.
Weight Artifact Slots Coupons
9.5 kg 5
75500Coupon K
Bonus Effect Maximum weight +17.6 kg

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11 Anonymousabout 2 months

I hopped the train at Yaniv. There’s a video of how to parkour over it jumping off fence to train. I couldn’t get it so I pushed a crate to the spot on the train and used that to get up on train then over. Go to Prypiat and use guides to travel in and out until you unlock it.

10 Anonymousabout 2 months

this way works at 27.Jan.2025


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