STALKER 2 Heart of Chornobyl

Cuirass Exoskeleton Location

Stalker 2 Cuirass Exoskeleton Location

The Cuirass Exoskeleton is on a shelf on the topmost rafter of the SKD Assembly unit in the Cooling Towers area in STALKER 2: Heart of Chornobyl. Learn all about the Cuirass Exoskeleton and where to get it here!

Cuirass Exoskeleton Location

SKD Assembly Unit, Cooling Towers

The Cuirass Exoskeleton is on a shelf on the topmost rafter of the SKD Assembly Unit building in the Cooling Towers area of the open world map. Cooling Towers can be visited early in the game, specifically after completing the Behind Seven Seals main mission.

Cooling Towers Region Guide

Get To the Rafters From the East Entrance

Cuirass Exoskeleton Rafter Directions

Go to the east entrance of the SKD Assembly Unit and take the stairs on the left. Keep going up, and you will eventually find a ladder that will take you to the topmost rafter. Once you are at the highest rafter, you can find the Cuirass Exoskeleton on a shelf.

Cuirass Exoskeleton Stats Overview

Protection Stats Overview

Thermal 1.7 Cuirass Exoskeleton Damage
Electrical 1.7 Cuirass Exoskeleton Penetration
Chemical 1.9 Cuirass Exoskeleton Rate of Fire
Radiation 3 Cuirass Exoskeleton Range
PSI 1.1 Cuirass Exoskeleton Accuracy
Physical 4.3 Cuirass Exoskeleton Accuracy

Armor Overview

Cuirass Exoskeleton
Type Suit
National-produced version of an exoskeleton, procured by Duty. Extra sturdy materials ensure a much higher soldier survival chance, even in the most savage mutant encounters.
Weight Artifact Slots Coupons
10.5 kg 3
90000Coupon K

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8 Anonymous3 months

Same here, the exoskeleton wasn't there but had fell off to the ground of building.

7 Anonymous4 months

Note that despite being an exoskeleton powered suit, you cannot sprint in this armor.


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