STALKER 2 Heart of Chornobyl

How to Get the Brummbar Exoskeleton and Stats

This is a guide on the Brummbar Exoskeleton in STALKER 2: Heart of Chornobyl. Learn how to get the Brummbar Exoskeleton, where to upgrade it, and its stats such as protection types and effects.

How to Get the Brummbar Exoskeleton

Found at the 6F of the White House in Priyat

The Brummbar Exoskeleton is obtainable on the 6th floor of the White House in Prypiat. Prypiat becomes accessible in the late game during the main mission, The Boundary.

How to Get to the Brummbar Exoskeleton

Go east of the Enerhetyk Palace of Culture and haed into the courtyard where the White House is located.

Go inside the narrow building at the west corner of the courtyard. Take a left turn and then climb the stairway until you reach the 6th floor. The 6th floor will have a writing on the wall.

At the 6th floor, enter the hallway on the right. Watch out for human enemies nearby.

The Brummbar Exoskeleton will be in a room in front of you as soon as you enter the corridor from the stairway.

List of Main Missions

Where to Upgrade Brummbar Exoskeleton

Bolero and Harpy Technicians

Enerhetyk Palace of Culture
Yaniv Station

The Brummbar Exoskeleton can be upgraded at the Technician Bolero in the Enerhetyk Palace of Culture within Prypiat and Harpy at Yaniv Station.

Best Technicians

Brummbar Exoskeleton Stats Overview

Protection Stats Overview

Thermal 1.55 Brummbar Exoskeleton Damage
Electrical 1.55 Brummbar Exoskeleton Penetration
Chemical 1.7 Brummbar Exoskeleton Rate of Fire
Radiation 3 Brummbar Exoskeleton Range
PSI 1.1 Brummbar Exoskeleton Accuracy
Physical 4 Brummbar Exoskeleton Accuracy

Armor Overview

Brummbar Exoskeleton
Type Suit
A limited-production exoskeleton designed to meet the requirements of mercenaries. Certain features were customized for the specific mission carried out by these professionals.
Weight Artifact Slots Coupons
9.5 kg 4
70500Coupon K
Bonus Effect Maximum weight +8.0 kg

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